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jì jū
  • sojourn;visit;live away from home;leave away from home
寄居 [jì jū]
  • [visit;leave away from home] 在外地或在别人家居住

  • 寄居异乡

寄居[jì jū]
  1. 那个寄居者在威尔士已经逗留了两个星期

    The sojourner has been in Wales for two weeks .

  2. 出12:45寄居的、和雇工人、都不可吃

    A sojourner or a hired servant shall not eat of it .

  3. 我朋友寄居在我叔叔家

    My friend lodges in my uncle 's house .

  4. v.&n.寄居他在寄居非洲的期间,学得了很多当地的风俗。

    sojourn During his sojourn in Africa he learned much about native customs .

  5. 第四个问题是关于人类在地球的寄居(tenancy)。

    The fourth problem concerns man 's tenancy on earth .

  6. 正常情况下HIV通过这种蛋白来接触并寄居在人类细胞上,然后感染它。

    HIV normally uses this protein to make the first contact with and latch onto a human cell , after which it would infect it .

  7. 研究小组正通过DNA测序,以及计算突变率和模式的方法,来找出珊瑚礁寄居者们是如何存活下来、甚至大量繁衍生息的。

    A research team is investigating how the coral colonies are able to survive - and even thrive - by sequencing their DNA as well as calculating mutation rates and patterns .

  8. 虽然从蛋白质合成器官上来看,古生菌在许多方式上与真核生物最为相似;但是古生菌还会与自己身上寄居的细菌共享并交换DNA物质。

    Although based on its protein-synthesis apparatus Archaea is in many ways most similar to the Eukarya domain , archeans can also share and exchange DNA with the denizens of the Bacteria domain .

  9. 另外一本获得罗德·道尔(7到14岁年龄段)幽默童书奖的读物是《DarkLord:TheTeenageYears(黑暗魔王的青春期)》。它讲述了一位来自地狱的伯爵发现自己寄居在一个肥胖儿童身体里的故事。

    Dark Lord : The Teenage Years , a tale about a powerful netherworld lord who finds himself inhabiting the body of a chubby teenager scooped the 7 to 14 year category prize .

  10. 芦苇和寄居蟹体内Cd含量与表层沉积物之间拥有较好的相关性,Pb、Zn含量随表层沉积物的变化不明显。

    The content of Cd in reed and the hermit crab and surface sediments have a better correlation . The content of Pb , Zn did not change significantly in the surface sediments .

  11. 河口湿地植物芦苇中的重金属含量普遍较低,而河口湿地生物寄居蟹体内4种重金属的含量相对较高,对Cu表现出很强的富集能力。

    Shoreline reed plants in heavy metal content are generally lower , but hermit crab in four kinds of heavy metals is in the relatively higher . Hermit crab shows strong enrichment capacity to Cu . ( 2 ) .

  12. 芦苇对Cu的摄入能力与Pb、Zn相似,呈现保守性,但寄居蟹体内Cu含量在各点位都维持比较高的水平,摄入量受多种因素控制。

    Reed intake capacity of Cu is similar with Pb and Zn , showing conservative . However , Cu content in hermit crab at all station maintain relatively high levels , whose intake is influenced by many factors . ( 4 ) .

  13. 成体干细胞是一类具有自我更新能力的细胞,他们自产生后就寄居在能够使细胞维持干细胞特性的龛状微环境(niche)中。

    Objective Somatic stem cells ( SSCs ) have the capability of self-renewal , and reside in a microenvironment named " niche " after their generation , in which the features of " stem cells " are kept .

  14. 空肠弯曲菌(campylobacterjejuni)是家禽、家畜及某些鸟、兽肠道内的正常寄居菌,消费者食用被污染的食品后可造成食物中毒。

    Campylobacter jejuni was the normal living bacteria in the intestinal tract of poultry , domestic animals and some birds . Humans would be infected by eating contaminated foods .

  15. 结果表明新生女婴、产后妇女和绝经妇女Uu和Mh寄居率较低,妊娠妇女Uu和Mh寄居率则相当高;

    Significantly low colonization rates of Uu and Mh were obtained in the newborn infants , puerperium , and postmenopause groups whereas the highest incidence of Uu and Mh was shown in pregnant women .

  16. 寄居在橡树和椋木上的黑色木虱。

    A black plant louse that lives on oaks and dogwoods .

  17. 为什么寄居蟹要不停地搬家?

    Why does the hermit crab have to change its home ?

  18. 寄居在其它腹足动物的弃壳中小型软体海生甲壳动物。

    Small soft-bodied marine crustaceans living in cast-off shells of gastropods .

  19. 寄居加州的我时常梦到曾经的你我

    I 'm in California dreaming about who we used to be

  20. 引发血吸虫病的生物最开始就寄居在这些蜗牛中

    The organisms that cause schistosomiasis live in these snails first .

  21. 亚里士多德:友谊就是一个灵魂寄居在两具身体里。

    Aristotle : Friendship is a single soul dwelling in two bodies .

  22. 圣经说到,我们在世,是寄居的。

    The Bible says we are like strangers on earth .

  23. 同时也带给你寄居地表的细菌和真菌的味道。

    It also carries the odors of ground dwelling bacteria and fungi .

  24. 我在你们中间是外人,是寄居的。

    I am an alien and a stranger among you .

  25. 寄居在床上的成年臭虫在无食物的条件下也可以存活一年。

    An adult bedbug can survive up to one year without feeding .

  26. 寄居的必与他们联合,紧贴雅各家。

    Aliens will join them and unite with the house of jacob .

  27. 他也因此得名寄居蟹。

    And for this he got the nickname hermit crab .

  28. 寄居在潮湿的土壤或生长在生活于淡水或咸水的植被底部的原生动物一属。

    Protozoan inhabiting moist soils or bottom vegetation in fresh or salt water .

  29. 他们杀死寡妇和寄居的、又杀害孤儿。

    They slay the widow and the alien ; they murder the fatherless .

  30. 诗119:54我在世寄居、素来以你的律例为诗歌。

    Thy statutes have been my songs in the house of my pilgrimage .