
  • Shengzhou;【地名】【韩国】Seungju
  1. 更名和升州事宜引起了网友们在社交媒体上的热烈讨论,很多人分享了他们的观点。

    People are joining in the conversation on social media , adding in their opinion about the name change and possible statehood .

  2. 随后,李元昊实行变发式、定服饰、造文字、简礼仪、立官制等一系列改革,并升兴州为兴庆府,扩建宫城,准备建国称帝。

    Li Yuanhao then carried out a series of reform , including changing the hairstyle , the dress code , creating a written language , simplifying ceremonies and setting up an administrative system . At the same time , he made Xingzhou the Xingqing Prefecture , enlarged his palace and made preparations for declaring himself emperor .