
  • 网络area;District;Zone;Extent;Slice
  1. 分片区产品销售MIS系统网络方案设计

    A Network Scheme Planning of MIS System for Divided Area Selling

  2. 上海世博会浦东AB片区项目群管理的组织策化与实施

    Organization Plan and Implementation of Program Management in Pudong AB Area of 2010 Shanghai World Expo

  3. 展馆位置:C片区

    Location : Within Zone C of the Expo Site

  4. 展馆位置:B片区

    Location : Within Zone B of the Expo Site

  5. 展馆位于B片区主题馆内,以人的需求与发展为主线,讲述城市中“人的故事”。

    Urbanian Pavilion , focusing on the needs and development of people , tells the stories of people in cities .

  6. 矿山不同片区土壤中Zn、Pb、Cd、Cu和As的污染特征

    Polluted Characteristics of Zn , Pb , Cd , Cu and As in Soil of Different Mining Activity Zones

  7. 展馆位于B片区主题馆内,展示空间主要是两条对称的螺旋状坡道,参观者可以在其顶端俯瞰直径达32米的巨型球冠。

    The pavilion is located in the Theme Pavilion building in Zone B. The top of two parallel spiral ramps offers a good view of a 32-meter - diameter globe .

  8. 展馆位于B片区主题馆内,以生命为主线,总揽城市的生命之旅。

    The pavilion is situated in the Theme Pavilion building in Zone B. The theme of life , or the city 's journey of life , runs through all its exhibitions .

  9. GZ市从2006年开始,至今天然气置换工作已全部按计划顺利完成,共148个片区约81.7万户用上了清洁、安全、高效的天然气。

    The natural gas conversion project of GZ city began at 2006 and had already successfully completed now .

  10. 城市足迹馆和城市未来馆分别位于浦西的D片区和E片区,两座展馆建筑利用原工业建筑进行设计改建,构成传统与现代相互呼应的崭新空间。

    The other two pavilions , Footprint and Future , are located in two modified industrial buildings in Zone D and Zone E respectively ; they represent a fascinating mix of tradition and modernity .

  11. 分析了节点流量确定的方法和确定了HD片区六类污染源排水模式。

    The ways were analyzed to determine the node flow and determine the drainage mode of the six pollution sources in the HD area .

  12. A6新片区效能很高,它不仅提高了性能,同时还增长了电池的耐久力。

    The A6 chip is so power-efficient that it increases performance while also increasing its battery life .

  13. 你可直接在原产地J.劳伦斯(J.Laurens)品一品起泡酒,这里出产这一片区的部分顶级佳酿。

    Taste Limoux bubbly directly at its source at J. Laurens , which produces some of the area 's top vintages .

  14. 在集中式P2P技术中,存在中央服务器即超级节点,超级节点会将网络分为一个个的小片区,一个超级节点负责其中的一个小片区。

    In centralized P2P technology , there is a central server that is super node , the node network will be divided into one small area , a super node is responsible for one of the small area .

  15. 在阿巴马高尔夫度假酒店(AbamaGolfandResort,网址:abamahotelresort.com)享受前述两种景观吧。该酒店坐落在沙滩海岸线私人片区的一处悬崖之上。

    Enjoy both at the Abama Golf and Resort ( abamahotelresort . com ) , set on a cliff above a private slice of sandy shoreline .

  16. 以BRGISC模型知识表示方法为基础,实现了中石油大连配送分公司某片区成品油配送VRPTW问题的实例求解。

    Based on the presented model representation method , we solve the gas distribution vehicle routing problem with time windows in the north area of Dalian Distribution Center of China Petroleum Corp.

  17. 小区照明片区网络化设计,参照C-BUS将其分为小区层、栋层和房间层3层,上层收集处理下层信息并控制下层。

    Design of district illumination network can be divided into three levels : district level , floor level and room level according to the C-BUS protocol . The upper level processes the information that is collected by the lower and controls the lower level .

  18. 绑定面-两个晶圆触接的合结片区。

    Bonding interface-the area where the bonding of two wafers occurs .

  19. 凸显了商业岛与商务岛在片区的重要性。

    The significance of Commercial Island and Business Island is highlighted .

  20. “组”是指在每一个功能片区里的若干展览“组”。

    Group : Each Zone consists of several groups of pavilions .

  21. 阿拉尔片区部分豆制品卫生学评价

    Evaluation of Hygiene in Bean Products from Alar in Xinjiang

  22. 河南省豫东平原片区人群肠道寄生虫调查报告

    A report of human intestinal parasites in Eastern Plain of Henan Province

  23. 分片区停车场选址模型研究及算法设计

    Study on Multi - area Parking Location Model and the Algorithm Design

  24. 漳州移动公司片区营销中心扁平化管理改革的研究

    Study on Revolution of Flat Management by Zhangzhou MCC Regional Sales Center

  25. 区域物流集聚片区划分的聚类分析

    Cluster Analysis on Partitioning of Centralizing Sub-areas in Regional Logistics

  26. 山地城市片区项目社会性空间系统营造

    Study on Social Space System Design of Regional Porject in Mountainous City

  27. 天津市意大利租界民族路片区改造分析

    Reconstruction of Minzu Road in Italy Concession Area of Tianjin

  28. 山地城市片区项目建筑外部空间设计

    The Exterior Space Design of Regional Project in Mountainous City

  29. 变频调速技术在分片区供水中的应用火力发电厂供水水文地址勘测技术规范

    Application of Variable Frequency Speed Regulation in Section Water Supply

  30. 山地城市片区项目建筑技术策略研究

    Study on the Architecture Technical Strategy of Regional Porject in Hilly City