
  • 网络Benchmarking;Benchmarking Test;benchmark testing
  1. 在这个单线程化的基准测试中,Hotspot可以非常安全地将锁省略掉。

    In the case of this single threaded benchmark , it is quite safe for Hotspot to safely elide the lock .

  2. 我们将讨论最新的基准测试结果和现实生产中的例子,证明LotusDomino在虚拟Linux环境中有高度的可伸缩性。

    We discuss recent benchmark results and a real-life production example that demonstrates large Lotus Domino scalability in a virtualized Linux environment .

  3. 大多数原生XML数据库拥有一些工具来对代码进行基准测试或剖析。

    Most native XML databases have tools to benchmark or profile code .

  4. 它采用微观网络基准测试程序与trace程序相结合的方法。

    It combines the micro-benchmark and the trace program .

  5. 首先进行单节点基准测试,比如STREAM。

    Start with single node benchmarks like STREAM .

  6. 现在让我们来讨论一下如何对Linux集群进行基准测试。

    Now let 's discuss how you can benchmark your own Linux cluster .

  7. 由于这些和其他原因,IBM通常依赖行业标准基准测试。

    For these and other reasons , IBM generally relies on industry standard benchmarks .

  8. Benchmark选项卡提供对特定URL进行基准测试的功能。

    The Benchmark tab provides functionality to benchmark a specific URL .

  9. 以上基准测试结果显示,Linux用户必须非常谨慎地对待这些驱动。

    As the above benchmark results reveal , Linux users must exercise extreme caution with these drives .

  10. 下图中显示了在这个DominoWebAccess基准测试中所使用的服务器配置。

    The configuration of the server used in this Domino Web Access benchmark testing is shown in the following chart .

  11. 基于攻击描述语言的IDS基准测试技术研究

    Research on Technology of IDS Benchmark Test Based on Attack Description Language

  12. 好在我的基准测试迷惑了Hotspot,因此它并没有识别出这种优化,至少目前还没有。

    Fortunatly my benchmark has confused Hotspot so that it doesn 't recognize that optimization * yet .

  13. 很多有关JavaEE架构可伸缩性的明显和暗含的设想都反映在基准测试中

    Many implicit and explicit assumptions about scalability in the Java EE architecture are reflected in the benchmarks

  14. 我想再次重申一下,让人类拿纸笔做CPU基准测试来得出人类的计算能力是一个很愚蠢的方法。

    Again , making people do pencil-and-paper CPU benchmarks is a phenomenally silly way to measure human computing power .

  15. API的基本用法很简单:把要进行基准测试的代码提供给一个Benchmark构造函数。

    The API for most uses is simple : you supply the code to be benchmarked to a Benchmark constructor .

  16. 该函数将上报应用程序指定的基准测试值,参数分别为每CPU秒可执行的浮点和整数操作数。

    This reports the results of an application-specific benchmark , expressed as number of floating-point and integer operations per CPU second .

  17. 在Java应用程序领域,吞吐量和延迟是应用程序和基准测试设计师选择用于报告和优化的传统指标。

    In the world of Java applications , throughput and latency have traditionally been the metrics chosen by application and benchmark designers for reporting and optimization .

  18. 除此之外,目标代码可以是能够用Java语言表达的任何代码,包括自我包含的微基准测试和调用整个应用程序的代码等等。

    Otherwise , the target code can be anything expressible in the Java language , ranging from self-contained microbenchmarks to code that calls a full application .

  19. 虽然而使用基准测试PHP程序是一个很大的论题,不可能在几篇小文章里就能论述了。

    Nevertheless , benchmarking PHP programs is a huge topic that can 't be covered in just a few articles .

  20. 除了预热问题之外,JVM的动态编译涉及另外几个影响基准测试的问题。

    Besides warmup issues , dynamic compilation done by JVMs involves several other concerns that affect benchmarking .

  21. 那么,只涉及单一n值的任何基准测试结果都很不可靠;必须针对各种n值执行一系列基准测试。

    Then any conclusions drawn from benchmarking with a single value of n can be highly misleading ; you must do a series of benchmarks for various values of n.

  22. 对一个特定的应用在不同的发展阶段进行基准测试,作为一个PHP开发者,这是令人相当激动的事情。

    Benchmarking a particular application across its different development cycles is one of the most exciting things for a PHP developer .

  23. 在16路LPAR上执行的基准测试认为以下设置将是最佳设置

    The benchmark testing performed on a16-way LPAR suggests the following settings to be optimal

  24. 然后,可以使用Ruby的内置基准测试库来查看哪种方式更快,快多少。

    Then , you use Ruby 's built-in benchmark library to see which approach is faster and by what margin .

  25. PLDEDA软件的基准测试

    Benchmark Testing for PLD EDA Software

  26. 我们的基准测试通常测量Domino服务器执行特定工作的的效率和速度。

    Our benchmark tests typically measure the efficiency and the speed at which the Domino server performs a certain task .

  27. JIT会编译你的代码,这也是众多影响基准测试的行为之一。

    One of the activities that will interfere with your benchmark is JIT compilation of your code .

  28. 在PythonWeb服务开发者的这篇文章中,您将考察四项不同的消息传递技术并为每项技术编写一个简单的基准测试程序。

    In this installment of The Python Web Services Developer , you will look at four different messaging technologies and write a simple benchmark application for each .

  29. 注意,这个系统不是专用于这个LotusDomino基准测试的,它同时还运行其他工作负载。

    Note that this system was not dedicated to this Lotus Domino benchmark but was running other workloads at the same time .

  30. 然而在MacOSX上,即使有额外未被使用的变量也不会有任何影响,任何版本的基准测试的结果都是120%。

    However on Mac OS X , having the extra unused variable has no effect as both versions of the benchmarks come in at120 % .