
yè xínɡ dònɡ wù
  • nocturnal animal
  1. 红熊猫原产于中国西南地区和喜马拉雅东部地区,这种夜行动物比猫大一点,具有独特的红棕色毛皮和环尾。

    Native to areas of Southwest China and the Eastern Himalayas , the nocturnal animal is slightly larger than a cat , has distinctive reddish-brown fur and a ringed tail .

  2. 如果人类在月光和星光下能够自如地行动,那我们就可以愉快地走进黑暗之中了。就如这个星球上数量众多的夜行动物一样,我们能够把午夜时分的世界看得一清二楚。

    If humans were truly at home under the light of the moon and stars , we would go in darkness happily , the midnight world as visible to us as it is to the vast number of nocturnal species on this planet .

  3. 根据已发现的化石,我们可以看出,它们还是夜行动物。

    And , according to their fossils , they were nocturnal .

  4. 我们需要一起抵抗这个夜行动物。

    We need to rise up against these creatures of the night .

  5. 多数老鼠都是夜行动物,但是非洲草老鼠是活跃在白天。

    Most mice are nocturnal , but the African grass mouse is active during daylight hours .

  6. 美洲虎基本上是夜行动物。

    Jaguars are largely nocturnal creatures .

  7. 然而一项新的研究显示,老虎变得越来越像布莱克诗中描述的夜行动物。

    But new research suggests they 've become far more the nocturnal creatures of Blake 's poem .

  8. 由汤姆·福特执导的美国黑色惊悚片《夜行动物》获得评审团大奖。

    Tom Ford 's noir thriller " Nocturnal Animals " from the US won the grand jury prize .

  9. 最佳男配角:亚伦·泰勒·约翰逊(《夜行动物》)

    Best Performance by an Actor in a Supporting Role in any Motion Picture : Aaron Taylor-Johnson , Nocturnal Animals

  10. 如果逆向进行夜行动物的行为研究,你能在一周中整夜的进行观察吗?

    If you are doing a nocturnal study , do you want to stay up all night for a week ?

  11. 黄昏丝毫没有使刺状的壁垒变柔和,然而变冷的气温和上升的湿气诱使许多夜行动物浮现。

    Nightfall does nothing to soften the spiny ramparts , yet cooler temperatures and rising humidity entice many nocturnal creatures to emerge .

  12. 要弄懂这种联系,须知道猫头鹰是夜行动物。他们在黄昏甚至是黑夜里寻找食物。

    To understand the connection , remember that owls are nocturnal birds : they hunt for food at twilight and even in the dark .

  13. 丛林里活跃起来,好象是夜行动物正在出没。你有两天的时间来替我拟出一系列的行销活动。

    The bush around them came alive as the animals of the night emerged . You have two days to outline an advertising campaign for me .

  14. 在两周的时间里,研究人员给一组小白鼠(夜行动物)白天喂食,而给另一组如常在夜间喂食。

    Over a period of two weeks , researchers fed one group of mice - nocturnal animals - during the day while the other group were fed at night like usual .

  15. 一开始,我有点不信,但他坚持说这里黄鼠狼和刺猬都很多,只是由于它们是夜行动物,大多数游客才看不到。

    I was a bit skeptical at first , but he insisted that both skunks and porcupines are plentiful , if not often seen by most visitors due to their nocturnal habits .

  16. 令古生物学者不解的是,从下孔类动物眼睛周围的骨轮可以看出,这些动物大多于夜晚行动。之前的传统观点认为,早期的哺乳动物为了躲避恐龙而成为夜行动物。

    And the bony rings around synapsid eyes indicate that they mostly operated at night , which paleontologists found puzzling.Previously , the conventional wisdom held that the earliest mammals became nocturnal to avoid dinosaurian detection .

  17. 这是一种夜行独居动物,在野外甚少看到。

    A solitary and nocturnal animal , it is not often seen in the wild .

  18. 他们是夜行性动物,在夜幕的掩护下会更加活跃。

    They are a nocturnal breed , and are more aggressive under the cover of darkness .

  19. 夜行性动物是在夜间活动的;夜间植物有晚上开放、白天关闭的花朵。

    Nocturnal animals are active at night ; nocturnal plants have flowers that open at night and close by day .

  20. 此后的原始蛇类很有可能是夜行性动物并且像现代的蛇类一样,有针一样的牙齿,以便在吞咽猎物之前将其制服。

    The proto-snakes that followed thereafter were probably nocturnal and had needle-like teeth with which to subdue prey before gulping them down like modern snakes .