
  • 网络Dining Etiquette;Table Manners
  1. 良好的用餐礼仪对任何商业餐宴都很重要。

    Good dining etiquette is crucial to any business meal .

  2. 饭菜端上来,按得体的用餐礼仪的要求,你吃东西的节奏不能太快,这样你就有时间来说话。

    When your food arrives , proper dining etiquette requires you to eat at a moderate pace so that you have time to talk .

  3. 礼茶,酒和用餐礼仪一直传承着国家的文化。

    Ceremonial tea , sake and dining rituals have stayed with the culture .

  4. 你不知道任何用餐礼仪。

    You didn 't know any table manners .

  5. 如果你碰到过一个年轻人用餐礼仪十分糟糕,你会怎么看?

    If you met a young person with awful table manners , what would you think ?

  6. 建立孩子用餐礼仪,可让小朋友在用餐前后,帮忙做一些准备与收拾的简单工作;

    Teach your child 's table manner by asking him to help prepare for a meal and to clean up after a meal .

  7. 阿曼达:我很愿意尝尝这香肠,不过,麦克,你妈妈没有教过你任何用餐礼仪妈?

    Amanda : I 'd love to eat a sausage , Mike , but didn 't your mother ever teach you any table manners ?

  8. 许多文化中围绕食物和吃都有很多规矩礼仪,而在高级餐厅用餐的礼仪就不言自明了。

    As in all cultures , there are many rules of etiquette surrounding food and eating , and nowhere is this more pronounced than when eating in a smart restaurant !

  9. 《商业旅行家》理查德·奎斯特:这里是美国纽约市的顶级餐厅“葛腊酒吧及烧烤”我来这里学习用餐的礼仪与禁忌。

    RICHARD QUEST , BUSINESS TRAVELLER : The Gotham Bar & : Grill , a top New York restaurant , and I 'm here to learn the dos and don'ts of how to behave .