
ɡōnɡ jǐnɡ nián yè
  • cervical mucus
  1. 血葡萄糖、果糖水平无周期性变化且与宫颈粘液葡萄糖、果糖水平无明显相关性(r=0.23,P>0.05)。

    There was no correlation of glucose and fructose levels between serum and cervical mucus ( P0.05 ) .

  2. 尿LH快速测定结合宫颈粘液评分预测排卵

    Ovulation Prediction by Using Urine LH Rapid Determination Combined with Cervical Mucus Score

  3. 用套式PCR检测孕妇宫颈粘液巨细胞病毒

    Detection HCMV in cervical mucus of pregnant women by the Nested-PCR

  4. 方法:应用ELISA方法检测宫颈粘液中的抗精子抗体。

    Methods : In this study ELISA method was used to detect antisperm antibodies in cervix mucus .

  5. 放置T(Cu)200和T(Cu)220宫内节育器后一年半内宫颈粘液中铜离子释放规律

    Release of Copper Ions in the Cervical Mucus after Insertion of T_ ( cu ) 200 and T_ ( cu ) 220 IUDs

  6. 目的探讨宫颈粘液中白细胞介素-1β(IL-1β)在受精过程中的变化和超早孕诊断中的价值。

    Objective To investigate the changes of IL-1 β level in cervical mucus and the value in early pregnancy diagnosis .

  7. 用ELISA法测定其配偶血清和宫颈粘液的抗精子抗体出现情况。

    The ELISA method was used to detect antisperm antibodies in blood or cervix mucus for leuocytospermic mens spouses .

  8. 本文用套式PCR检测孕妇宫颈粘液中巨细胞病毒,阳性率为78.5%(80/102)。

    In this paper , HCMV in cervical mucus of pregnant women was detected by the Nested-PCR , their HCMV positive rates was 78.5 % ( 80 / 102 ) .

  9. 主要是由于CC可致子宫内膜发育不良、宫颈粘液质与量的改变以及可以导致未破裂卵泡黄素化而影响妊娠率。

    Clomiphene can lead to endometrial dysplasia , cervical mucus quantity change and the luteinized unruptured follicle syndrome and affect the pregnancy rate .

  10. 6株IgG类抗人精子单克隆抗体主要引起精子的尾&尾凝集,并能阻止精子在宫颈粘液中的前向性运动;

    Six strains of IgG mainly produce T-T agglutination of spermatozoa and being able to prevent the spermatozoa from forward movement in the cervical mucus .

  11. 置释铜IUD妇女经血纤溶活性与宫颈粘液铜离子浓度相关性研究

    Correlation between Copper Ion Concentration in Cervical Mucus and Fibrinolytic Activity in Menstrual Blood in Copper-releasing IUD Users

  12. 而前两种方法之间宫颈粘液质量相似。结论CC加EE促排卵法是基层医院取代HMG的较佳选择

    Conclusions CC + EE is the better choice of method of impelling-ovulation for local hospitals , instead of HMG

  13. 结论:宫颈粘液AsAb的检测在诊断免疫性不孕症中有重要作用;

    Conclusion The assay of cervical mucus AsAb is of important value in diagnosing immunological infertility ;

  14. 先兆早产患者宫颈粘液IL-6、6-酮-PGF(1α)和TXB2水平与羊膜腔感染的关系

    Relationship Between Concentrations of IL-6 、 6-keto-PGF_ ( 1 α) and TXB_2in Cervical Mucus of Patients with Threatened Preterm Labor and Intraamniotic Infection

  15. 经u检验,可以CS7分作为有无排卵的分界线,因此认为尿LH测定结合宫颈粘液评分,为预测排卵的有效简便方法。

    CS 7 could be regarded as the demarcation for ovulation or not by the u test . Therefore urine LH assay combined with CS is a simple and effective method of ovulation prediction .

  16. 方法:用肺炎支原体PCR试剂盒检测不育症病人与正常对照组的精液或宫颈粘液中的肺炎支原体。

    Methods : The DNAs of mycoplasma pneumoniae in semen and endocervical swab from infertile patients and the normal fertile person were determined with the aid of PCR kits . The results were statistically analysed by x ~ 2 test .

  17. 方法女性不孕患者,卵泡期分别用HMG、CC加EE、CC促排卵,于排卵期宫颈粘液评分。

    Methods Infertile women ′ s cervical-mucus of ovulatory phase are marked by being given HMG 、 CC + EE and CC separately to impelling ovulation during the follicular phase .

  18. 结果:宫颈粘液评分HMG组最高,CC+EE+HMG组其次,CC+EE组最低,三组间具有显著差异。

    Results : CMS of HMG group was the hightest . CC + EE group was the lowest . There were significant difference in three groups .

