
jì shēng chóng bìng
  • parasitic disease;parasitosis;zoonosis
寄生虫病[jì shēng chóng bìng]
  1. 自1970年美国学者Cline首次提出遥感可作为流行病学研究工具以来,现已被广泛应用于自然疫源性疾病、某些寄生虫病和地方病研究。

    Because remote sensing could provide plenty message for the epidemiology research , it got widely application in the research of natural focus disease , parasitic disease , and endemic disease after Cline suggested the first time that the remote sensing could be useful in epidemiology study .

  2. 日本血吸虫病(schistosomiasisjaponica)作为人兽共患寄生虫病,在我国仍然是一个重要的公共卫生问题。

    Schistosomiasis japonica , a zoonotic parasitic disease , is still recognized as a major public health problem in China .

  3. 全球变暖是否意味着热带寄生虫病会蔓延呢?

    Will global warming mean the spread of tropical parasitic diseases ?

  4. 学生因患肠道传染病和寄生虫病出现的缺课率比对照点减少26.1%(P<0.01)。显示出环境卫生干预措施具有较好的防病效果。

    The rate of class absence among students due to intestinal infectious diseases and parasitosis was reduced by 26.1 % .

  5. 近年来,针对弓形虫病的DNA疫苗的研究取得大量的进展,然而,几乎没有一种疫苗可以彻底地预防和控制寄生虫病。

    In recent years , the study of DNA vaccine against T. gondii has made a great progress ; however , few vaccines have completely controlled toxoplasmosis .

  6. 第三种寄生虫病利什曼病也交黑热病,由利什曼虫引发(Leishmaniamajor),会引起严重的皮肤病,让感染者皮肤布满疤痕。

    The third parasite , Leishmania major , causes severe skin disease that can leave infected people heavily scarred .

  7. 本研究搭建了DNA病毒、RNA病毒和寄生虫病芯片检测技术平台,为今后更多动物疫病检测技术的研究开展奠定了基础。

    The built of technology platform of DNA virus , RNA virus and parasites illness detection was contributed to more animal illness study in the future .

  8. 血吸虫病(schistosomiasis)是由血吸虫(schistosome)感染引起的一种分布广泛、危害严重的人畜共患寄生虫病。

    Schistosomiasis is a serious zoonotic parasitic disease of wide distribution , which is caused by schistosome .

  9. 旋毛虫病是一种重要的人畜共患寄生虫病,长期以来用于免疫诊断和免疫预防的旋毛虫抗原,尤其是排泄分泌(ES)抗原引起了国内外众多学者的关注。

    Trichinelliasis is an important zoonosis caused by Trichinella spiralis . Its excretory-secretory ( ES ) antigens play an important role in immunodiagnosis and immunoprophylaxis .

  10. 这至少是乔治亚大学(UniversityofGeorgia)寄生虫病学家雷?卡普兰(RayKaplan)在他最近发表的有关这一问题的研究综述中得出的结论。

    This , at least , is the conclusion drawn by Ray Kaplan , a parasitologist at the University of Georgia who has just published a review of research on the problem .

  11. 本周一,诺贝尔颁奖人士称,中国女科学家屠呦呦,日本教授大村智以及爱尔兰的医学研究者WilliamC.Campbell因研发对抗寄生虫病的药材荣获2015年诺贝尔生理学或医学奖。

    William Campbell , Satoshi Omura and Tu Youyou jointly won the 2015 Nobel Prize for medicine for their work against parasitic diseases , the award-giving body said on Monday .

  12. 50例正常人、49例其它寄生虫病及5例其它脑部疾病患者脑脊液的CAg均呈阴性反应。

    In the sera from 50 normal persons , 49 other parasitic disease patients and 5 other cerebral desease patients , the circulating antigen was negative .

  13. 囊虫病(Cysticercosiscellulosae)是由猪带绦虫(Taeniasolium)的幼虫寄生于人或猪体内而引起的一种重要人畜共患寄生虫病。

    Cysticercosis is an important parasitic zoonosis , caused by the larval stage of Taenia Solium , Cysticercus cellulosae in pigs or human beings .

