
jì shēng
  • parasitism;parasitic
寄生 [jì shēng]
  • (1) [parasitism]∶一种生物体依附在另一生物体中以求供给养料、提供保护或进行繁衍等而得以生存

  • 寄生虫

  • (2) [parasitic]∶指不劳而获的生活

寄生[jì shēng]
  1. 沙眼衣原体(Chlamydiatrachomatis,Ct)是一种常见的、严格细胞内寄生的病原体。

    Chlamydia trachomatis ( Ct ) is a common pathogen which is endotrophic obligatory parasitism .

  2. 运用ISSR分析蜂螨对不同亚家系的选择性寄生

    Study on the Selective Parasitism of the Varroa Mite to the Different Subfamilies by ISSR

  3. 冬青和常春藤、槲寄生一样,都是常绿植物。

    Holly , like ivy and mistletoe , is an evergreen .

  4. 帝国主义是垄断的、寄生的、垂死的资本主义。

    Imperialism is monopolistic , parasitic and moribund capitalism .

  5. 槲寄生是寄生于树上的植物。

    The mistletoe plant is a parasite on trees .

  6. 许多植物的其它不能解释的非寄生性病害均表明为缺硼所致。

    Many other unexplained nonparasitic disease of different plant species were shown to result from born deficiency .

  7. 那时候,当人们不能亲自祝某人生日快乐时,他们就会寄生日贺卡。

    In those days people sent birthday cards when they couldn 't wish somebody a happy birthday in person .

  8. 1840年,第一张邮票在英国诞生,寄生日贺卡变得更容易、更便宜、更受欢迎。

    In 1840 the first stamp was used in Britain and sending birthday cards became easier , cheaper and more popular .

  9. Parasitesingle(单身寄生族)指27、8岁还跟父母住在一起的单身人士,做出这样的选择是为了确保生活舒适无忧。

    Parasite single is a single person who lives with their parents beyond their late 20s in order to enjoy a carefree and comfortable life .

  10. Sponger(“寄生人”)指利用别人的慷慨、完全依赖别人的供给生活的人。

    A sponger is a person who lives off other people by continually taking advantage of their generosity .

  11. 最后,本文重点研究了由加寄生天线的单元组成的天线阵列。

    Finally , the array antennas composed of parasitical cells are mainly researched .

  12. 他们被称为“单身寄生族”。社会学家山田正弘在1997年创造出这一词汇。

    Sociologist5 Masahiro Yamada coined the term " parasite singles " in 1997 .

  13. 比如说许多生物学家认为性就是对寄生病菌的一种反应

    Many biologists think that sex , for example , is a response to parasitism .

  14. 寄生在海参身上的帝王虾

    Imperial shrimp accreted with sea cucumber .

  15. 小型后巷屋和“寄生建筑”等另类建筑取代大型公寓房接连出现。

    Alternatives such as tiny laneway houses and ' parasite ' buildings are popping up in lieu of big-box condos .

  16. 有那么一群“寄生人”,开着好车、穿着名牌、在高档餐馆就餐,而所有这一切都由他们的好爸爸买单。

    For example : There were a bunch of spongers with cars and designer labels , eating in expensive restaurants all paid for by Daddy .

  17. 有些社会学家认为单身寄生族增多是因为日本人更喜欢社区式生活,同时,人们不愿意保持一段长久的恋爱关系,而是选择将更多精力放在工作和日本广为诟病的加班方面,这也是单身寄生族增加的原因之一。

    Parasite singles are often blamed for a large number of problems in Japan , ranging from a decline . Some social scientists have attributed long hours of a traditional Japanese workplace .

  18. “寄生建筑”指在现有的较大建筑物上额外增加的一个风格完全不同的小型建筑。

    A parasite building is a small building or structure that has been added to an existing , larger building , particularly when the styles of the two structures are noticeably different . For example :

  19. 接着,他们把实际的传播过程与计算机模拟生成的三类爆发情况做了比较。这三类爆发分别是由鼠蚤传播、经空气传播以及依靠人类身上寄生的跳蚤和虱子传播的模拟情况。

    They then compared the actual spread to three computer-simulated outbreaks : One where the disease was transmitted by rat fleas1 , one where it was airborne and another that modelled the transmission by fleas and lice that live on humans and their clothes .

  20. 复杂3D寄生电容器的虚拟多介质切割

    Virtual-Cutting Method for Parasitic Capacitors with Complex 3D Structures

  21. 星载寄生式SAR系统频率同步分析

    Analysis of Frequency Synchronization Error in Spaceborne Parasitic SAR System

  22. 福建三种家鼠寄生蚤基因组DNA限制性内切酶酶切初步分析

    Preliminary Studies on Restriction Enzymic Analysis of Genomic DNA in Three Species of Domestic Rat Flea of Fujian

  23. 利用GIS母线寄生电容串联电抗器的谐振升压法

    The Resonance Boosting Method by Using GIS Bus Line Parasitic Capacitance and Reactor Connected in Series

  24. 星载寄生式SAR系统干涉信号模型与相对高程测量性能分析

    The Analysis of Signal Model and Performance for Spaceborne Parasitic Insar Relative Height Measurement

  25. RF集成电感的设计与寄生效应分析

    RF Integrated Inductor Designing and Parasitic Effects Analyzing

  26. 用星载寄生式SAR提高空间二维分辨率的信号处理

    Improving Spatial Resolution Using Spaceborne Parasitic SAR

  27. 不同种柽柳上寄生的管花肉苁蓉RAPD分析

    Analysis on Cistanche tubulosa that parasites on different Tamarixs by RAPD

  28. LC振荡器寄生振荡的分析和消除

    Analysis and Elimination of the Parasitic Oscillation of LC Oscillators

  29. VLSI互连寄生电容准三维多极加速提取

    A Virtual 3 D Multipole Accelerated Extractor for VLSI Parasitic Interconnect Capacitance

  30. 寄生式PLC是一种低成本,高性能的PLC方式,是开放式数控系统的有机组成部分,但与CNC的插补系统相对独立。

    Parasitic PLC is an important component of the open CNC system , and it is low cost and high-performance .