
  • 网络great tit;tit;tomtit
  1. 浙北龙山林区大山雀繁殖季节持续时间、雏鸟食物组成及对松毛虫的捕食作用

    Studies on the duration of breeding season , nestling food composition and predation in nestling periods of great tit Parus major on larvae of Dendrolimus punctatus at Longshan Forest farm , Anji county , Zhejiang Province

  2. 杨树人工林内大山雀雏鸟的食物组成和消耗量

    Nestling Food Composition and Consumption of Great Tit in Poplar Plantation

  3. 而大山雀的招引率也很高,平均达70%。

    The attraction rate of great tit was 70 % .

  4. 大山雀和褐头山雀种间关系研究

    Studies of interspecific relationship between great tit and willow tit

  5. 人工巢箱条件下大山雀的窝卵数与繁殖成功的关系(卵圆窝缘)维厄桑氏环

    Relationship between Clutch Size and Reproductive Success of Great Tit Breeding inside Artificial Nest-box

  6. 很多动物体内产生一种抗氧化剂以对抗自由基-包括雄性大山雀。

    Many animals'bodies produce antioxidants that fight free radicals & including male great tits .

  7. 选定样地96公顷,设置人工巢箱115个,大山雀成功利用77个巢箱,利用率为66.96%。

    Great tit made triumphantly use of 77 nests , using rate was 66.96 % .

  8. 大山雀的巢成功率最低,灰椋鸟的巢成功率最高。

    The nest success of Great Tit is the lowest and Ashy Starling is the highest .

  9. 就像那些把鸣唱调节成与城市噪音一样的知更鸟和大山雀一样,他们都是城市的幸存者。

    Like the robins and great tits that adjust their songs to city noises , they are urban survivors .

  10. 1987和1988两年大山雀繁殖种群密度分别为0.26巢/hm~2和0.38巢/hm~2。

    The mean breeding densities of Great Tit in 1987 ~ 1988 were 0.26 and 0.38 pair per hectare respectively .

  11. 根据首次有关羽毛光泽和精子活力之间联系的研究发现,雄性大山雀胸部羽毛越鲜亮,精子活性越强。

    Male great tits with brighter breasts have stronger sperm , according to the first study to find a link between flashiness and sperm strength .

  12. 广告就像是要在雌性大山雀中寻找一位令他心仪的对象,因为找到一位有高质量精子的雄性可不完全是为了好玩。

    The advertisement likely finds an appreciative audience in female great tits , since snagging a male with high-quality sperm isn 't exactly a lark .

  13. 研究发现,蓝山雀、大山雀和其他花园鸟类在早上找食,但只在临近傍晚的时候才吃掉。

    Blue tits , great tits and other small garden birds scout for food in the morning but only return to eat it in the late afternoon , a study found .