
  • 网络horizontal gene transfer;hgt
  1. 建立一套原位PCR检测方法,联合流式细胞仪作为检测工具,作为基因水平转移研究中的基因监控手段。

    To develop a new detection method of toxin gene thermostable direct haemolysin ( tdh ) by employing in situ PCR ( isPCR ) technique and in combination with flow cytometry , for the purpose of research in horizontal gene transfer .

  2. 质粒是是基因水平转移的重要载体。

    Plasmids are the key vectors of horizontal gene transfer .

  3. 转基因杨树外源基因水平转移评价。

    Assessment of horizontal transfer of foreign genes .

  4. 转基因抗草苷膦大豆对大鼠生理代谢的影响及外源基因水平转移研究

    Analysis of the influence on physiological metabolism and genetic horizontal transformation of rats fed Roundup Ready soybean meal

  5. 抗生素耐药性通过天然抗突变的选择和基因水平转移而产生。

    Antibiotic resistance arises through mechanisms such as selection of naturally occurring resistant mutants and horizontal gene transfer .

  6. 目的证志贺菌耐多药相关基因水平转移及对该基因的位置进行初步判定。

    Objective To identify the horizontal transfer of multi-drug resistance related gene fragment and to explore the location of transferred gene fragement .

  7. 论述了细菌基因组进化的4个分子策略:点突变,基因组内重排,基因水平转移,基因缺失。

    We discussed the four evolutionary strategies : point mutation , intragenomic rearrangement , horizontal gene transfer , and gene loss for bacterial genomes .

  8. 分析显示:真核生物DNA聚合酶beta(polβ)可能起源于病毒基因的水平转移;

    Analysis reveals that DNA Polymerase beta ( pol β) in eukaryon may be of viral origin .

  9. 环境中污染物降解基因的水平转移(HGT)及其在生物修复中的作用

    Horizontal Transfer of Environmental Pollutant - Degrading Gene and Application in Bioremediation

  10. VT噬菌体的毒粒特征、VT噬菌体是否进行毒力基因的水平转移、基因水平转移的条件、VT噬菌体的溶源转换与细菌毒力的相关性,均直接关系到病原菌的致病力。

    The characteristics of VT phage virion , the conditions of horizontal gene transmition , the effect on the bacterial virulence of lysogenic conversion , all these will be related to the virulence of pathogen .

  11. 万古霉素耐药肠球菌基因及水平转移研究

    Study of gene and horizontal gene transfer of vancomycin resistant Enterococci

  12. 耐红霉素屎肠球菌耐药基因及其水平转移研究

    Analysis of high level erythromycin resistance associated genes and horizontal gene transfer of Enterococcus faecium

  13. 在污染环境这一特异生态环境中,降解基因的水平转移有着独特的功能与作用。

    In the special polluted environment , horizontal transfer of pollutant-degrading gene has significant functions .

  14. 在污染物生物修复实践中,可以通过调控降解基因的水平转移,增强污染环境中微生物的降解能力,更有效地发挥生物修复作用。

    In the practical application in bioremediation , horizontal transfer of degrading gene can be regulated to promote degrading ability of microorganisms .

  15. 其中通过基因的水平转移,获得外源性耐药基因是加快临床耐药菌株产生与播散的重要原因。

    Capture exogenous antibiotic resistance genes through horizontal transfer is one of the important way to facilitate the emerging and dissemination of the clinical drug resistant strains .

  16. 同时在农业生产或环境补救时人们会特意向环境中释放天然或重组细菌,了解环境中基因的水平转移对于安全评估这些细菌造成的后果也是必需的。

    The understanding of the role of horizontal gene transfer in the environment is essential for evaluating the possible consequences of the deliberate environmental release of natural or recombinant bacteria for agricultural and bioremediation purposes .

  17. 但与此同时,转基因林木的生态安全问题也逐渐引起了人们的关注,这些问题主要体现在外源基因的水平转移、垂直流动,以及对昆虫、土壤生态系统和病毒的潜在影响上。

    Meanwhile , the risks of ecological safety caused by GM trees have raised attention in the public gradually . These issues mainly include the horizontal transfer and vertical flow of foreign genes , and the potential effects on insects , soil ecosystems and virus .

  18. 分析显示:在真核生物演化的不同阶段,线粒体DNA聚合酶基因可能通过水平基因转移方式起源于不同类群的生物。

    Analysis reveals that , at different evolutional stages of eukaryotes , mitochondrial DNA polymerase genes might originated from diverse organisms through lateral gene transfer .

  19. 土壤微生物抗生素抗性的变化是由多种因素决定的,目前难以以此为依据来确切地证明目的基因向环境微生物水平转移可能性和程度。

    Generally speaking , the changes of antibiotic resistance in soil microbes are affected by many factors , so it is still difficult to prove whether or not the target gene of the materials is clearly transferred into soil microbes at present .

  20. 质粒转化试验和接合试验定位耐药基因及观察耐药基因的水平转移状况;

    The position and the status of the horizontal metastasis of drug-resistance genes were detected by plasmids transformation experiments and conjugation experiments .

  21. 应用该方法提取秸秆周围土壤的DNA,PCR检测细胞内DNA和细胞外DNA中的bar和sps基因,没有发现bar基因向土壤微生物水平转移的现象。

    Extracellular and intracellular DNA which were extracted from straw litter surface soil were detected for bar and sps gene by PCR . The result indicated that there was no bar gene transfer from plant to soil microorganism .

  22. 细菌中可移动遗传单位如:质粒、转座子和整合子可以携带编码耐药基因的基因盒。整合子是耐药基因水平转移的主要因子。

    Antibiotic resistance gene have frequently been found to be encoded by determinants carried on mobile genetic elements , such as plasmids , transposons , and integrons , which are then responsible for the horizontal transfer of antibiotic resistance genes .

  23. 转codA基因的耐盐碱水稻对大鼠生理代谢的影响及外源基因的水平转移

    Influence of Genetically Modified Rice Containing codA Gene on Physiological Metabolism and Genetic Horizontal Transformation in Fed Rats

  24. 这种超敏反应基因与基因组在序列统计学特征上的差异验证了大部分超敏反应基因为外源水平转移基因的假说。

    This difference manifested in some degree the hypothesis that most HR genes are Horizontally Transferred Genes .

  25. 本文以转COMT(咖啡酸-O-甲基转移酶)基因白桦为材料,研究由于转基因使木质素成分改变对白桦环境降解的影响,以及转化的目的基因水平转移向土壤环境微生物的可能性。

    In this study , the leaves of transgenic silver birch are used as the materials , what is used to analyze the effect of decomposition by changing the lignin component of transgenic plants , and the possibility of transgene horizontal transfer .