
  • 网络Regional division of labor;areal division of labour
  1. 劳动地域分工理论在区域开发规划中的作用

    The Theory of Areal Division of Labour and Its Application in Regional Development planning

  2. 系统地论述了劳动地域分工理论的基本观点,并在此基础上,从经济地理的角度探讨了该理论在区域开发规划中5个方面的作用。

    Abstract This article expresses the theoretical system of areal division of labour , and discusses its application in five aspects in regional development planning from economic geographical point of view .

  3. 加入WTO,省域产业参与国际性劳动地域分工、产品走向国际市场成为必然。

    WTO entry of China makes it necessary that the provincial industry participates in internationally regional division of labor , and products also inevitably move toward the international market .

  4. 劳动地域分工理论;

    Theories on regional division of laborers and work ;

  5. 其理论基础是比较优势原理和劳动地域分工与专业化理论;

    Its theoretic basis are the theory of comparative advantage and the theory of division of labor and specialization ;

  6. 城市是社会生产力发展到一定水平、社会劳动地域分工达到一定程度的产物。

    City comes into being when social productivity develops to a certain level and when social labor tract division reaches some degree .

  7. 区域经济的特色是由区际差异、区域优势、产业布局指向、劳动地域分工规律和区域利益所决定的。

    Regional economic characteristics are determined by regional differences and superiority , directionality of industrial distribution , laws of labour division and regional benefits .

  8. 国土经济区是在社会劳动地域分工不断发展变化以及国土资源开发利用的基础上逐步形成的。

    Econimic Zones of realm take form gradually with the deve1opment of territorial division of labor and the exploitation and utilization of the resources of realm .

  9. 在理论上探索按照劳动地域分工理论和区域系统论设计新体系,编制新的教学大纲;

    The new system is constructed when probing according to theory of geographic division by production and theory of regional system , a new teaching programme is compiled .

  10. 经济区是在劳动地域分工基础上形成的不同层次和各具特色的地域经济单元。

    " Economic Zone " is formed by the geographical division of labor based on the formation of the different levels and different characteristics of the local economy unit .

  11. 文章提出劳动地域分工理论和经济地域运动理论同为学科理论基础;

    The paper suggests that ( 1 ) the theories of territorial division of labor and motion of economic regions are regarded as the fundamental theories of the subject ;

  12. 在经济全球化和现代科学技术的影响下,现代城市群逐渐成为国际生产力分布体系和劳动地域分工中的新的空间组织形式。

    Impacted by the global economy and the modern advanced science and technology , the megalopolis gradually become a new space organizing form of the international productivity distribution system and the work divide .

  13. 新产业区是后福特主义与新劳动地域分工及全球化相结合的产物,具有同源性,但在不同国家可能采取不同的表现形式。

    New industry district are formed by the combination of globalization , labor regional division and post-Fordism . It may adopt different forms of expression in different countries , but have the same origin cause .

  14. 其理论依据有劳动地域分工理论、区域经济发展相互依赖理论、区域经济不平衡发展理论以及产业集聚理论。

    The theoretical basis for barrier & free tourism zones are : regional division of labor theory , interdependence theory of regional economic development , regional economic imbalances in development theory and the theory of industrial clustering .

  15. 基于全球化和新国际劳动地域分工的背景,提出了基于都市区理论和产业空间规划、以都市区为核心的城镇体系规划新思路。

    Based on the background of globalization and the new international division of labor , the paper puts forward a new way of urban system planning that taking the metropolitan area as the core , which based on the metropolitan theory .

  16. 山东各地情况千差万别,各城市之间自然条件和经济技术以及地理位置的差异,构成了劳动地域分工的基础。

    Following the more urbanization , the city number of Shandong Province must be increased . Every zone of Shandong Province are different , and the difference of natural condition , economic technique , geographical position in every city are the base of labor area division .