
  • 网络Lloyd Bank;Lloyds TSB
  1. 劳埃德银行(LloydsBank)经济学家TrevorWilliams表示,任命拉加德为IMF总裁将是美国和欧洲之间一个比较舒适的安排。

    Lloyds Bank economist Trevor Williams says a Lagarde appointment could be seen as a arrangement between the U.S. and Europe .

  2. 货币市场利率上升威胁到欧元区复苏的前景,劳埃德银行(Lloydsbank)市场战略主管查尔斯迪贝尔(CharlesDiebel)说。

    Rising money market rates threaten the prospects of a eurozone recovery , said Charles Diebel , head of market strategy at Lloyds bank .

  3. 对劳埃德银行的业绩进行了仔细分析,以确定对其他银行的表现可以作何种期待。

    Lloyds ' results were carefully scrutinised as a guide to what to expect from the other banks .

  4. 劳埃德银行集团(lloydsbankinggroup)正尝试推出一项以客户服务而非销售业绩为标准奖励员工的计划。

    Lloyds Banking Group is testing a programme of rewarding staff for customer service rather than sales .

  5. 然而,劳埃德银行并没有致函股东或与英国保险协会(AssociationofBritishInsurers)举行会议讨论维克托爵士的问题。

    However there were no shareholder letters or Association of British Insurers meeting to discuss Sir Victor .

  6. 劳埃德银行集团(LloydsBankingGroup)股价在英国政府2013年9月开始减持以来已上涨11%。

    Lloyds Banking Groupshares have risen 11 per cent since the government started selling down its stake in September 2013 .

  7. 劳埃德银行董事长维克托布兰克爵士(sirvictorblank)的离职计划,据信是英国金融投资署计划的一部分。

    The planned departure of Sir Victor blank , the Lloyds chairman , is seen as an integral part of the UKFI plan .

  8. 它们逃脱了,而苏格兰皇家银行(RoyalBankofScotland)和劳埃德银行集团(LloydsBankingGroup)则深陷不良贷款的困境,至今仍留在英国政府的隔离病房内。

    They got away , while Royal Bank of Scotland and Lloyds Banking Group have become so entangled in bad loans they remain in the UK government sanatorium .

  9. 劳埃德银行(lloyds)的股价跌幅与此相仿,该银行将裁员1.5万人。

    Shares of Lloyds , which is cutting 15000 jobs , are down nearly that much .

  10. 但包括劳埃德银行集团(LloydsBankingGroup)在内的多家银行担心,如果许多机构一股脑地想迁出去,搬迁总部所需的代价高昂的法律流程将被进一步拖延。

    But the banks , including Lloyds Banking Group , are worried that the costly legal process required to change domicile would be further delayed if many institutions rush to move at the same time .

  11. 据了解劳埃德银行集团(lloydsbankinggroup)薪酬改革计划的知情人士透露,该行正在研究是否摒弃向资深员工发放年度奖金的做法,并将长期激励的支付期限延长到至多10年。

    Lloyds Banking groupis examining whether to ditch the concept of annual bonuses for senior staff and extend the timeframe of longer-term incentives to up to 10 years , according to people briefed on a project to overhaul remuneration .

  12. 在2008年金融危机期间,苏格兰银行——当时已成为苏格兰哈利法克斯银行(HalifaxBankofScotland)——不得不与劳埃德银行(LloydsBank)合并来免于破产,双方关系变得紧张起来。

    The relationship became strained during the financial crisis in 2008 when Halifax Bank of Scotland , as it had then become , had to be rescued from collapse by a merger with Lloyds Bank .

  13. 但要诋毁戴蒙德并不容易,因为巴克莱不同于劳埃德银行(Lloyds)和苏格兰皇家银行(RoyalBankofScotland),它无需政府救助就扛过了这次金融危机。

    In fact , vilifying diamond was always less than logical , since Barclays ( BCS ) , unlike Lloyds and Royal Bank of Scotland ( RBS ) , weathered the financial crisis without a government bailout .

