
  • host family;Homestay;homestay family
  1. 大学语言中心的宿舍通常在学校的学生宿舍内,如果学生要求,有些大学也能代为安排寄宿家庭。

    Accommodation for the university language centres is usually in university halls of residence though some are also able to provide family homestay if required .

  2. 寄宿家庭生活带给您大有裨益的跨文化交流体验。

    Life with homestay families affords a rewarding cross cultural experience .

  3. 我在中国的一个寄宿家庭住了六个月。

    I lived with a host family in China for six months .

  4. 我在寄宿家庭待了五个月。

    I stayed with my host family for five months .

  5. 迈克,加拿大。我在中国和寄宿家庭住了三个月。

    Mike , Canada I spent three months with my host family in China .

  6. 我的寄宿家庭真的很好。

    My host family is really nice .

  7. 学生的个人财产不是ACES的责任,也不是寄宿家庭的责任。

    The student 's personal property is neither the responsibility of ACES nor the Host Family .

  8. 只允许和得到批准的团组过夜旅行,如ACES认可的学校或教会举办的活动,或ACES和寄宿家庭同意的成人。

    Over-night traveling is allowed only with an approved group , such as a school or church-sponsored group approved by ACES , or with an adult approved by the host family and ACES .

  9. 莉莉表示与寄宿家庭聊天提高了自己英文的熟练程度。

    Lily says chats with her host family have improved her proficiency .

  10. 我的寄宿家庭的兄弟姐妹有没有什么禁忌?

    Do my host brothers or sisters have any dislikes ?

  11. 认你的寄宿家庭知道你大概抵达的时间。

    So we can let your family know when to expect you .

  12. 父亲笑称我们家已经变成寄宿家庭了。

    My father joked that our home had become a boarding house .

  13. 我知道了很多语言班级和我的寄宿家庭的一些事情。

    I know many things about English class and our homestay family .

  14. 你还有什麽事情需要让你的寄宿家庭知道?

    Is there anything else your host family needs to know about you ?

  15. 住在寄宿家庭你有在英国留学的计划吗?

    Are you planning your study tour in Britain ?

  16. 在许多其他的夏令营中,学生们住在寄宿家庭中。

    In many other summer programs , students live in host family houses .

  17. 我的寄宿家庭对我非常友好和好客。

    My homestay family were very kind and accommodating .

  18. 但我的寄宿家庭真的太好了!

    But my host family is really nice !

  19. 在这里学生与寄宿家庭的关系是在新西兰的体验获得成功的关键。

    The student and host family relationship is the key to a successful experience .

  20. 寄宿家庭和校区和留学生一起计划各种旅行和活动。

    The families and school district plan outings and activities with the international students .

  21. 我的寄宿家庭下个周末要带我去参加印度电影节。

    My host family is taking me to an Indian film festival next weekend .

  22. 很多学生都住在当地的寄宿家庭中,这样一来课下时大家依旧完全沉浸在英语环境之中。

    The total immersion continues after class , with many students staying in homestays .

  23. 当我住在台湾时住在台湾人的寄宿家庭。

    Now when I was living in Taiwan , I lived with Taiwanese host family .

  24. 不过,绝大多数流离失所者,也就是180万人住在寄宿家庭。

    But , the vast majority or 1.8 million people are living in host communities .

  25. 在学生首次到达埃德蒙顿时,安排寄宿家庭接机或出租车接送。

    Airport pickup with homestay families or arrange taxi when students first arrive in Edmonton .

  26. 寄宿家庭带领我们的学生参观了城市周围的传统地方并参加文化活动。

    Host families help students to see both traditional sites and cultural events around the city .

  27. 不妨加入寄宿家庭活动,和一个英国家庭一起生活。

    Why not choose to take part in a Homestay and stay with a British family ?

  28. 但是有些线上活动让寄宿家庭及父母很担心。

    Some types of online communities , however , concern both host families and birth parents .

  29. 联合国儿童基金会说,在寄宿家庭的儿童和他们的家人居住环境狭窄,能够得到援助非常少。

    UNICEF says children and families are living in cramped conditions with limited aid in these communities .

  30. 他们说,这些人中有90%被寄宿家庭收留,这些家庭需要援助。

    They say90 percent of these people are staying with host families who are in need of assistance .