
  • 网络Cricetulus triton;Tscherskia triton
  1. 大仓鼠种群季节存活率的估算

    Estimation of seasonal survival rates of Cricetulus triton populations

  2. 以黑线姬鼠、褐家鼠、大仓鼠为主要储存宿主,分别占82.87%、85.47%和13.04%;

    The main reservoir hosts were Apodemus agrarius , Rattus norvegicus and Cricetulus triton , accounted for 82.87 % , 85.47 % and 13.04 % respectively .

  3. 本文提出了一种从浸泡在福尔马林的大仓鼠肝脏和日本鳗鲡肌肉标本中提取基因组DNA的新方法。

    This paper reports a new method to extract genomic DNA from the liver specimen of rat like hamster ( Cricetulus triton ) and muscle specimen of Japanese eel ( Anguilla japonica ) preserved in formalin .

  4. 结果表明,处理组大仓鼠的繁殖力明显受到了不育剂EP-1的抑制。

    The results indicated that the reproduction of hamsters in enclosures with treatment of EP-1 baits was obviously inhibited .

  5. 于2001年6月,在每组围栏内各放入5雄5雌成年大仓鼠,检验投放EP-1毒饵后对大仓鼠繁殖力的影响。

    In June of 2001 , each enclosure was supplied with 5 male and 5 female adult greater long-tailed hamsters , and with baits .

  6. 另外,可能也与野外大仓鼠密度较高有关。

    Triton may be its relatively high density in the fields .

  7. 大仓鼠种群生境片断化的遗传效应研究

    The Genetic Effect of Habitant Fragmentation on the Greater Long-tailed Hamster Populations

  8. 北京地区大仓鼠种群繁殖生态研究

    Studies on population breeding ecology of greater long-tailed hamster in Beijing area

  9. 双性不育优于单性不育,同时探讨了大仓鼠种群调节中的关键因子。

    The key factors in population regulation of the hamster were also discussed .

  10. 京津地区大仓鼠种群年龄结构的研究

    Study on the population age-structure of the greater long-tailed hamsters in Beijing-Tianjin area

  11. 利用主分量分析评价大仓鼠的年龄指标

    Assessment of age indices of greater longtailed hamster by use of principal component analysis

  12. 性激素对雌雄大仓鼠行为关系的影响

    Effects of sex hormones on behavioral interaction between male and female ratlike hamsters Cricetulus triton

  13. 大仓鼠在繁殖期的行为关系及交配行为

    Behavioral interactions and mating behavior of ratlike hamsters ( cricetulus triton ) during the breeding season

  14. 明斯克:我们全都是英雄,你,还有布布和我!大仓鼠和游侠到处都快乐!

    We are all heroes , you and Boo and I ! Hamsters and rangers everywhere rejoice !

  15. 一种复方避孕药物对围栏内大仓鼠种群繁殖力的影响

    Effect of a Contraceptive Compound on Reproduction of Greater Long-tailed Hamsters ( Tscherskia triton ) in Experimental Enclosures

  16. 室外鼠种构成比1986&1988年大仓鼠31.98%、黑线姬鼠29.34%为优势鼠种。

    29 . 34 % separately From 1986 to 1988 . Apodemus agrarius became the only dominant kind of outdoor rodent .

  17. 宿主动物构成以褐家鼠占绝对优势(77.57%),其次为大仓鼠(13.63%)和小家鼠(8.81%)。

    Rattus norvegicus was the dominant host ( 77.57 % ), and then Tscherskia triton ( 13.63 % ) and Mus musculus ( 8.81 % ) .

  18. 鼠带毒率褐家鼠为4.82%,黄胸鼠5.88%,黑线姬鼠4.27%,大仓鼠8.11%,为本区主要传染源。

    The infectious rate of Rattus norvegicus , Rattus flavipectus , Apodemus agrarius , Cricetulus triton was 4.82 % , 5.88 % , 4.27 % , 8.11 % respectively .

  19. 结论我省广泛存在恙虫病疫区,黑线姬鼠为主要传染源,其血清学阳性率达19.46%,但褐家鼠甚至包括大仓鼠也有可能是本病的重要传染源;

    Conclusion The study showed that there are extensive epidemic regions with scrub typhus in Shandong province . A. agrarius was the major host , whose serological positive rate was up to 19.46 % .

  20. 列出了有效运用于克服小鼠、大鼠、仓鼠、兔、猪、羊、牛、猴等动物早期胚胎阻滞的成分已知的培养液的名称。

    Media that have been shown effective in overcoming early embryo developmental block in mouse , rat , hamster , rabbit , pig , sheep , cattle and monkey were listed .