
  1. Linux虚拟服务器是一种比较实用的群集系统技术,各大服务器都可采用这一新兴技术以解决服务器超载问题。

    Linux virtual server is the technology built on a cluster system which can be used to overcome the overloading problem of the servers .

  2. 物理分区涉及利用单一大服务器和把它划分为多个小系统的能力,而每个分区运行操作系统的各自副本。

    Physical partitioning involves the ability to take a single large server and divide it into multiple smaller systems , with each partition running its own copy of the operating system .

  3. 同时运行的服务器应用程序典型的需要大的服务器和渐增的CPU和/或内存要求。

    Several applications running together typically require larger servers with increased CPU and / or memory requirements .

  4. 在更大的服务器中不允许您创建最多4个处理器插槽的物理或逻辑分区以及购买LUSocket许可。

    You are not allowed to create a physical or logical partition of up to four processor sockets on a larger server and purchase an LU Socket license .

  5. 但是,潜在的风险是拨出磁盘可能干扰更大的服务器,让它上面的所有LPAR崩溃。

    But the latent risk was that the physical removal could panic the larger server and crash all of the LPARs on it .

  6. 通过大消息服务器限制并发性或单线程请求。

    Constrain concurrency or single-thread requests through the large message server .

  7. 由于请求实体过大导致服务器不接受该请求。

    Request Entity Too Large The server will not accept the request , because the request entity is too large .

  8. 如果用一个更大的服务器替换现有服务器来应对负载,则该应用程序是纵向扩展的。

    If you 're replacing a server with a larger server to handle the load , then the application scales vertically .

  9. 指出了为保护大的服务器群组,继防火墙和入侵检测技术之后容侵技术已成为又一重要技术。

    For protecting the large server group , the technology of Intrusion Tolerant System has become another essential technique succeeding the firewall and IDS techniques .

  10. 一个大容量邮件服务器的WebMail系统的设计与开发

    Design and Implementation of a Web Mail System fora Mass Mail Server

  11. 扩展的恢复周期&更大容量的服务器以及有限的客户端PC需求可以延长其寿命。

    Extended Refresh Cycles – Larger capacity servers as well as limited demands on the client PCs can extend their lifespan .

  12. 但是流媒体资源数据量大,对服务器的带宽要求高,因此在流媒体点播系统中采用P2P技术势在必行。

    However , streaming media has large amount of data , and high bandwidth requirements on the server .

  13. 本系统采用ASP技术在执行效率上仍有一定弊端,在网络用户访问量大时,服务器的负担较重。

    The implementation of ASP technology still has certain defects , for example , when many user visits the network , the burden on the server is very heavy .

  14. Apache的访问日志就是一个好例子;负载大的Web服务器可能在几分钟内生成数以千计的日志消息,每个消息都提供详细的信息,这其实用处不大。

    Apache 's access log is a good example & heavily used Web servers can generate thousands of log messages in a few minutes , each of which provides detailed information that isn 't really useful .

  15. 因此,该事务将太大,以致服务器无法处理。

    As a result , the transaction will be too large for the server to handle .

  16. 基于集群计算思想建立的集群系统可以为市级税务部门信息处理大集中提供服务器平台。

    The clustering system , based on clustering calculating methods , is used by taxation information centralizing in cities to establish the serving platform .

  17. 虽然公司内部有若干大容量的服务器可以用来保存相关数据,但由于其位于不同机房,一时难以组织,及时能够组织起来,也只能满足一段时间内的存储需求。

    Although the company has a number of large-capacity servers which can be used to store relevant data , but because of these servers are in different rooms , it is very difficult to organize .

  18. 当网络负载过大,使服务器端数据不能及时发送到客户时,可以通过数据同步降低每次发送的数据量,从而降低服务器出现颠簸现象的可能;

    When the data of the server can not be sent to the client in time because of the heavily-loaded network , the probability of leading to thrash phenomenon on the server can be lowered by reducing the data transmitted synchronously between the client and the server .

  19. 注意,如果变量设置太大,LotusQuickr服务器需要消费更多资源才能处理更大的缓存大小。

    Note that if this variable is set too large , the Lotus Quickr server spends more resources to handle the larger cache size .

  20. 对于更大的Systemp服务器(570和595),在转移内存量很大(80GB或更多)的系统时,考虑使用10GB网络。

    For larger System p servers ( 570 and595 ), we are considering using a10GB network when we start moving systems with a large amount of memory ( 80GB or more ) .

  21. 权重值越大,相应的服务器上的负载就越大。

    A larger value for a weight will increase the load on the corresponding server .

  22. 我们计划将用户社区合并到一组更大的新硬件服务器上。

    The plan is to consolidate the user community onto a new set of larger hardware servers .

  23. 现在,这家英国公司试图凭借强大的处理器设计能力进军更大的设备&服务器。

    Now the British firm is trying to get its processor designs into somewhat larger gadgets & servers .

  24. 其实,那都是些摆满服务器的大房子,这些服务器是全球各地的计算机公司用来存储数据的。

    These are essentially huge rooms of servers that computer companies around the world use to store their data .

  25. 这样就大幅度减轻数据库服务器的负担,提高其响应速度,系统整体运行效率明显提高。

    So , the load of the data server is largely reduced , its responding speed is improved , and the running of the whole system is efficient .

  26. 现有的多媒体文件分发机制通常是采用单播协议,当资源请求数目变大时,文件服务器不能提供稳定快速的数据服务,影响系统性能。

    Nowadays , the existing multimedia distribution mechanism is usually unicast transmission . When the resource requests are getting larger , file server cannot provide a stable and fast data services .

  27. 结合软交换服务器产品的实践,从系统管理的角度对大容量软交换服务器的解决方案做了概要的描述。

    This paper summarily describes the commercial solution of large capacity soft-switch server from the point view of telecom-system management , which also results from the project practice over many years .

  28. 由于目前流行的网络游戏几乎全部是采用的C/S模型,随着参与人数的不断增长,游戏服务器的压力变得越来越大,已经成为服务器首要解决的问题。

    Because the current popular online games are almost used by C / S model , with the growing number of participants , these games become more and more pressure on the server .

  29. 无线传感器网络需要和一个外部网络连接在一起,使得传感器节点上的数据可以传输到外部网络上的具有大容量存储器的服务器上,同时使外部网络可以监视和控制无线传感器网络。

    Then sensor nodes can transmit the sensing data to the server with large capacity memory on the external network , while the external network users can monitor and control wireless sensor networks .

  30. 由于传统的Client/Server的传统访问模式存在着服务器端易受到恶意攻击以及对服务器的访问量过大而造成的服务器瘫痪问题都在一定程度上影响着网络的发展。

    As the problems of traditional Client / Server access mode which is easy to be hostility attacked and could not respond millions of requirements which would make it paralysis will affect the development of Internet partially .