  14. 来自爱尔兰的Campbell和日本教授大村智因研制一种新型药材而获奖。这种名为“阿维菌素”的药材可用来对抗河盲(盘尾丝虫病)和淋巴丝虫病,并在对抗其他寄生虫病上效果显著。

    Irish-born Campbell and Japanese Omura won half of the prize for discovering a new drug , avermectin , that has helped the battle against river blindness and lymphatic filariasis , as well as showing effectiveness against other parasitic diseases .

  15. 对5种寄生虫病血清样品2次检测的Kappa值进行显著性检验,u值均>2.58,P<0.01,表明这5种病Kappa值因机遇所致的可能性很小。

    Significance test on the Kappa values of the two tests on the serum samples of 5 parasitic diseases was calculated , u values were all ≥ 2.58 , P < 0.01 , indicating that the Kappa value of these 5 parasitic diseases was not accidental .

  16. 囊虫病Kappa值为0.73,重现性好,后4种寄生虫病Kappa值依次为0.94,0.86,0.77和0.87,重现性极好。

    The Kappa value of cysticercosis was 0.73 with good reproducibility , and the Kappa value for the other 4 parasitic diseases was respectively 0.94,0.86, 0.77 and 0.87 , indicating that all the serum samples of the 4 parasitic diseases had very good reproducibility .

  17. 血吸虫病(Schistosomiasis)是一种历史悠久、分布面广、严重危害人类健康的寄生虫病,影响人类健康的同时也影响社会经济的发展,是各国政府面临的一个公共卫生难题。

    Schistosomiasis is a verminosis which has a long historical standing , distribution area is broad and is seriously endanger the human health , it influent the human health and synchronously influent the economy development of the society , is a public health difficult problem of governments of all countries .

  18. 在这个促进剂中加入SP15就能够使候选的疫苗预防黑热病,这是一种由蚋(俗称沙蝇)传播、可以引起皮肤溃疡和器官损害的寄生虫病。

    To this promoter they attached SP15 , a candidate vaccine against leishmaniasis , a parasitic disease spread by sand flies that can cause skin sores and organ damage .

  19. 片形吸虫病(Fasciolasis)是由肝片吸虫和大片吸虫感染引起的人畜共患寄生虫病,呈世界性分布。

    The Fasciola Disease ( Fasciolasis ) is a zoonotic parasitic disease caused by Fasciola hepatica and Fasciola gigantica infection , was a worldwide distribution .

  20. 重庆动物园野生动物体内寄生虫病的防治

    The control of parasites in wild animals in Chongqing zoological garden

  21. 有利于切断某些肠道传染病和寄生虫病的传播途径。

    Check Partially dissemination on intestinal infectious diseases and Parasitic diseases .

  22. 血吸虫病是一种在世界范围内广泛流行的严重危害人体健康的寄生虫病。

    Schistosomiasis is a serious threat to the public health worldwide .

  23. 78.69%相信寄生虫病是可以预防的。

    78.69 % of them believed that parasitic disease is preventable .

  24. 猪囊尾蚴病是一种危害严重的人兽共患寄生虫病。

    Cysticercosis is a serious parasitic disease to human and animals .

  25. 因此,寄生虫病的防治具有重大的社会意义。

    Therefore , controlling parasitic diseases is of significant social implication .

  26. 开设寄生虫病健康教育课的占41.83%;

    To set up courses of parasitic diseases was 41.83 % ;

  27. 门诊肠道寄生虫病感染状况的纵向观察

    A Clinical Longitudinal Observation on Infection Status of Intestinal Parasitic Diseases

  28. 中国常见的食物源性寄生虫病及其防治对策

    Common food-borne parasitic diseases and their prevention and control in China

  29. 传染病与寄生虫病占2.95%。

    Infectious disease and the verminosis accounted for 2.95 % .

  30. 耕牛四种寄生虫病的联合诊断技术应用报告

    An application report on combined detection of four parasitic diseases in cattle