  14. 英国的劳埃德银行集团(LloydsBankingGroup)6月份已宣布裁员1.5万人,而自金融危机爆发以来已裁员2.8万人的苏格兰皇家银行(RBS),预计还将进一步精简人数。

    In the UK Lloyds Banking Group , announced 15,000 job losses in June while Royal Bank of Scotland , which has already shed 28,000 staff since the financial crisis , is expected to further prune its headcount .

  15. 有人说,劳埃德银行(Lloyds,又称黑马银行)对哈利法克斯苏格兰银行(HBOS)的灾难性收购,是艰难市场状况下的仓促之举,这算不上什么借口。

    That Lloyds ' catastrophic purchase of Halifax Bank of Scotland was pulled together in haste and in difficult market conditions is little excuse .

  16. 午餐结束后,我回到办公室,开始阅读一些关于女性董事的文章,发现劳埃德银行(lloydsbank)董事长温比肖夫爵士(sirwinbischoff)也有了一个新头衔:“女性董事大使”。

    After lunch and back in the office , I started reading something about women on boards and saw that Sir win Bischoff , chairman of Lloyds Bank , has a new title too : he is women-on-boards ambassador .

  17. 第一个问题,至少在劳埃德银行集团(LBG)案例中有,是预期的额外资本太少而无法应对严重危机。

    The first problem , at least in the case of LBG , is that the extra capital promised is too small to deal with a serious crisis .

  18. 英国政府投资数百亿美元购买该银行的股权,现在,纳税人持有苏格兰哈里法克斯银43%的股权,该银行由英国劳埃德银行和RBS68%的股权合并而成。

    The UK government has spent tens of billions of dollars buying stakes in these banks . The taxpayer now owns 43 % of HBOS , which is merged with Lloyds TSB and 68 % of RBS .

  19. 同时,其它次要情节,例如安联零售子公司与德国邮政银行(postbank)合并或者与英国劳埃德银行(lloydstsb)进行复杂的资产互换,似乎尚未展开。

    Meanwhile , other subplots such as a merger of the retail arm with Postbank , or a complex asset swap with Lloyds TSB appear to be unravelling .

  20. 劳埃德银行本已准备好从危机中获益,但去年匆忙收购竞争对手hbos导致其持有了有毒资产,最终不得不被政府接管。

    Lloyds was poised to benefit from the crisis but a hurried merger with rival HBOS last year left it holding toxic assets , forcing it into government control .

  21. 史密斯先生是我们当地劳埃德银行的经理。

    Mr. Smith is the manager of our local Lloyds Bank .

  22. 将该邮件退至下列地址:伯明翰劳埃德银行,免费邮件。

    Return it to : lloyds bank plc , freepost , birmingham .

  23. 英国的劳埃德银行是另一个交易犯错的例子。

    Lloyds of the UK is another tale of a mistaken deal .

  24. 伦敦股市的所有注意力都集中在劳埃德银行集团身上。

    In London , all eyes were on the Lloyds Banking Group .

  25. 劳埃德银行为减少其对市场的占领,正不得不卖掉一些分支机构。

    Lloyds is having to sell some branches to reduce its dominance of the market .

  26. 2月份,它暗示与劳埃德银行的交易濒临破裂。

    In February , the bank signalled the deal with Lloyds was on the rocks .

  27. 劳埃德银行发言人称该取款机“误送”现钞只持续了很短时间。

    A Lloyds spokesman said the machine had been " misdispensing " cash for only a short time .

  28. 迄今为止,政府官员们顶住了压力,指出苏格兰皇家银行、苏格兰哈里法克斯银行和劳埃德银行是自愿参加纾困计划的。

    Ministers have so far resisted the pressure , arguing that RBS , HBOS and Lloyds signed up to the scheme voluntarily .

  29. 劳埃德银行集团最近收购的苏格兰海法银行的损失远远超出意料,令股市感到不安。

    Much larger than expected losses at Halifax-Bank of Scotland or HBOS , which Lloyds recently acquired , sent jitters through the market .

  30. 劳埃德银行集团试图操纵伦敦银行间同业拆借利率,这一利率用于为全球价值数万亿美元的合同定价。

    Charges in the cases was Lloyds Banking Groups tried to manipulate the LIBOR which was used to set trillions of dollars of contracts around the world .