
jì shēng chóng
  • parasite;worm;leech;drones;freeloader;animal parasiteras;supercrescence
寄生虫 [jì shēng chóng]
  • (1) [parasite;drones]∶比喻有劳动能力而不劳动,靠别人为生的人

  • (2) [supercrescence]∶寄生在别的生物体上的动物,如虱子、跳蚤、蛔虫等

寄生虫[jì shēng chóng]
  1. 寄生虫传播的一种方式是通过排泄物。

    One of the ways the parasite spreads is through fecal matter .

  2. 那懒汉是家里的寄生虫。

    The lazy man was a parasite on his family .

  3. 这些症状也许是由病毒感染引起的,而与寄生虫无关。

    These symptoms may be referable to virus infection rather than parasites .

  4. 这条狗体内有寄生虫。

    The dog has worms .

  5. 他们只不过是一帮伸手向人要这要那的寄生虫!

    They 're just a bunch of leeches cadging off others !

  6. 全球变暖是否意味着热带寄生虫病会蔓延呢?

    Will global warming mean the spread of tropical parasitic diseases ?

  7. 有几个是愚笨的寄生虫,但是大多数是有才能却不得志而自暴自弃的人。

    A few are dim-witted drones , but most are talented , frustrated , wasted people .

  8. 其中的一个意外后果可能是改变诸如疟疾之类的寄生虫引发的疾病的地理分布。

    One of the side effects may be to change the geographical distribution of parasitic diseases such as malaria .

  9. 这类人像寄生虫似的靠社会为生。

    The kind of people live as a parasite on society .

  10. 绦虫是栖居肠内的寄生虫。

    The tapeworm is an inhabitant of the intestine .

  11. 去年,AFI提名了七部最佳影片,并向最终的最佳影片奖得主《寄生虫》颁发了一个特别奖。

    Last year , AFI selected seven eventual . 2020 AFI Movies of the Year

  12. 从别的动物身上传染疾病和寄生虫的几率减小

    Exposure to illnesses and parasites of other animals is minimized

  13. 袋鼠身上有各种各样的寄生虫。

    Kangaroos harbor a vast range of parasites .

  14. 我不想做寄生虫,我要自己养活自己。

    I don 't want to be a parasite . I must earn my own way in life .

  15. 我彻底没钱了,所以我只能做个“礼物寄生虫”,在你送给奶奶的礼物上加个名字。

    I 'm totally broke so I had to be a gift parasite and sign on that present you 're giving Grandma .

  16. “礼物寄生虫”指的是把名字加在礼物标签上写的送礼人名单里,以便能沾到一点功劳。

    Gift parasite1 is a person who adds their name to a gift tag in order to claim partial credit for giving the gift .

  17. 虽然黑猩猩每天有一大半的时间都是在巢中度过的,科学家们几乎没有在它们的巢中发现任何跳蚤或虱子,然而却在我们的家中发现了数百种寄生物,其中包括一些已特别适应了与人类在室内生活的寄生虫。

    Even though the chimps spend more than half the day in bed , the scientists also found hardly any fleas2 or lice in their nests , whereas our homes have been found to have hundreds of these parasites3 including some specially4 adapted to living indoors with humans .

  18. 希望寄生虫博物馆没让你倒尽胃口,因为拉面博物馆就在一个小时的车程范围内。你肯定不想看着来自一些日本顶级拉面餐厅的美味可口的拉面时脑海里却是那些超长绦虫的画面。

    Hopefully the parasite museum doesn 't make you lose your appetite , because the Ramen Museum is only an hour away , and you certainly won 't want to be thinking about massively long tapeworms while looking at delicious , delicate ramen noodles from some of the top ramen restaurants in Japan .

  19. Internet国际互联网络在寄生虫学上的应用初探

    Primary Study of Application Internet message to Parasitology

  20. 学生因患肠道传染病和寄生虫病出现的缺课率比对照点减少26.1%(P<0.01)。显示出环境卫生干预措施具有较好的防病效果。

    The rate of class absence among students due to intestinal infectious diseases and parasitosis was reduced by 26.1 % .

  21. 以PCR为基础的分子分类学技术及其在寄生虫学的应用

    PCR-based molecular taxonomic techniques and their applications in parasitology

  22. 此法对于分离数量很少的寄生虫材料中的RNA尤为有效。

    It is particularly useful for isolation of RNA from minute quantity of parasite material .

  23. 珠江水系鱼类寄生虫:I.鲀的五种复殖吸虫

    Parasitic worms from the Pearl River system fishes : i.five species of DIGENETIC TREMATODES from fugu spp

  24. 结论完成了基于J2EE平台具有可扩展结构的寄生虫虫种资源信息管理系统的构建。

    Conclusion The construction of expandable parasite resource register & researching system which is based on J2EE is established .

  25. CpG基序的作用机理及其在寄生虫学上的应用

    Mechanism of action and application in Parasitology of CpG motif

  26. 我国几种猕猴属动物肠道寄生虫的调查三种猕猴属动物Fas基因的克隆

    A investigation of intestinal parasite in several macaque of Macaca from China cloning of Fas gene in three Macaca species

  27. 本文综述了这项技术的基本方法及其在HLA的基因分型、寄生虫的虫种鉴定及病毒分型中的具体应用。

    This article has summarized the basic procedures of RFLPs and its application on HLA genotyping , virus typing and the identity of parasite .

  28. 目的研究自身免疫病人外周血TCRγδ细胞系在微生物及寄生虫抗原刺激下细胞因子的分泌情况。

    Objective To study the cytokine production of peripheral blood TCR γδ cells after stimulation with microorganism or parasite antigens .

  29. 旋毛虫病是一种重要的人畜共患寄生虫病,长期以来用于免疫诊断和免疫预防的旋毛虫抗原,尤其是排泄分泌(ES)抗原引起了国内外众多学者的关注。

    Trichinelliasis is an important zoonosis caused by Trichinella spiralis . Its excretory-secretory ( ES ) antigens play an important role in immunodiagnosis and immunoprophylaxis .

  30. 本文概述了生物分类学的进展,并介绍了Cox的新的寄生虫分类体系,以期推动我国寄生虫学研究的深入。

    This paper outlined the advances of biological taxonomy and introduces the Cox 's new classification of parasites so as to promote parasitological research .