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yòng xīn
  • attentively;intention;diligently;motive;with concentrated attention;be serious about
用心 [yòng xīn]
  • (1) [with concentrated attention;attentively]∶集中注意力;使用心力;专心

  • 用心听讲

  • 上食埃土,下饮黄泉,用心一也。--《荀子.劝学》

  • (2) [diligently]∶勤奋、勤勉或用功以精力集中为特征地

  • 叹借书者之用心专。--清. 袁枚《黄生借书说》

  • 用心学习

  • [motive; intention] 想法;居心

  • 别有用心

用心[yòng xīn]
  1. 良好的习惯要用心去培养,不好的习惯要用心去改过。

    Cultivate good habits diligently . Transform bad habits diligently .

  2. 船员的孩子更要用心去教育

    Crew 's child will go for education diligently even more

  3. 面试前一定要用心掌握公司的情况。

    Make sure you swot up on the company before the interview .

  4. 总统谈及了敌人的奸诈用心。

    The President spoke of the treacherous intentions of the enemy .

  5. 只要用心经营,公司可以重回正轨。

    Nurtured carefully , the business can once again get back to basics .

  6. 克莱尔用心收拾花园。

    Claire worked to beautify the garden .

  7. 索尼娅没有用心听。

    Sonia was not listening .

  8. 很明显,任何长期接受用心教育的孩子都有可能取得进步。

    Obviously , any child who receives dedicated teaching over an extended period is likely to improve .

  9. 多用心去打动顾客,货物就会更快售出。

    Make the extra effort to impress the buyer and you will be rewarded with a quicker sale .

  10. 公司里同我交谈过的人看上去都有一些提心吊胆,也许担心我是又一位用心险恶的记者。

    Everyone I talked to in the company seemed a little gun-shy , perhaps fearing that I was yet another snide reporter .

  11. 用心何在?

    What 's the motive !

  12. 用心何其毒也!

    How vicious his intentions are !

  13. 每次我用心做算术题时,我的脑子就木了。

    I get a mental block every time I try to do sums in my head .

  14. 他们不管事,我们为改进工作的用心也就白费了

    Their unhelpfulness has stultified our efforts to improve things .

  15. 如果这是大自然的用心,

    If such be Nature ’ s holy plan ,

  16. 这一切丰硕成就,基于上海外服23年来的用心营造、全新开拓。

    All these plentiful and substantial achievement is based on the cannily build and bran-new deploitation .

  17. 这家酒店的工作人员们真的很用心,甚至有些过于体贴了!在我们住店期间,他们一直对我们点头哈腰的,这让我感到有点不自在。

    The hotel staff were really attentive , almost too attentive ! In fact , I felt a bit uncomfortable as they bowed and scraped to us throughout our stay .

  18. 进行Ajax改造后,即使是一个复杂的结帐过程也可以变得友好和易于操作&只要您在如何构造用户界面方面足够用心。

    After an Ajax overhaul , even a complex checkout process can seem humane and approachable & as long as you 're careful about how you structure the user interface .

  19. CVS的用心昭然若揭,似乎也很能理解&在这些区域,小偷小摸实在猖狂,开架避孕套等于免费避孕套。

    CVS 's intentions crystal clear , it seems very able to understand-in these areas , petty theft is rampant , open-shelf equivalent to free condoms , condoms .

  20. 21例原发性高血压用心痛定治疗,每次10~20mg,一天三次口服达一周。

    Twenty-one patients of primary hypertension were treated with Nifedipine 10 ~ 20mg three times a day orally for one week . Blood pressure was reduced satisfactorily in all .

  21. 当然,你可以通过求职网站(如Monster或HotJobs)来找,但是,用心寻找理想的工作,也应该包含寻找符合你条件的雇主。

    Sure , you might find a job through Monster or HotJobs , but a thoughtful dream-job search is more likely to entail seeking out and pursuing specific employers who meet your profile .

  22. [方法]用心导纳微分环(CADL)对30例正常人、30例冠心病、30例高血压患者作左心功能检测。

    Make use of CADL to detect left cardiac function of 30 normal persons and 60 patients ( 30 cases of coronary heart disease and 30 cases of hypertension ) .

  23. 用心电生理研究方法测定心室有效不应期(VERP)、心室颤动阈值(VFT)的变化,比较心力衰竭并血管紧张素-(1-7)处理的3个剂量组、心力衰竭组及正常对照组各项指标。

    The changes of cardiac electrophysiological parameters including ventricular effective refractory period ( VERP ) and ventricular fibrillation threshold ( VFT ) were assessed and compared among heart failure with angiotensin - ( 1-7 ) treatment groups , heart failure group , and control group .

  24. 通过对员工投入公司的时间进行奖励,给他们长远思考的自由,每个人感觉自己就是Kabam的真正主人。如此一来,他们就会更用心地照顾好这家公司和他们自己。

    By rewarding employees for the time they have invested , and giving them the freedom to think long-term , everyone can feel like a real owner of Kabam ; allowing them to take better care of the company and themselves .

  25. 它要用心去看,它需要一个过程。

    It required heart to see and it involves a process .

  26. 倾听他们的反馈,用心记录下他们关心的地方。

    Listen to their feedback and try to address their concerns .

  27. 同时也希望我用心给你准备的礼物。

    We also hope that I try to prepare your gift .

  28. 以后你们俩就在这儿用心学习吧。

    I want you two to really learn your crafts here .

  29. 弘扬人文关怀精神用心做好基础护理

    Propagating the spirit of humanistic solicitude and doing basic nursing well

  30. 人人都能用心感受到它。

    It is the feeling that every can feel by heart .