
  • 网络Shengda;Sentelic
  1. 垃圾变化很快,太古升达项目经理DominicLeung补充道。

    Waste is very dynamic , adds Dominic Leung , a Swire Sita project manager .

  2. 太古升达董事兼总经理JamesTam将这种垃圾填埋管理方法,描述为一种发展了数十年的非常复杂的工序。

    James Tam , Swire Sita director and general manager , describes the landfill 's management as a very complex engineering process that evolves over decades .

  3. 介绍了能降低夜间运行噪声水平的新型散热冷却器,分析了当变压器顶层油温升达55K时,由于热传递响应速度的原因,此时绕组平均温升可能已超过65K。

    A new radiative cooler which can reduce the noise level in night is introduced . When the oil temperature reaches 55K , the winding average temperature rise will exceed 65k due to the response speed of heat transfer .

  4. 1994年建立的升达就是一个开创者。

    Shengda , which was founded in1994 , was an early pioneer .

  5. 升达学生一直对学校严格的规定感到不满。

    Shengda students have long been unhappy with the college 's strict regime .

  6. 记者周五无法立即联系到升达学院的发言人置评。

    A Shengda representative could not be immediately reached for comment on Friday .

  7. 基于B/S的升达学院考试系统研究和实现

    Based on B / S Sheng Da College Examination System Research and Implementation

  8. 但是郑州大学仍然坚持在升达的学位证上加上升达字样。

    But Zhengzhou University is still insisting on putting the word Shengda on the graduation certificates .

  9. 学校决定在学生的学位证前加上“升达”一词。

    It was the college 's decision to add the word " Shengda " to its students'graduation certificates .

  10. 爆炸时形成的喷水圆顶升达水面以上约900英尺。

    The spray dome formed by the explosion rose to a height of 900 feet above the surface of the water .

  11. 升达,一个类似私立的学校,曾幸运地获得台湾企业家2亿人民币(2千5百万美元)。

    Shengda , a quasi-private college , has been blessed with more than200m yuan ( $ 25m ) from a Taiwanese entrepreneur .

  12. 一些网友——他们中的许多人都自称升达毕业生或在读学生——指责那些对劳动教育表达不满的学生“太爱抱怨”。

    Some users , many claiming to be graduates or current students of Shengda , have accused complaining students of being " whiny . "

  13. 该报在几名学生公开对升达的强制劳动表示不满后寻求该校置评。学生们说,他们是来学校学习的,不是来扫地的。

    The newspaper sought comment from the university after several students complained publicly about the program , saying they were at Shengda to study , not sweep .

  14. 升达所有年级的学生都被要求每日清洁宿舍和教室,只有大一学生还被要求清扫整个校园。

    While all students at Shengda are required to clean their dormitories and classrooms every day , first-year students are the only ones required to sweep the campus .

  15. 一位因担心言论后果而不愿透露姓名的升达学生说,她并不介意打扫校园,但对劳动时间不是很理解。

    One Shengda student , who declined to give her name because she was concerned about possible repercussions , said that apart from the timing , she did not mind cleaning the campus .

  16. 升达经贸管理学院的学生,住在中国最有特权的中部河南省龙湖的一个安静的小城里。

    THE students at Shengda Economics , Trade and Management College , in the quiet rural town of Longhu , in the central province of Henan , are among the most privileged in China .

  17. 但对许多就读于河南省的郑州升达经贸管理学院的学生来说,这项教学计划是一个不必要的负担,并且影响了他们的学习。

    But for many students at the Shengda Economics , Trade and Management College in Zhengzhou , the capital of Henan Province , the program is an unnecessary burden , one they say detracts from their studies .

  18. 1994年由台湾教育家王广亚创立的升达在周三与《东方今报》的采访中宣扬了学校数十年的“劳动教育”项目,将其称为学校的特色教育。

    Shengda , which was founded in 1994 by a Taiwanese educator , Wang Kuang-ya , touted its decade-long program of " labor education " as one of its defining characteristics in an interview with The Orient Daily on Wednesday .

  19. HG组CFos蛋白水平无明显变化,CJUN蛋白则显著升高达45%。

    However , c fos protein level did not change significantly in HG group ( P > 0 05 ) . On the other hand , c Jun protein expression increased by 45 % .

  20. 随着MoO3含量的增加,催化剂的活性线性升高达极大值后又下降。

    Otherwise , the HDS activity on the catalyst increased with MoO 3 content through a maximum and then decreased .

  21. 术后1天肝功(ALT和AST)升高达峰值,以后下降。术后1天较术前血清VEGF的变化与相应肝功变化,外周血血小板数量变化及术中碘化油用量无相关性。

    There is no relevant between the changes of serum VEGF levels of 1 day after and before TACE and changes of hepatic function , peripheral platelet count and the quantity of the Iodized oil during TACE .

  22. 结果显示严重烧伤病人伤后第1天PMN细胞膜表面CD11a/CD18和CD11b/CD18明显升高达峰值,并在1周内仍维持于高水平。

    The results indicated that expressions of CD11a / CD18 and CD11b / CD18 on burn patient 's PMNs increased quickly , reaching the peak on day 1 postburn and remained in high level till 7 days postburn .

  23. 激光共聚焦显微镜测定表明,IL6(6000uml)作用于BEL7402细胞后,胞浆[Ca2+]c升高达2倍。

    Through confocal laser microscopy , we observed that after treatment of IL-6 ( 6000u / ml ) cytosolic calcium [ Ca 2 + ] c level determination in BEL-7402 increased by 2-fold ;

  24. 造模2周后,小鼠模型组血压升高达(30.2±7.88mmHg),其心率亦有升高。同时模型组血清TC和TG较空白组明显升高(P0.01)。

    After 2 weeks of modeling , blood pressure of model group mice was up ( 30.2 ± 7.88mmHg ), the heart rate also increasing , while levels of serum TC and TG was significantly higher than the control group ( P0.01 ) .

  25. 结果多次输血及浓缩血小板造成同种血小板抗体升高达4672%。

    Results The isotype platelet antibody was 46.72 % in repeated transfusion and concentrated platelet transfusion .

  26. 20世纪90年代以来年平均气温较常年偏高0.5℃左右,而比前期升温达0.7℃~0.8℃;

    The annual mean temperature since 1990 s was 0.5 higher than ordinary year temperature , and 0.70.8 higher than prior period .

  27. 结果不同促凝管对部分生化指标存在一定影响(P<0.01),其中γ谷氨酰转移酶结果可假性升高达1倍以上。

    Results Different tubes had some influence on the results of some biochemical items ( P < ( 0.01 )) . The result of γ - glutamyltransferase was double .

  28. 含糖高的食物能引起血糖升高达峰值,但血糖高只是有糖尿病的一个标志,而不是根本病因。

    Foods high on the glycemic index can cause glucose levels to spike , but this is just an indicator of the presence of diabetes , not the root cause .

  29. 2007年全球饮料产量估计达到1.3万亿升,销售收入达9100亿美元。

    Estimated total consumption volume and revenues of the beverages worldwide reached to 1.3 trillion liters and 910 billion USD in 2007 respectively .

  30. 欧洲油价仍保持在原有水平,比如在德国,因为燃油税过高,一升汽油要高达1.85美元。

    Prices remain well below those in Europe : Germans , for instance , pay $ 1.85 a litre because of high fuel taxes .