
  • 网络nanjing metropolitan coordinating region
  1. 南京都市圈交通圈层演化特征实证研究

    Empirical Research on the Actuality of traffic circles in Nanjing Metropolitan Coordinating Region

  2. 南京都市圈空间结构研究

    The Spatial Structure of Nanjing Metropolitan Coordinating Region

  3. 南京都市圈功能定位研究

    A Study on the Function Orientation of City Circle of Nanjing

  4. 南京都市圈可持续发展研究

    Study on the Ability of Sustainable Development of Nanjing Metropolitan

  5. 南京都市圈中心城市功能组织研究

    Study on the Functional Organization of the Central City of Nanjing City Circle

  6. 都市圈发展规划的初步探讨&以南京都市圈为例

    A preliminary discussion on development plan for metropolitan area

  7. 新区域主义视角下的管治尺度构建&以南京都市圈建设为例

    Rescaling of governance and new regionalism & a case study of Nanjing city-region

  8. 对南京都市圈而言,强化其内外交通,扩大其集聚和辐射的腹地范围是健康发展的先行因素。

    The traffic structure and hinterland are the premise for the development of Nanjing agglomerations .

  9. 南京都市圈生物制药产业竞争力综合评价

    Attribute Recognition Model for Comprehensive Assessment of Competitiveness of Biopharmaceutical Industry of Nanjing Municipal Circle

  10. 南京都市圈石化产业发展对策研究

    A Study of the Strategy for the Development of the Petrochemical Industry in Nanjing Centered City Circle

  11. 都市圈空间界定方法研究&以南京都市圈为例

    Research For Defining the Scope of the Metropolitan Are-a : A case study of Nanjing Metropolitan area

  12. 交通模式对城市空间形态影响的实证分析&以南京都市圈城市为例

    Analysis on the Relationship between Transportation Pattern and Urban Spatial Shape & A Case Study of Nanjing Urban Agglomerations

  13. 应用多元统计中的主成分分析法对南京都市圈内的6个城市的综合实力进行综合对比分析,定量分析了南京都市圈的类型。

    Apply primary component analytical method to compare and analyze comprehensively the corresponding capacity of six sub-cities in Nanjing Metropolitan .

  14. 都市圈交通发展战略规划理论及应用研究&以南京都市圈交通发展战略规划为例

    Theoretical and Applied Research on Transportation Development Strategy in Metropolitan Coordinating Region : A Case Study of Nanjing Metropolitan Coordinating Region

  15. 分析南京都市圈交通发展机遇和挑战后,确定南京都市圈交通发展的定位;

    Analyzing the opportunity and the challenge to development of Nanjing MCR transportation , confirm the location of the region transportation development .

  16. 构建南京都市圈是提高南京城市竞争力、加快城市现代化进程的重要途径。

    The construction of Nanjing Metropolitan is an important route to increase the competitive capacity and to accelerate the modernization of the cities .

  17. 都市圈内部城市空间扩展机制研究&以南京都市圈中心城市为例

    Study on the Expansion System of Urban Space within City Circle & With the Central City within Nanjing City Circle as an Example

  18. 通过上述系统分析认为,南京都市圈的可持续发展仍处于低水平阶段,且由于区域发展不平衡,导致圈内物质、能量、信息等流通不畅,影响都市圈的整体可持续发展。

    The un-balanced development of the region leads to inaccessible of the material , energy and information among metropolitan which impedes the sustainable development in this region .

  19. 文章以南京都市圈为实证,通过对多种经济、社会联系流的直接调查与相关联系强度的空间叠置分析,进行了都市圈圈层地域的界定。

    Metropolitan coordinating region is an important form of city and regional spatial structure , where intensive relation between core city and other cities inside shape a circle like structure .

  20. 南京都市圈各市政府必须有所作为,重视优秀企业家的领军作用,共同推进科技进步和技术升级,构建都市圈合作发展平台,建立以汽车、船舶产业为基础的新技术项目联合体。

    To realize the purpose , the local government should well recognize the excellent entrepreneur 's role , promote science and technology and cooperation in the construction of the city ring .

  21. 南京都市圈文化产业形成了以南京为核心的六大特征和三重圈层发展态势,呈现出市场导向带动政策支持、产业链拉长的新格局。

    The cultural industry in Nanjing urban circle has cultivated development form of six characteristics and triple layer circles and a new pattern of policy support driven by market has est .

  22. 在上述理论基础的支撑下,对南京市都市圈现状、空间结构以及社会、经济、文化、环境和发展程度进行全面的分析。

    It gave a general analysis of some ingredients of Nanjing Metropolitan such as actuality , spatial structure as well as the aspects of society , economy , culture , environment and the degree of development .

  23. 南京:如何依托都市圈发展现代服务业

    Nanjing : How to Develop Modern Service Industry Based on Metropolitan Region

  24. 在中国最为发达的长江三角洲地区,从上海至南京一带,有两个都市圈,一个是具有国际性的上海都市圈,一个是具有相当规模和明显优势的南京都市圈。

    In the most developed Changjiang Delt in China , there are two urban circles from Shanghai to Nanjing : the Shanghai Urban Circle with international features and the Nanjing Urban Circle with considerable scale and prominent advantages .

  25. 强化南京的交通中心地位促进南京都市圈生长发育

    Strengthen the Status of Nanjing as a Transport Center , Accelerate the Growth of the Metropolis of Nanjing

  26. 以丹东和南京两个不同尺度的城市地区为例,分析丹东改造既有铁路为城市轻轨、南京都市圈构建沿江地区城市轨道交通网络对城市形态结构的影响。

    Old railway revitalization in Dandong and urban rail transit network along the Yangtze River in Nanjing Megalopolis are analyzed with their impact on urban form and structure .