  19. 结果HMG和CC加EE法的宫颈粘液质量明显优于CC促排卵法。

    Results The method , HMG and CC + EE , is more advanced than that of CC impelling-ovulation in the quality of cervical-mucus , While the former ones are the same in it .

  20. 结论:确定宫颈粘液中LDH同工酶在月经周期及早孕期间的变化规律性及其差异,将对受孕、胚胎植入、胚胎发育等方面具有一定意义。

    Conclusion : Definited the changes and differences in LDH isozyme pattern in human cervical mucus during menstruation and early pregnancy . There will be significant to find their effects in conception , embryo implantation and embryo development .

  21. TMX对宫颈粘液影响比CC小。在卵泡发育方面,TMX组与CC组类似。

    The effect of TMX on cervical mucus was less obvious than that of CC and the effect of TMX and CC on the development and maturation of ovarian follicles was similar .

  22. 结果:加用倍美力组,宫颈粘液评分及子宫内膜厚度均高于单用CC组(P005)。

    Results : The cervical mucus-score and endometrium thickness were significantly higher in Premarin treatment on CC-induced cycles than that on CC-induced cycles ( P0 05 ) .

  23. 结论:人类正常月经周期、IVF周期宫颈粘液IL-1β具有周期性变化规律,宫颈粘液IL-1β水平在排卵前1d的高峰可能作为预测排卵的指标。

    Conclusion : IL-1 β levels in cervical mucus during human normal menstrual cycle and IVF-ET cycle have periodic variational regularity , which reach peak at 1 day before ovulation might be as an index of ovulation forecasting .

  24. 目的:探讨人类正常月经周期、体外授精-胚胎移植(IVF-ET)周期宫颈粘液IL-1β的变化规律,以寻求新的预告排卵的方法。

    Objective : By exploring the variational regularity of interleukin ( IL ) - 1 β in cervical mucus during human normal menstrual cycle and in vitro fertilization-embryo transplantation ( IVF-ET ) cycle to find new method for ovulation forecasting .

  25. 对60例无明显盆腔病变的不孕妇女,在预计排卵前2~3d开始测尿LH及宫颈粘液评分,连续4~6次,其中20例同时作血LH含量测定。

    Sixty infertile women without obvious pelvic diseases were selected for study . Two to three days before the estimated date of ovulation , urine LH and cervical mucus score ( CS ) were determined 4-6 times for each patient . Blood LH of 20 patients were assayed simultaneously .

  26. 结果:正常月经周期、IVF周期宫颈粘液IL-1β具有相似的周期性变化规律,从卵泡期到排卵期宫颈粘液IL-1β水平逐渐增加,至排卵前1d达到高峰,排卵日下降。

    Results : There was similar periodic variational regularity in IL-1 β levels in cervical mucus during human normal menstrual cycle and IVF-ET cycle . IL-1 β levels gradually increased from follicular phase to ovulatory period , reached peak at 1 day before ovulation and decreased at ovulatory day .

  27. 结果表明,精子泳动速度在不同介质中的差异极显著,在宫颈粘液中显著高于其它介质,在VB12中最低;

    The results indicates that the velocity of sperm swimming changed significantly in different media with that in cervical mucus being much higher than those in other media and that in VB12 being the lowest .

  28. 血清、宫颈粘液EMAb阳性者治疗转阴率.1个疗程分别为94.7%和85.7%,2个疗程后分别为99%和95.2%;治疗3个疗程后转阴率可达99.0%和97.6%。

    While in AMAb positive female patients , negative rates of EMAb in serum and cervical mucus were 94.7 % and 85.7 % , 99 % and 95.2 % , 99.0 % and 97.6 % after 1,2 and 3 therapeutic courses respectively .

  29. 选取30头健康黑白花奶牛,在发情期不同时间测定宫颈粘液过氧化物酶(CMPx)的活性及电导率(CMEC),以探讨CMPx、CMEC与发情及排卵的关系。

    Changes of cervical mucus perioxidase ( CMPx ) and electrical conductivity ( CMEC ) were measured in 30 dairy cows during estrus phase to investigate the relation of CMPx , CMEC and estrus , ovulation .

  30. 我们对本地区因不孕而就诊的220对夫妇作精子-宫颈粘液穿透试验(SCMPT),同时,作了宫颈粘液涂片并计数每100个鳞状上皮中的白细胞数,观察这两者的相关关系。

    The sperm-cervical mucus penetration test ( SCMPT ) and cervical mucus smears were investigated in 220 infertile couples The correlation between leukocytes / 100 squamous cells in the smears and SCMPT were observed .