
yè xiāo
  • supper;midnight snack;food taken late at night;refreshment taken at night
夜宵 [yè xiāo]
  • [refreshment taken at night;midnigh snack] 常指夜间另加而吃得很少的一顿晚餐

  • 看完剧以后吃夜宵

夜宵[yè xiāo]
  1. 你带了些夜宵过去。

    You show up with a little midnight snack .

  2. 我正在吃夜宵呢。

    I am eating my midnight snack .

  3. 她让孩子们吃了点夜宵,然后让他们上床睡觉。

    She gives the children their supper , then puts them to bed .

  4. 今年56岁的大卫・詹森(DavidJensen)认为自己体重超标,他说减少日常饮酒量有助于少吃夜宵。

    David Jensen , a 56-year-old who considers himself overweight , says cutting his daily drink or two helped him reduce nighttime snacking . '

  5. midnight:午夜sandwich:三明治但是如果这意味着我们大家有更多火鸡三明治作夜宵,何乐而不为呢没错,明白了,Dan?kitchen:厨房positive:积极的;

    Rufus : But if it means more midnight turkey , sandwiches for all of us , then so be it . Yeah , see , Dan ? -

  6. 例如,住在隔壁宿舍的同学建立了一个叫“Ikeer”的网站,在网上他们为R大的学生提供夜宵。

    For example , the living quarters of the students in the next set up a call " Ikeer " website , the Internet for their students with R university supper .

  7. 工作之后吃点夜宵怎么样?

    How do you fancy a spot of supper after work ?

  8. 你们这些人是怎么搞的&是在吃夜宵,招待女朋友?

    What are you guys doing-having a supper and ladies night ?

  9. 观看演出之后,主人又请我们吃了一顿夜宵。

    After the show our host stood treat to a late supper .

  10. 你们俩不想吃点夜宵吗?

    Thought you two might like a little study break .

  11. 陛下,吃些米饼作为夜宵吧。

    Your majesty , rice pancakes as a late-night snack .

  12. 晚上吃夜宵是一定会引起失眠的。

    Eating late at night is a surefire way to cause insomnia .

  13. 我没钱每天晚上出去吃夜宵。

    I can 't afford to go out to eat every night .

  14. 怎么这么晚?我等你吃夜宵呢。

    You 're late . I 've been waiting to eat with you .

  15. 吃烧烤和吃夜宵对我们的健康都有害处。

    Eating barbecue and eating deep in night are both bad for our health .

  16. 芝士蛋饼是完美的早餐、午餐、或是夜宵选择!

    I 'm Kathy Maister Omelets are great for breakfast , lunch or a mid-night snack !

  17. 法式三明治火腿芝士三明治上面放个煎蛋,绝妙的夜宵哟。

    A ham and cheese sandwich topped with fried egg makes a great late night snack .

  18. 夜宵也可以在你回来之后根据要求送到您的房间里。

    A late supper can also be served in your room on your return by request .

  19. 一个好的解决办法就是:回家的时候准备好夜宵。

    A good solution would be to prepare a midnight meal for when you get home .

  20. 有天晚上,在安排幼小的女儿睡觉之前,她给女儿喂夜宵。

    One evening , she was giving her small daughterher tea before putting her to bed .

  21. 中国各地都非常流行麻辣小龙虾配上啤酒作夜宵。

    Spicy crayfish dishes are popular across the country to pair with beer on summer nights .

  22. 来点儿夜宵怎么样?

    How about a snack ?

  23. 丹尼尔:不管怎样,我很饿,我要去吃点夜宵。

    Daniel : Anyway , I need to get myself some late supper . I 'm starving .

  24. 公司还推出了特殊的夜宵服务,以满足人们深夜增长的食欲。

    The company is also rolling out special snacks to meet people 's growing appetite late at night .

  25. “演出结束以后,你们一定要和我一起吃点夜宵。”

    " After the show you must come with me and we 'll have a little supper . "

  26. 但是如果这意味着我们大家有更多火鸡三明治作夜宵何乐而不为呢

    But if it means more midnight turkey sandwiches for all of us , then so be it .

  27. “好啦,”玛格丽特像个孩子似的跳着说,“我们要吃夜宵啦。

    ' How lovely ! 'said Marguerite , skipping like a child , 'we are going to have supper .

  28. 除了用食物来满足自己,中国人吃夜宵也是一种社交和放松方式。

    Apart from * sating your appetite for food , late-night snacks in China are also about socializing and relaxing .

  29. 现在我已经回来了,威廉,我要吃着夜宵继续写你写信。

    Here I am back . Wilhelm ; I will now eat my supper and then go on writing to you .

  30. 晚上,我还往了饭店吃夜宵,很好吃!但是那里的价格好贵!

    Night , I went to the hotel for supper , very good to eat ! But where the price was expensive !