
  • 网络a boarding school
  1. 申请美国大学意味着每一位学生必须跨越SAT这条栅栏,换而言之,SSAT将作为申请美国寄宿制学校最重要的衡量标准。

    While the SAT is the hurdle you must pass to get into university , students applying to boarding schools must pass the SSAT .

  2. 农村寄宿制学校留守儿童情况的调查研究

    A Survey about the Rear Children of Rural Boarding Schools

  3. 第三,在教育上,政府实行了九年免费义务制教育,对农村的孩子上职业学校实行免费,同时对大学和农村高中阶段的教育实行奖助学金制度,对困难地区农村寄宿制学校给予补贴。

    On education , the government has provided nine-year free compulsory6 education , and offered free vocational education and subsidy7 and scholarship for high school students in rural areas .

  4. 我国农村寄宿制学校生活教师问题研究

    Research on Caretaker of Boarding School in Rural Area of China

  5. 关于西北民族地区寄宿制学校办学若干问题的思考

    Some Reflections on Managing the Lodging Schools in Northwest Rural Areas

  6. 加强农村寄宿制学校的建设;

    It needs strengthening the rural boarding school 's construction ;

  7. 农村寄宿制学校是农村学校布局调整的产物。

    Rural boarding school is the product of rural school layout adjustment .

  8. 加强管理是寄宿制学校健康发展的重要保障。

    III. Strengthening management is the important guarantee to develop the boarding school .

  9. 英国寄宿制学校的国际分校在亚洲非常受欢迎。

    Some international branches of British boarding schools are very popular in Asia .

  10. 全封闭式的学校管理造成的问题在农村寄宿制学校尤其突出。

    Fully enclosed school management has caused especially serious problems in rural boarding schools .

  11. 通辽市某寄宿制学校儿童单纯性肥胖症相关危险因素研究

    A Studies on the Risk Factors for Simple Obesity Children in TongLiao a Boarding School

  12. 农村寄宿制学校建设分析:制度互补性的视角

    An Analysis of Rural Boarding School Construction

  13. 第二部分,从农村寄宿制学校教育的特殊性出发,阐释了农村寄宿制学校的正、负教育功能。

    The second part illustrates the positive and negative functions of education in rural boarding schools .

  14. 第二部分民乐县布局调整后四所寄宿制学校的收支情况。

    An analysis in income and outcome of four boarding schools in MinLe Town after layout adjusted .

  15. 在某城市,甚至出现了一所针对3岁儿童的寄宿制学校。

    In one city , a boarding school has been opened for children as young as three .

  16. 现在的寄宿制学校食宿是收费的,而这所学校却是完全免费的。

    Existing state boarding schools charge for food and lodging . This one will be entirely free .

  17. 第三,应制定严格的农村寄宿制学校生活教师聘用标准。

    The third , we should establish strict employment standards of caretakers of boarding school in rural areas .

  18. 新时期新疆牧区寄宿制学校教育政策考查

    On a Observation of Policy to Xinjiang 's Boarding School Education of Pastoral Area After the New Time

  19. 关于中部地区农村中小学寄宿制学校的调查与思考

    Investigations into & Thoughts on the Rural Primary and Middle Boarding Schools in the Middle Areas of China

  20. 青海省寄宿制学校现状、问题与对策研究

    The Investigation on the Current Situation and Problems of Boarding Schools in Qinghai Province and Countermeasures against them

  21. 该维度的内容为农村寄宿制学校参与式管理的实现提供了依据。

    The contents of this dimension provides the basis for the realization of participative management in rural boarding schools .

  22. 目的:比较寄宿制学校和非寄宿制高中学校学生的心理卫生状况。

    AIM : To compare the mental health state of students in boarding and non boarding senior high school .

  23. 加大对寄宿制学校的投入,将其纳入财政预算,多方筹集资金。

    Second , to increase investment in boarding schools , be included in the budget , funds from various sources .

  24. 举办寄宿制学校必须解决好学生尤其低龄儿童对学校生活等方面的适应问题。

    The construction of boarding school must solve the problems of the students'adaptation such as life adaption and so on .

  25. 第五部分,对农村寄宿制学校留守儿童教育问题和原因进行了分析。

    The fifth part analyzes the reasons that lead to the problem of left-behind children education in rural boarding schools .

  26. 与申请大学相比,通向美国寄宿制学校的大门通常更加需要社会关系网和特殊手段的协助。

    The gateway to boarding school admission is more fraught with connections and backdoor dealing than is that for universities .

  27. 中央财政连续三年累计投入90亿元,用于农村寄宿制学校建设工程,7651所学校受益。

    The central government spent 9 billion yuan over the past three years building facilities for 7651 rural boarding schools .

  28. 寄宿制学校意味着寄宿学生不但要在学校学习,而且放学后还要在学校生活。

    Boarding schools mean that the boarding students not only study in school , but also stay in school after class .

  29. 转变教师观念,提高教师能力,是发展寄宿制学校的有力保证。

    Changing the teacher 's educational view and improving the ability of teacher are the guarantee to develop the boarding school .

  30. 丰富农村寄宿制学校生活,提高学生积极适应能力是寄宿制学校建设的重要内容。

    Enriching the life of rural boarding school and improving students'adaptation ability are the important mission of the construction of boarding school .