
  • 网络GenBank;GENES database;genes;genome databases
  1. 根据与基因数据库中相似菌群的16Srdna序列同源性比较和各菌群的系统发育分析建立系统发育树图。

    The full length of 16S rDNA genic sequence of prokaryotes is sequenced with the chain-termination , and the phylogenetic tree is constructed by comparing with the 16S rDNA sequence of the similar microorganism in the GenBank .

  2. 基于INTERNET的水稻基因数据库信息系统

    Information System of Rice Gene Database Based on INTERNET

  3. 与基因数据库Swanberg,S.抑郁症相关基因数据库的构建

    Coil from the nucleotide sequence data reported by Swanberg , S. Construction of the database of depression-related genes

  4. 一种从基因数据库中识别反义snoRNA基因的新方法

    A New Method for Identifying Antisense snoRNA Genes in DNA Databanks

  5. groEL基因数据库资料比较完整,国外已有科研人员选取其作为靶基因用于沙门氏菌、空肠弯曲菌及葡萄球菌等的分型鉴定。

    The groEL gene has been used as the target gene in the typing and identification of Salmonella , Campylobacter jejuni and Staphylococcus on account of its complete database .

  6. 例如,1月深圳的碳云智能(iCarbonX,旨在把人工智能和大型基因数据库结合起来以打造个性化健康治疗方案)向PatientsLikeMe投资逾1亿美元。

    In January , for example , iCarbonX of Shenzhen , which aims to create personalised health treatments by combining AI with large pools of genetic data , invested more than $ 100m in PatientsLikeMe .

  7. 中国专利基因数据库的创建

    Construction of The National Bio-Sequence Database of Chinese Patent

  8. 在过去的十年里,随着大量基因数据库的建立,这种情况已经发生了改变。

    In the past decade , as vast genetic databases have been established , this picture has changed .

  9. 并提出今后的工作重点应放在同一采样地点真菌资源的调查及鉴定上,建立南方铁杉林中的真菌基因数据库,为该地外生菌根共生体的最终鉴定与应用研究打下基础。

    The foundation of fungal gene database will set a bridge between classification and application research of ectomycorrhizae .

  10. 其中,马的基因数据库中的记录量超过了2万,马的蛋白质数据库的记录超过3万。

    The records of Horse Gene Database have over 20,000 and the records of Horse Protein Database have over 30,000.2 .

  11. 以前在走私野生动物中运用遗传学进行法医鉴定的例子越来越多,它们依赖于基因数据库。

    Previous examples of the increasing use of genetics for forensic identification in wildlife smuggling have relied on genetic databases ?

  12. 序列数据库中以基因数据库和蛋白质数据库为主,非序列数据库以文献数据库和图片数据库为主。

    The sequence libraries mainly include Gene Database and Protein Data Bank . The non - sequence library mainly include Bibliographic Database and Picture Database .

  13. 水稻基因数据库系统是在建的国家作物科学数据共享中心的一个重要模块,也是国家水稻数据中心的一个重要子系统。

    Rice Gene Database is one of the key modules of the China National Crop Information Sharing Center , and also one of the sub-systems of Rice Database .

  14. 韩泽广的课题组把有关的血吸虫蛋白质组科研数据在南方中心的网站、国际公共基因数据库以及开放获取的《公共科学图书馆·病原体》杂志的网站公布,这样其他科研组也能够利用他们的资料。

    Other research groups will be able to access Han 's team 's data on his institution 's website , international public databases and the open-access website of PLoS Pathogens .

  15. 随着美国斯坦福大学白色念珠菌测序工作的深入及白色念珠菌基因数据库的丰富,对排出泵编码基因的调控机制及其它潜在耐药机制的寻找成为热点。

    With the progressed sequencing work on Candida albicans in Stanford University in America , the genome database becomes abundant , which attracts researchers and leads them in searching for potential regulatory mechanisms and other resistant genes .

  16. GEO基因表达数据库中芯片技术平台的统计分析

    Analysis of microarray platforms in GEO database

  17. 方法通过构建中国境内人群HLAⅠ基因空间数据库,利用克立格技术建立CPF空间预测系统。

    Methods The spatial database of HLA - ⅰ genes of Chinese ( across the land of China ) was set up , and then the spatial forecasting system of CPF was designed using Kriging technique .

  18. 其基因序列数据库(GenBank)登录号为AY796184(基因)和AAV65513(蛋白)。

    The gene was accepted by GenBank , the accession numbers were AY796184 ( gene ) and AAV65513 ( protein ) .

  19. 质粒PCR产物克隆测序结果与美国国立卫生研究院基因列数据库中调出Borna病病毒的第二开放阅读框(ORFⅡ)区P24序列一致,确定扩增成功。

    Plasmid PCR product clone sequencing results is consistent with P24 sequencing of the second open reading frame ( ORF ⅱ) district of Borna disease virus in gene sequencing database of National Institutes of Health , which determining the amplification is successful .

  20. 将所得突变类型与人类基因突变数据库(HGMD)核对。

    Mutations obtained were compared with the Human Gene Mutation Database .

  21. 能把他们的基因同数据库里基因相比较的算法。

    To compare them against the bio department 's photo base .

  22. 上海市农业生物基因资源数据库的构建及其应用

    Development and application of Shanghai Agrobiological germplasm resource database

  23. 鼻咽癌相关基因文献数据库的建立及分析

    Establishment and analysis of a database for genes and literature related to nasopharyngeal carcinoma

  24. 人类基因图谱数据库建立。

    Human gene Ma ing database established .

  25. 烟草基因序列数据库管理系统的开发

    The Tobacco Gene sequence Database System Development

  26. 更何况,把自然生态深冻起来或者将其存入基因序列数据库并不能保存与其相关的背景。

    Furthermore banking nature in a deep freeze or database of gene sequences cannot capture context .

  27. 肾脏基因表达数据库的建立与肾脏衰老相关基因表达谱研究

    Gene expression profile of aging and construction of a kidney expression database Aging and Genes Related

  28. 有10个基因在数据库中找到同源性序列,但功能尚不清楚;

    Ten of them were found similarity sequence in the database , but the functions still not clear .

  29. 该基因组草图已添加进基因银行数据库中,可以供全球的科学家免费获取。

    The draft genome sequence has been added to the GenBank database and is freely available to researchers worldwide .

  30. 引入增量分析方法,实现对家族基因码数据库进行更新,以增强系统的扩展性。

    Introducing incremental analysis methods to update the database of family genetic code , which enables enhance the scalability of the system .