
yè é kē
  • noctuidae;cutworm
  1. 长春郊区夜蛾科昆虫种类的初步调查

    Preliminary survey on Noctuidae insects in Changchun suburb , Jilin Province

  2. 河北、河南和安徽省夜蛾科昆虫区系研究

    Studies on Fauna of Noctuidae Insects in Hebei , Henan and Anhui Province

  3. 粘虫Mythimnaseparata(Walker)(鳞翅目:夜蛾科)是我国及亚洲其他国家粮食作物的重大害虫,曾给我国粮食生产造成了巨大的损失。

    Oriental armyworm Mythimna separata ( Walker ) ( Lepidoptera : Noctuidae ) is serious pest of of food crops in China and other Asian countries . It has caused a huge loss of grain production .

  4. 棉铃虫(HelicoverpaarmigeraHiibner)属鳞翅目夜蛾科,是一种重要的世界性害虫,曾经在我国棉花上大面积暴发,造成严重的经济损失。

    Cotton bollworm , Helicoverpa armigera ( Hiibner ) ( Lepidoptera : Noctuidae ), is one of the most important agricultural pests in the world . Outbreak of cotton bollworms in cotton caused serious economic losses in China .

  5. 甘蔗伤流液中保绿活性物质的分离与初步鉴定列点大螟(SesamiauniformisDudgeon)为我国新记录的夜蛾科害虫。

    ISOLATION AND PRIMARY IDENTIFICATION OF THE SUBSTANCES CAPABLE OF SUSTAINING GREEN COLORATION IN ROOT EXUDATE OF SUGAR-CANE In Yunan Province of China , the noctuid , Sesamia uniformis Dudgeon is found to injure sugar-cane severely . This species is first record of pest in China .

  6. 夜蛾科卵的分类(三)

    The classification of the eggs of some Chinese Noctuidae ⅲ .

  7. 夜蛾科(鳞翅目)卵分类性状的定量分析

    Quantitative analysis on taxonomic characters of Chinese noctuidae 's eggs

  8. 苏云金芽胞杆菌在防治夜蛾科害虫中的应用

    On Application of Bacillus thuringiensis : for the control of noctuids : a review

  9. 长白山林区昆虫调查名录(二)夜蛾科

    A list of the insects in the forest areas of Changbai mountains ⅱ Noctuidae

  10. 夜蛾科多食性昆虫对寄主植物的选择机制一直是昆虫与植物协同进化研究中的一个热点问题。

    Host plant selection mechanisms of noctuid polyphagous insects are hot spots of the co-evolution between plants and insects .

  11. 食烟性夜蛾科昆虫对生物碱的适应及仿生型信号分子对烟草生物碱的抑制

    The Adaptation of Noctuid Insects to Alkaloids and the Inhibitory Effects of Bionics Signal Molecule on the Alkaloids of Tobacco

  12. 三种夜蛾科昆虫之所以能适应烟草作为寄主植物主要是因为他们拥有强有效的排泄机制。

    Three noctuid insects which have become adapted to tobacco as a host plant mainly because of an efficient excretory mechanism . 3 .

  13. 从整个夜蛾科来看,古北界成分与古北东洋界共有种是兴隆山夜蛾类昆虫区系的主要组分。

    The species of the Palaearctic , and the common species of the Palearctic and Oriental Realm are mainly the Noctuidae insect faunal in Xinglong Mountain Region .

  14. 棉铃虫是鳞翅目夜蛾科昆虫,因摄食杂,食量大,繁殖力强,严重危害我国农业经济。

    Helicoverpa armigera belongs to Noctuidae , Lepidoptera , which seriously influences crop production in our country because of its great appetite , multiform food and high proliferation .

  15. 田间试验发现,萎蔫杨树枝把在河南不同地区可诱到7个目21科25种昆虫,诱虫谱十分广泛,其中以鳞翅目夜蛾科昆虫居多。

    Field test showed that the spectrum of attracting insects of withered poplar leaves was very wide , and the spectrum includes more than 60 species belonging to 7 orders 21 families .

  16. 本文用主成分分析法对夜蛾科卵的分类性状进行定量分析,用以说明各主成分的生物含义和各变量对分类的重要性。

    This is a research of quantitative analysis on taxonomic characters of Chinese Noctuidae 's eggs with principal component analysis in order to show the biological implication of every principal component and the importance of every variable to classification .

  17. 中国夜蛾科新记录种本文共记上述三科13属137种。其中含1新记录属、1新种组、22新种3新记录种和1雄性新发现,另提出了1新组合和2次异名。

    In the paper 137 species of 13 genera belong to the three family from China are reported including 1 newly recorded genus from China , 1 new species group , 22 new species , 3 new records of species in China and 1 new discovery of the male .

  18. 甜菜夜蛾SpodopteraexiguaHübner(鳞翅目:夜蛾科)是一种世界性害虫,在世界各地均有严重为害或暴发成灾的记录,并造成过重大的经济损失。

    Beet armyworm , Spodoptera exigua H ü bner ( Lepidoptera : Noctuidae ) is one of worldwide polyphagous insect pest . It outbreaks frequently all over the world and have caused high level of economic damage .

  19. 其宿主斜纹夜蛾(Spodopteralitura,Spli)是鳞翅目夜蛾科的杂食性害虫,分布范围广,是我国粮棉、油等经济作物和蔬菜的重要害虫之一。

    Spodoptera litura , the host of the virus is a kind of polyphagous insect which is harmful to economic crop and vegetables such as alimentary crop , cotton , oil plants and so on .