
  • 网络social closure
  1. 社会封闭是由韦伯发展起来的一种理论视角。

    Social closure is atheoretical perspective developed by Weber .

  2. 通过对社会封闭和上升流动两种观点的分析,再次强调了分析研究的时间维度问题。

    By analyzing the two viewpoints " social close " and " upward mobility ", the author puts emphasis on the time dimension .

  3. 国家间中心外围秩序是国内社会封闭性等级秩序的空间拓展,而安全困境最终能够引发权力转移战争的空间结构条件是国家间中心&外围结构。

    The center-periphery order between countries is the outcome of the expanding of the closed hierarchical order in the domestic society . The spatial condition of security dilemma eventually leading to the war is the center-periphery structure .

  4. 19世纪中叶以来,中国专制社会的封闭状态被打破,传统侦查制度逐渐衰微。

    After the mid-19th century , Chinese seclusion was broken up and the traditional criminal investigation system fell down gradually .

  5. 而徐志摩生活的时代,正是中国社会从封闭走向现代的时期。

    On the other hand , Xu Zhi-mo 's living time was a period in China from a closed society to a modern one .

  6. 舆论本身是流动的信息,在明代中期以前,社会相对封闭、缺乏流动,舆论传播相对缓慢,在政治与社会中产生的影响有限。

    As the flowing information , public opinion was spread rather slowly and exerted limited influence upon the political and social life before the Mid-Ming Dynasty when the community was relatively closed and lack of population mobility .

  7. 生命哲学家认为道德的源头是自爱,道德的原则是生殖的原则,而生命的热望是社会从封闭走向开放的动力。

    The vitalists hold the view that self-love is the origin of morality and the principles of morality are characterized as reproductive , while the aspiration for life becomes the motive to promote the moral society from closed to open .

  8. 这使她们难以适应社会,生活封闭,经历简单,对人生充满痛感,精神上反叛社会,幻想超现实的自由生活。

    They lived a closed life with simple experience and felt painful about life , rebelled society and fancied living a free life of transcending realism .

  9. 封闭条件下的自然经济、被迫开放前提下的半殖民地半封建社会、相对封闭的社会主义计划经济、对外开放与由计划经济向市场经济转变是20世纪不同历史时期北京、上海发展的共同背景。

    Close natural economy , semi-colony and semi-feudalism , relatively close socialistic plan economy and reform and open to the world were Beijing and Shanghai 's common developmental background in different times of 20th century .

  10. 在社会网络相对封闭的农村,小额信贷可以通过相关制度设计强化同一社会网络成员的利益黏性,从而保证每一位借款人都会按期还款。

    In a relatively closed social networks in rural areas , micro-credit through the relevant system design to strengthen the interests of the members of the same social networks stickiness , thus ensuring that every borrower will be the repayment schedule .

  11. 必须改革传统的学年制,形成多元化的发展格局,多样化的办学体制。以解决学校与社会之间相对封闭而产生的人才供给与需求质量的剪刀差问题。

    It is necessary to reform the traditional academic year so that the plural developing pattern and diversified system of running school can be formed , in order to solve some problems of supplied talents and required quality between schools and society caused by close .

  12. 同时,传统社会结构相对比较封闭,道德的全人类性并不彰显,所以道德的共同性一面往往被人们所忽视,甚至怀疑、否定。

    So the morality 's intercommunity was usually neglected even doubted or negated by people .

  13. 并且,埃德娜所处的克里欧社会是一个封闭的、拒绝改变的社会。

    Besides , the Creole community where Edna lives isan enclosed community which denies any change .

  14. 这也反映了当时社会从古老的封闭的宗法制社会转向近代开放的社会,所正在经历的困惑与痛苦。

    This reflects the confusion and sufferings the society is experiencing at that time in transforming from an old closed patriarchal society to the modern open society .

  15. 这些新教材在联系社会实际方面并不封闭,通过各种栏目或附加的资料展示相关化学知识的重要应用。

    These textbooks show the important application of relevant chemical knowledge through various columns or additional materials which does not close in the connection of the social actual respect .

  16. 商品市场、近代工业化的发展、资产阶级的生活方式等都深刻的撞击着中国传统的封建社会,动摇着封闭的社会阶层体系。

    With the development of commodity markets and industrialization in modern times , the life-style of capitalism class rammed the China traditional feudal society and agitatedly the closed social stratum .

  17. 本文结合制度经济学的理论,阐述了制度对城镇化机制的作用机理,分析了导致中国城镇化实现机制缺陷的关键性制度因素:乡镇工业产权的社区性和城镇社会保障制度的封闭型。

    In this thesis , we use the institutional economics theory explaining the function mechanism of the institution to the urbanization mechanism , and then we analyze the two key institutional factors that cause the defect of realization mechanism in China ′ s urbanization .

  18. 改革开放以来,中国同时进行3项大转型:从计划经济转型为市场经济;从农业社会转型为工业社会;从封闭社会转型为开放社会。

    Since reform and opening , China has conducted three major transition : transition from a planned economy to market economy ; transformation from an agricultural society to industrial society ; from closed societies to open societies in transition .

  19. 我国正处于经济体制转轨、社会转型的特殊历史时期,社会由封闭走向开放,政治制度和社会正常的秩序受到了极大的冲击。

    Our country is in the specially historical period of transformation of economic system and society when the society is being from close to open , and political system and social order has been experiencing a great shock .

  20. 现代化、城市化、市场化和全球化的不断延深揭示了社会发展的总体趋势,无论是开放的社会系统,还是封闭的社会环境,其影响都是不可回避的。

    Modernization , urbanization , marketization and globalization continued to reveal the extension of the overall trend of social development . Whether in open social system or closed social environment , their effects are unavoidable .

  21. 这里,我把它定位在从传统社会向现代社会转型、由计划经济社会向市场经济社会转型、由封闭社会向开放社会转型。

    Here , I define it as changes from traditional society to modern society , From planned economy to market economy , from closed society to open - up .

  22. 结论是社会开放性的强化与弱化并存,在总体提高的同时,某些社会封闭现象也得到了发展。

    This essay draws a conclusion that strengthening and weakening of society openness goes together . At the time of increasing openness , some social closed phenomenon is also reinforced .

  23. 当代中国社会正处于从传统社会向现代社会、从农业社会向工业社会和信息社会、从封闭性社会向开放性社会的转型过程。

    Contemporary Chinese society is lying in the transitional process from a traditional society to a modern society , from an agricultural society to an industrial and informational society , as well as from a close society to an open society .

  24. 当代中国正处在社会转型期。这是中国社会由传统社会向现代社会,由农业社会向工业社会,由封闭性社会向开放性社会的转变过程。

    Contemporary china is in the period of social transformation , which is the changing progress of society from traditional to modern , from agricultural to industrial , and from closed to open .