
ɡōnɡ bǎo jī dīnɡ
  • Kung Pao chicken;spicy diced chicken
  1. 在北京奥运会期间,想要吃“宫保鸡丁”的那些饥肠辘辘的外国游客可以喊出“kungpaochicken”,有望会满意地发现,送上来的就是这道菜。

    Hungry foreign hordes craving a fix of diced chicken fried with chili and peanuts during the Beijing Olympics will be able to shout " kung pao chicken !" and have some hope of getting just that .

  2. 拜托,别又是宫保鸡丁。

    Please God don 't let it be Kung pow chicken .

  3. 这个是宫保鸡丁还是茄汁牛肉

    Is this Kung Pao Chicken or , or orange beef ?

  4. 我们要一份儿宫保鸡丁。

    We will have a plate of kung pao chicken .

  5. 来一份宫保鸡丁和糖醋排骨!

    I will have kung-pao chicken and sweet and sour pork ribs !

  6. 可以,先生。我向你推荐鱼香肉丝、宫保鸡丁、回锅肉和豆瓣鲫鱼。

    Double-Cooked Pork Slices and the Crucian Carp with Chili bean Sauce .

  7. 我会突然非常想吃宫保鸡丁。

    I just get this craving for Kung Pow Chicken .

  8. 订购宫保鸡丁。

    Order of Kung Pao Chicken .

  9. 我要一个宫保鸡丁,要米饭,还有一份汤。

    I would like to have a fried diced chicken with peanuts , rice and soup .

  10. 这意味着午餐时更容易吃上宫保鸡丁,而不是热狗。

    That means it 's easier to find Kung Pao chicken for lunch than , say , a hot dog .

  11. 宫保鸡丁是川菜中的名菜,由花生、辣椒、鸡肉炒制而成。

    Kung Pao Chicken is a famous Sichuan dish in China with , chicken , peanuts , and hot pepper as the ingredients .

  12. 川菜中著名的菜有:鱼香肉丝、夫妻肺片、麻婆豆腐和宫保鸡丁。

    Some of the famous dishes are Fish-Flavored Pork Threads , Fuqi Ox Lung Slice , Mapo Bean Curd and Spicy Diced Chicken with Peanuts .

  13. 宫保鸡丁作为中国传统名菜,深受国内外食客的欢迎。

    As the diced chicken with peanuts is one of the Chinese traditional dishes , it is warmly welcomed by the eaters at home and abroad .

  14. 从而实现宫保鸡丁菜品的工厂化大规模生产,进而促进鸡肉和花生产业的发展。

    Then the factory extensive manufacturing of the diced chicken with peanuts will be realized and the development of the industry of chicken and peanut will be promoted .

  15. 通过在大盘宫保鸡丁和捞面上桌之前仔细研究餐厅的餐垫,一代代美国人知道了中国的十二生肖。

    Generations of Americans were introduced to the Chinese zodiac by way of restaurant place mats , perused while waiting for platters of kung pao chicken and lo mein .

  16. 除了常见的烧、蒸鸡,餐厅琳琅满目的菜单上还有糖醋鱼(17马币),宫保鸡丁(14马币),以及一系列清真中式美食。

    Aside from the usual roast and steamed chicken , the restaurant 's extensive menu also includes dishes like sweet and sour fish ( RM17 ) , kung po chicken ( RM14 ) , and a variety of halal Chinese fare .

  17. 慧俪轻体首席执行官戴维-基希奥夫说,在中国经营的最大障碍是建设一个营养数据库,给品种繁杂的中国菜评分,比如宫保鸡丁和夫妻肺片等外国人不熟悉的菜式。

    David Kirchhoff , Weight Watchers'chief executive , says the biggest hurdle in China is building a nutritional database to assign points to such a vast and complex cuisine , which contains such unfamiliar dishes as Kung Pao Chicken and Husband-and-Wife Lung Slice .