
ɡōnɡ shì
  • wife;palace, imperial dwelling;domicile;habitation
宫室 [gōng shì]
  • (1) [building]∶古时房屋的通称

  • 上古穴居而野处,后世圣人易之以宫室。--《易.系辞下》

  • (2) [palace]∶后来特指帝王的宫殿

  • (3) [wife]∶妻子

  1. 宫室卑庳。

    The houses [ buildings ] are low .

  2. 所罗门为自己建造宫室,十三年方才造成。

    Solomon was thirteen years building a house for himself till it was complete .

  3. 由皇帝宫室、家园林和宏伟壮观的寺庙群组成。

    The whole resort complex consists of imperial palaces , imperial gardens , and magnificent temples .

  4. 第五部分则指出《宫室》在释羲、引证上亦有不足。

    Part Six points out that the " palace " in the interpretation of citation is also inadequate .

  5. 所罗门定意要为耶和华的名建造殿宇、为自己的国建造宫室。

    Solomon gave orders to build a temple for the Name of the LORD and a royal palace for himself .

  6. 界画是以宫室、楼台、屋宇等建筑物为题材,采用界笔直尺划线的绘画。

    Draw on community palace , pavilions , houses and other buildings as a theme , using industry-foot straight line painting .

  7. 他赐给大卫王一个有智慧的儿子,使他有谋略聪明,可以为耶和华建造殿宇,又为自己的国建造宫室。

    He has given King David a wise son , endowed with intelligence and discernment , who will build a temple for the Lord and a palace for himself .

  8. 所罗门王从以色列人中挑取服苦的人共有三万,王上7:1所罗门为自己建造宫室、三年方才造成。

    " Then King Solomon got together men for the forced work through all Israel , thirty thousand men in number ;" Now Solomon was building his own house thirteen years , and he finished all his house .

  9. 公元583年,后主陈叔宝继位,荒淫无道,不理政务,并且大修宫室,耗费了大量钱财,使经济又遭破坏。

    In 583 , the later emperor Chen Shubao came into the power , he paid no heed to the governments except hurling money on extravagant life and spectacular palace . The accumulation of the wealth was drained in the south .

  10. 第二章阐述了我国先秦时期居住建筑及其宫室内部装饰的概况,早期家具的出现和低矮家具的发展,以及给建筑装饰带来重要影响的装饰纹样。

    Chapter two explain of our country the pre-Qin period period inhabit building and their ornamental overview inside the room , the appearance of the early furniture and development of low furniture , and bring ornamental line kind on important influence to building decoration .