
  1. 中国不会动用武力,因为它会失败,宫家表示。

    China will not use force , because it would lose , Mr Miyake says .

  2. 路易就是凡尔赛宫就是他的家

    Louis was Versailles , he was his house .

  3. 有时,我们在北京他那宫般的家里见面,有时,在上海我那小的多的家里见面。

    Sometimes we met at his palatial home in Beijing , sometimes at my much smaller one in Shanghai .

  4. 少年宫离简的家很近。

    The children 's palace is near jane 's home .

  5. 记者见到了巫山附近的南陵村中一户姓宫的人家,他的家族在这个住宅居住了450年,但是在今后几周里,随着水位无情的上升,宫家的房屋将消失在水下。

    As the water inexorably rises over the next few weeks , it will mark the end of450 years in the same home for the Gong family of Nanling village , near Wushan .

  6. 肯辛顿宫称:“剑桥公爵夫人殿下将于今晚离开圣玛丽医院。剑桥公爵夫妇和他们的儿子将回到他们在肯辛顿宫的家中。”

    Kensington Palace said : ' Her Royal Highness The Duchess of Cambridge will be leaving St. Mary 's Hospital this evening . The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge and their son will travel home to Kensington Palace . '