
  • 网络Ascender;ascending part;Ascendor;pars ascendens
  1. 本文报告原发性十二指肠恶性肿瘤25例,位于球部1例、降部20例、横部和升部各2例;

    This paper reports 25 cases of primary malignant tumor of duodenum . One case of tumor was located at the superior part of duodenum , 20 cases at descending part , 2 cases at horizontal part and 2 cases at ascending part .

  2. 肿瘤好发于十二指肠降部,共45例,另外球部4例,水平部4例,升部0例,病理类型以腺癌为主,占90.5%。

    The tumor was predilection in the descending part of the duodenum , 45 cases , while 4 in bulbar zone , 4 in the horizontal part and none in the ascending part . The main pathological type is adenocarcinoma , 90.5 % .

  3. 目的:研究心脏直视手术中经食道超声心动图(TEE)检测升部、弓部主动脉粥样硬化斑块的意义。

    Obejective : To evaluate the significance of detecting atherosclerotic plaques on the ascending and arch aorta during open heart surgery .

  4. 地方标准升部颁标准三酶的质量标准研究

    Study on the Quality Standard of Three Enzymes Improving From Local Standard to Ministerial Standard

  5. 80%的第1空肠静脉收纳胰和十二指肠升部的静脉血。

    The first jejunal vein drained the ascending part of duodenum , the upper part of jejunum and pancreas in 80 % of cases .

  6. 在胃肠道钡餐造影过程中,十二指肠横&升部常见到一带状压迹,易误为肠系膜上血管压迹。

    During the examination of barium gastrointestinal tract , a band compression between the third and fourth part of duodenum is often seen and mistaken as those of upper mesenteric vessels easily .

  7. 如果下颌升支前部的吸收改建有限,下颌第三磨牙的萌出就会受阻。

    If the remodeling resorption at the anterior aspect of the mandibular ramus is limited , the eruption of the mandibular third molars might be blocked .

  8. 结果4例心脏嗜铬细胞瘤平均直径5·8cm,分别位于左房顶部、房间隔、升主动脉基部前方、主动脉弓和肺动脉之间。

    Results The mean diameter of the 4 tumors was 5.8 cm , and the tumors were located respectively in the roof of left atrium , in the interatrial septum in front of the base of ascending aorta , and in between the aortic arch and the pulmonary trunk .

  9. 我的职务也由资深设师升为企划部主管。

    So I was promoted from senior designer to the supervisor of planning department .

  10. 中新世南天山隆升的南部边界并不是前人所认为的北部古生代地层和南部中新生代地层之间的冲断层,而是在南部的中新生代地层中。

    The southern uplift boundary of southern Tien Shan seems not to be the main thrust fault between Paleozoic and Mesozoic or Cenozoic rocks , but lies in Mesozoic or Cenozoic strata south of the main thrust fault .

  11. ≥43mm时,选择6cm大小的导管。但若左前斜位升主动脉较窦部明显增宽时.则在上述寻管型号的基础上增加1号。

    However , if there was unproportional aortic dilatation in left anterior oblique projection , the selected size of catheter should be increased by 1 gauge .

  12. 结论DHCA和RCP技术是手术治疗升主动脉和弓部瘤的安全、有效方法,急性A型夹层动脉瘤的手术方式取决于内膜破裂口的位置;

    Conclusions DHCA and RCP is a safe and effective method for the surgery of ascending aorta and aortic arch aneurysm . The surgical types depend on the location of intimal tear in acute type A dissection .

  13. 下颌骨升支和体部的生长仍呈多向性,在面积增加的同时,旋转方向也各不相同,形状也发生了一定变化。

    The growth of the body and ramus of mandible was still politropism , and showed change of shape and direction of rotation as well as increase of the area .

  14. 同时由于外表面的温升速率比芯部的大,因此钢棒内外表面的温度差也逐渐增大。

    Meanwhile , because the heating speed at the surface is higher than that of the core of steel bar , the temperature difference between the core and surface is also gradually increasing .