
  • 网络Feedback;user feedback
  1. 将消息记录到系统日志中,或让PC扬声器发出声响以便对获得的物理输入发出即时用户反馈。

    Log messages to the system log or sound the PC speaker for instant user feedback about getting physical .

  2. 交互式Web信息检索技术可根据用户反馈信息,调整和修正查询表达式,自动实现查询重构。

    Based on user feedback information , the interactive Web information retrieval technology can adjust and modify the query expression . It can automatically reconstruct the query expression .

  3. Rating:该控件主要用于用户反馈。

    Rating : The rating control is generally used for user-feedback .

  4. 该算法引入BP神经网络模型,根据用户反馈分值选择样本训练神经网络。

    The algorithm used the BP neural network , and the neural network was trained by samples which were selected according to user feedback score .

  5. 用户反馈自适应的POP3邮件过滤代理模型

    Self-Adaptive Mail Filtering POP3 Proxy Based on Users ' Feedback

  6. wiki也是一种很好的方式,它可以方便收集用户反馈和提供程序文档和信息。

    A wiki is another great way to make it easy to facilitate user feedback and to provide program documentation and information .

  7. 该系统可以根据http请求地址和网页内容实现网页过滤,并采用基于用户反馈的自学习模型,可以不断地学习提高。

    It can carry out homepage filtration according to http request address and homepage content , and can get upgraded from continuous learning by using self-taught model based on user feedback .

  8. 采用ASP技术开发系统平台,实现了发布信息、产品展示、企业信息展示、用户反馈等主要功能;

    A system platform is developed with ASP technique , which achieves mostly functions such as publishing information , showing products , bringing forth information of the enterprises , users feedback etc.

  9. 2012年,Pinterest曾与营销联盟工具Skimlinks合作,但由于营销联盟系统缺乏透明度,用户反馈并不好。

    Then , users were upset by the lack of transparency in the affiliate links system .

  10. 自此VisualStudio开发团队,包括性能专家RicoMariani,都基于用户反馈来努力提升该软件的性能。

    Since then the Visual Studio development team , including performance guru Rico Mariani , have been working hard on improving performance based on customer feedback .

  11. Facebook方面表示,有用户反馈,当点开一个看上去像新闻网页的链接、却进了一个有很多广告的页面时,他们很“失望”。

    Users had told it they were " disappointed " when they clicked on links that seemed to point to a news site but instead put them on a page built largely around adverts , Facebook said .

  12. 提醒一下,你可以在Shadowfax的gotdotnet的Workspace中发现一些有用的信息和关于这个架构的有趣讨论和用户反馈。

    Recall that you can find valuable information at the Shadowfax Workspace as well as some interesting threaded discussions and user feedback .

  13. SAE中的相关工作现在正在进行,以自动化的形式收集最终用户反馈和支持某种遵从企业数据治理和安全策略的修改级别。

    Work is now going on in the SAE to automate the end-user feedback collection and support a level of community moderation compliant with enterprise data governance and security policies .

  14. 有了这个版本的Cloudcat,我们已经获得了大量用户反馈,那会对产品的路线图产生影响。

    With this version of Cloudcat , we are gathering lot of customer feedback , which would influence the product roadmap .

  15. 而IVR系统涉及到多平台的交互;语音的录制与比对;业务流程的生成和监控;用户反馈信息的收集和报表的生成等,使得系统测试变得尤为重要。

    The IVR system involves multi-platform interaction ; the recording and comparing of the voice ; the generation and monitoring of business processes ; the collection and reporting of user feedback , etc. , so the system testing has become particularly important .

  16. 最后,介绍了分别采用SCG算法和E-ROCK算法的用户反馈分析系统和产品推荐系统在实际B2C电子商务平台中的应用结构。

    At the end , the framework of a real existing B2C E-Commerce platform is introduced . The platform include two background sub-systems , feedback information analysis system and product recommendation system , where the SCG algorithm and E-ROCK algorithm are applied .

  17. 构件库用户反馈子系统的客观反馈的设计

    Design of External Feedback Emulator of User Feedback Subsystem in CLMS

  18. 其中,学习用户反馈模块是本文的研究重点。

    Learning user feedback module is the core of this system .

  19. 用户反馈也可成为一把双刃剑。

    User feedback can be a double - edged sword .

  20. 稍后我们将讨论管理用户反馈的技术。

    Later , we 'll discuss the techniques for managing user feedback .

  21. 基于用户反馈与协同过滤的情报检索系统的建立

    Construction of Information Retrieval System Based on User Feedback and Collaborative Filtering

  22. 基于用户反馈调整的最小支持度阈值方法

    A Minimum Support Threshold Method Based on Consumer Feedback Adjustment

  23. 针对每个步骤获得用户反馈。

    Build in user feedback every step of the way .

  24. 收集用户反馈,促进实用性测试。

    Facilitate usability tests to gather feedback from users .

  25. 基于经验和用户反馈的成熟产品。

    Mature product based on experience and user feedback .

  26. 数字参考咨询服务系统用户反馈平台建立实践探究

    On Establishing the Users ' Feedback Platform in the Digital Reference Service System

  27. 互动性强,能与粉丝即时沟通,及时获得用户反馈。

    Interactive and real-time communication with the fans , in time for user feedback .

  28. 基于用户反馈的反垃圾邮件技术

    Anti - spam Technique Based on Users Feedback

  29. 基于小波压缩和用户反馈的图像检索系统

    Content-based image retrieval based on wavelet-decomposition and feedback

  30. 日本用户反馈良好,具有重要的市场意义。

    In Japan it has good user feedback ; the market has an important significance .