
jī chǔ tǐ wēn
  • basal body temperature;BBT
  1. 本组57例患者,经秩和检验(P0.05),治疗过程中基础体温变化有明显差异。

    In this group , through rank-sum test ( P0.05 ), in the course of treatment , basal body temperature has a significant difference .

  2. 观察两组治疗期间及治疗后月经恢复情况,体重指数(BMI)、腰臀比(WHR)及基础体温(BBT)的改善情况,不孕患者同时观察受孕情况。

    The recovery of the menstruation and the improvement in body mass index ( BMI ), waist hip ratio ( WHR ), basal body temperature ( BBT ), and the pregnancy of infertility were observed in both groups before and after treatment .

  3. 不孕症;超声检查;基础体温;尿LH;宫颈黏液。

    Infertility ; Ultrasonic examination ; Basic temperature ; LH in urine ; Cervical mucus .

  4. 对97例不孕症妇女(年龄24~38岁),参考以往月经周期或基础体温,选择经前2~3d于宫腔侧壁取一小条内膜组织进行活检。

    Biopsies were performed on 97 sterile women A small strip of the endometria tissue was taken from the side wall of the uterine cavity 2 or 3 days prior to the menstrual cycle .

  5. E2水平上升后,测定基础体温,每周做阴道脱落细胞检查,计算成熟指数(MI)。

    After E2 was increased , basal body temperature was measured for three months and vaginal hormone cytology was examined weekly for maturation index ( MI ) and four times recorded as a cycle .

  6. 结果:(1)山羊基础体温38.0-38.6℃,每个椎体内注入骨水泥1.0±0.4ml(0.6-1.5ml)。

    Results 1 38.0-38.6 ℃ was the normal body temperature in goats , 1.0 ± 0.4ml ( 0.6-1.5ml ) PMMA was injected into each vertebral body .

  7. 目的:不孕症患者监测排卵时,通过检测尿黄体生成素(LH)值,同时B超监测卵泡发育情况,并以测基础体温(BBT)为对照,探讨LH值在监测排卵中的准确性及临床意义。

    Object : To monitor ovulation through examining the value of LH in urine and observing follicular development , which were compared to the measure of basic temperature to find out the clinical significance and veracity monitoring ovulation by test paper of LH .

  8. 并结合基础体温测定,探讨B超监测卵泡发育及排卵规律,为研究不孕症妇女卵泡的病理学提供依据。

    It provided pathological evidence for studying ovum women with sterility .

  9. 不育子宫内膜异位症患者双相基础体温图形分析

    Analysis of biphasic basal body temperature chart in infertile women with endometriosis

  10. 基础体温监测药物流产的临床意义

    Clinical meaning of basal body temperature in monitoring drug abortion

  11. 不同基础体温的家兔对热原检查结果的影响

    Effect of the different basal body temperature of rabbits on pyrogen test results

  12. 现在已经进入排卵期,你的基础体温有变化吗?

    Has now entered a period of ovulation , your basal body temperature has changed ?

  13. 此法较观察基础体温的转变及宫颈评分监测排卵更为准确。

    This method is more accurate than observing BBT shift or cervical scoring for monitoring ovulation .

  14. 基础体温测定预测排卵及评价黄体功能的准确性分析

    An Analysis of Accuracy in Application of Basal Body Temperature Determination to Predict Ovulation and Evaluate Luteal Function

  15. 无效,月经周期不规则,基础体温单相,B超监测无排卵。

    Invalidity : the menstrual cycle was irregular , single temperature , and no ovulation was found in B ultrasonic detection .

  16. 基础体温要坚持量,因为月经不准,排卵期的时间也会不一样的!

    Fundamental temperature should hold to a quantity , because menstruation forbids , the time of oviposit period also is met different !

  17. 对于基础体温的改善情况,对照组治疗一个疗程后,有效率为50.00%。

    To improve the situation of the basal body temperature , the control group after a course of treatment , 50 % efficiency .

  18. 氯醚避孕针对基础体温、阴道细胞、宫颈粘液及子宫内膜的影响

    Effects of € hlormadinone-Quingestanol , a Long-acting Injectable Contraceptive , on Basal Body Temperature ; Vaginal Cytology , Cervical Mucus and Endometrial Histology

  19. 三个月经周期为一疗程,分析治疗前后两组临床症状和优势卵泡大小、子宫内膜厚度及基础体温的改善情况,以评价补肾促排卵汤加减治疗小卵泡排卵的综合临床疗效。

    One teatment period is three menstrual cycles . Analysis the clinical symptoms and advantage follicular size , endometrial thickness and basal body temperature , of two groups before and after the treatment .

  20. 本文报告21例注射氯醚避孕针妇女的子宫内膜活检结果,系统观察14例基础体温及6例宫颈粘液、阴道细胞的变化。

    Endometrial histology has been studied in 21 healthy women receiving chlormadinone-quingestanol long-acting injectable contraceptive . Changes of BBT in 14 cases and cervical mucus and vaginal cytology in 6 cases have been observed systematically .

  21. 描叙了膀胱大小、子宫位置与卵巢显示的关系。并将卵泡图像的变化与血清激素水平、宫颈粘液评分和基础体温对照。

    Bladder size and uterine position in relation to ovarian sonogram were described , of follicular cyclic changes on the sonogram were compared with serumal hormonal levels , score of cervical mucus and basic temperatures .

  22. 通过对基础体温、卵泡直径、排卵率及临床症状积分四项指标的检测,综合对比两组治疗前后综合疗效的变化,并对其进行统计学分析。

    To measure the four indicators of basal body temperature level , follicle diameter , ovulation rate and clinical symptoms , in this way , to observe the general effect changes before and after treatment between the two groups .