
jì shēnɡ zhí wù
  • parasite;parasitic plants
  1. 茅屋上爬满了长春藤,屋顶上的烟囱也布满了这种寄生植物的枝蔓,因此变得粗大了,它的外形看上去就好像是一个废弃了的塔楼。

    The house was overrun with ivy , its chimney being enlarged by the boughs of the parasite to the aspect of a ruined tower .

  2. 两种寄生植物营养器官结构的研究

    The anatomic research on vegetative organ in two parasite species of Loranthaceae

  3. 目的在酵母中表达韩国产槲寄生植物凝集素的A、B亚基,为进一步研究与大规模生产目的蛋白打下基础。

    Objective To heterogeneously express recombinant Mistletoe lectin A chain and B chain gene in yeast , and lay the foundation of further research and large scale production .

  4. 本文应用显微组织化学鉴定的方法,氯化三苯四氮唑(TTC)法,对寄生植物肉苁蓉种子的活力进行测定并对TTC法的测定方法和测定条件进行了研究。

    In this paper we reported the study on determination of seed vigor of Cistanche deserticola Ma by the Cyto-chemical methods and TTC-test .

  5. 韩国产槲寄生植物凝集素表达载体的构建及其在酵母中表达情况的研究

    Construction and heterogeneous expression of recombinant Korean Mistletoe lectin in yeast

  6. 两种药用沙生寄生植物的比较研究

    Comparative study of two kind of parasitic plants living in desert

  7. 若你要寻找这些寄生植物。

    To find it , you must discover first its host .

  8. 草甘膦从寄主植物向寄生植物菟丝子传导的研究

    Studies on the transportation of glyphosate from the host plant to dodder

  9. 根寄生植物种子萌发刺激物研究进展

    Review of research advancements on Seed Germination stimulants of root parasitic plants

  10. 新疆高等寄生植物(二)&列当科

    A higher Parasitic Plant in Xinjiang (ⅱ) & Orabanchaceae

  11. 寄生植物锁阳茎的发育解剖学研究

    Developmental anatomy studies on the stem of Cynomorium songaricum

  12. 寄生植物是在自然界中广泛存在的一类资源。

    The parasite plant is a class of widespread resources in the nature .

  13. 寄生植物部分或全部生长在其它植物的组织中。

    Parasitic plants live in part or entirely within the tissues of other plants .

  14. 许多寄生植物是我国传统医学宝库中的重要中草药来源。

    Many parasitic plants is an important source of the traditional Chinese herbal medicine .

  15. 杰夫:你知道在哪里可以买到槲寄生植物吗琼?

    Jeff : Do you know where I can buy some mistletoe , Joan ?

  16. 结论酵母表达体系适于槲寄生植物凝集素的异体表达。

    Conclusion The yeast expression system is appropriate to heterogeneous expression of Korean Mistletoe lectin .

  17. 它是一种寄生植物。

    Mistletoe is a parasite plant .

  18. 广州市寄生植物及其对园林植物的危害初探

    The Primary Research on the Autoeciousness Plant and Its Harm to the Landscape Plant in Guangzhou

  19. 寄生植物对寄主植物的化学识别

    Parasite plants chemical recognition to host

  20. 新疆的药用寄生植物

    Medicinal Parasitic Plants in Xinjiang

  21. 肉苁蓉种子的休眠及萌发特性和非寄生植物及一些寄生植物有很大不同。

    Dormancy and germination properties of Cistanche deserticola seeds were different from non-parasitic pants and other parasitic plant .

  22. 寄生植物是陆地生态系统的重要组成部分,在多数生态系统中均有分布。

    Parasitic plants are an important component of terrestrial ecosystems , and widely distributed in most terrestrial ecosystems .

  23. 杰夫:我有一个聪明的想法,可我需要一些槲寄生植物才能奏效。

    Jeff : I have a clever idea , but I need some mistletoe for it to work .

  24. 寄生植物广泛分布于不同的生态环境中,并具有不同的生育习性及与寄主识别特性。

    Parasitic plants are widely distributed in various ecological environments , with different growth habits and host recognition mechanisms .

  25. 盖尔人在家里挂上槲寄生植物以给自己带来好运和驱除邪恶。

    Celts hung mistletoe in their homes in order to bring themselves good luck and ward off evil spirits .

  26. 在维多利亚时代英国人过节时会在天棚和门廊上挂上槲寄生植物的树枝。

    During holidays in the Victorian era , the English would hang sprigs of mistletoe from ceilings and in doorways .

  27. 氮素供应形态、钾的供应量、光照与寄生植物的侵染都影响植物体内钾的循环与再循环。

    The forms of N supply , external potassium supply , illumination and the infection of parasitic plant all affect the cycling and recycling of potassium .

  28. 正在寻找寄生植物的昆虫,可以被嗅觉刺激所激活,从而直接飞向气味来源。

    Insects that are searching for host plants may be activated by olfactory stimuli , and as a result will show directed movements toward the odor source .

  29. 传播种子的动物把种子放到最有利的位置上,例如鸟要把槲寄生植物的种子放到树枝上。

    The distributing animal species takes seed to an advantageous position , for instance , when birds " aim " to place seeds of the mistletoe plant onto tree branches .

  30. 草木优雅,寄生植物新奇,百花艳丽,树叶翠绿欲滴,所有的一切使得这里的植被拔得头筹。

    The elegance of the grasses , the novelty of the parasitical plants , the beauty of the flowers , the glossy green of the foliage , all tend to this end .