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jì shí
  • live with;inquiline;depend on sb. for a living;sponge upon sb.
寄食 [jì shí]
  • [live with;depend on sb. for a living;sponge upon sb.] 依赖别人过日子

  • 寄食门下。--《战国策.齐策四》

  • 寄食阶层

寄食[jì shí]
  1. 他们对亲戚们寄食在他们门下已开始有点厌烦了。

    They 're getting a little tired of being sponged on by their relatives .

  2. 这样,那些没有被寄生蜂寄食的虫卵的幼虫在孵化出来后,会食用自己卵的剩余部分,也吃下了那些致命的病毒。

    After hatching , any pest larvae that have not been parasitised feed on the remains of their eggs and ingest the lethal virus .

  3. 本人认为,在中国古代歌诗艺术生产中,大致存在着三种主要方式,即自娱式、寄食制和卖艺制。

    Author thinks there were three ways in Chinese ancient poetry art production , namely amusing oneself way , system of eating-on-depending and system of making a living as a performer .

  4. 作为周代朝廷《乐歌》的诗经是在寄食制的生产、特权式消费为主,自娱式的生产与消费为辅这样两种生产与消费方式的的共同作用下产生的;

    As Zhou Dynasty 's court music , Yue Ge had two origins : the main origin was inquilinous production and prerogative consumption , the auxiliary origin was self-entertained production and consumption .