
  • 网络user agent;User-Agent;User-Agents
  1. Web浏览器是最常用类型的HTTP用户代理。

    Web browsers are the most commonly used type of HTTP user agent .

  2. 用户代理的缺省样式表会像上面提到的形式来展现P元素。

    The user agent 's default style sheet renders P elements in a familiar form , as illustrated above .

  3. 基于Web服务的安全电子邮件用户代理

    The Application and Research of Web Service Based Safe Email MUA

  4. Web信息系统创作工具与用户代理易用性规范

    Authoring Tool and User Agent Accessibility Specifications for Web Systems

  5. 用户代理通常不显示在HEAD内出现的元素。

    User agents do not generally render elements that appear in the HEAD as content .

  6. 在传入的请求中,将在HTTP用户代理请求头部中寻找MobileDeviceUserAgentKeywords中指定的关键字。

    The keywords specified here are sought within the HTTP user agent request header on incoming requests .

  7. 一般来说,可视化用户代理用斜体表示EM,用粗体表示STRONG。

    Generally , visual user agents present EM text in italics and STRONG text in bold font .

  8. 这些节点通常包含用户代理字符串属性,一个fallback设备属性,以及一个惟一的ID属性。

    These nodes always contain the user-agent string attribute , a fall_back device attribute , and a unique ID attribute .

  9. SIP协议栈中用户代理的设计与实现

    Design and Realization of User Agent in SIP Stack

  10. 在本文的示例中,您想捕获正用于访问您的web应用程序的浏览器的用户代理。

    In the example in this article , you want to capture the user agents of the browsers that are being used to access your web application .

  11. 相反,在应用上面的步骤之前,我们要先创建一个新的用户代理对象和/或XML管理器对象。

    Instead , create a new user agent object and / or an XML manager object before applying the steps above to it .

  12. 对基于SIP协议的VoIP网关用户代理设计的探讨

    Design of User Agent for SIP-Based VoIP Gateway

  13. 可视化用户代理必须保证Q元素的内容以引号进行标记展示。

    Visual user agents must ensure that the content of the Q element is rendered with delimiting quotation marks .

  14. 本文所作主要工作为引入了SIP协议,设计了SIP协议栈,并有SIP用户代理的粗步实现;

    The article introduce SIP protocol , design stack of sip and realize sip user proxy ;

  15. 它将发送正确的用户代理并且模拟MobileSafari的所有行为,包括双击缩放。

    It sends the correct user agent and mimics all of Mobile Safari 's behavior , including double-tap zoom .

  16. 非可视化用户代理不需要顾忌在PRE元素内容中额外的空白。

    Non-visual user agents are not required to respect extra white space in the content of a PRE element .

  17. 协议会话完成时,用户代理将关闭彼此间的SIP会话。

    When that protocol session is complete , the user agents close out the SIP session with one another .

  18. 然后,您使用字符串机器将这个用户代理字符串映射到一个名为Agents的Enum。

    Then you use string matching to map the user agent string to an Enum called Agents .

  19. 基于JAINSIP的用户代理软件设计

    Software Design of User Agent Based on JAIN SIP

  20. 当你使用这条规则时,首先要确定用户代理是否支持(iPhone就不支持)。

    When you use this technique , first check if the user agent supports it ( iPhone does not ) .

  21. 在一般的SIP交换平台上增加了认证服务器,以实现用户代理和SIP服务器的双向认证。

    An authentication server is placed in normal SIP platform to provide both-way authentication between user agent and authentication server .

  22. 用户代理客户机(UserAgentClient,UAC)在SIP中被正式定义为能创建和管理SIP会话的端点。

    A user agent client ( UAC ) is formally defined in SIP as an endpoint that can create and manage SIP sessions .

  23. 用户代理绝对不能将脚本数据当做HTML标记处理,而是要将它当成数据传递给相应的脚本引擎。

    User agents must not evaluate script data as HTML markup but instead must pass it on as data to a script engine .

  24. 简单地看一下日志或SOAP跟踪很可能就会发现:用户代理头未被设置。

    A brief look at the logs or a SOAP trace can probably tell you that the user agent header is not being set .

  25. 依照SIP协议的通信方式,在用户代理、SIP服务器方面进行实验性研究,描述了基于SIP协议的网络聊天软件体系结构与部分实现。

    The chat software is partly completed according to the communication mode of SIP through programming on user proxy and SIP server .

  26. OSIP协议栈及其在SIP用户代理中的应用

    Application in User Agent Based on SIP with OSIP Library

  27. 各用户代理(UA)帮助用户接入MHS。

    User agents ( UAs ) help users access MHS .

  28. 这里不推荐修改用户代理或者名为default的XML管理器,因为它们是作为新服务使用的,一些已有服务也可能正在使用它们。

    Modifying the user agent or the XML manager named default is not recommended because these are used for new services and some existing services may be using them as well .

  29. 另一个缺点是Aptana插件不能识别自己是在使用iPhone还是在使用iPodtouch用户代理字符串。

    Another negative is that the Aptana plug-in does not identify itself using the iPhone or iPod touch user-agent string .

  30. 在实践中,用户代理会以与UL列表一样的方式对DIR及MENU列表进行展现。

    In practice , a user agent will render a DIR or MENU list exactly as a UL list .