
  • 网络trailers;Flower;Title
  1. 在英雄牺牲的地方,现在种着一大片花作为标志:有黄色的剑兰、白色的百合、粉红色的康乃馨和红色的蔷薇。

    The spot where the hero fell is now marked with a huge mass of flowers-yellow gladioli , white lilies , pink carnations and red roses .

  2. 前不久的一天下午,有人在一片薰衣草花田里竖起了巨大的白色字母,拼成了单词“love”。几十名游客在这片花田里给彼此拍照。

    On a recent afternoon , dozens of tourists took pictures of each other in a field of lavender where someone had erected large , white letters that spell " love . "

  3. 影视片花台词欣赏Percy很高兴你今晚能来。

    John : Glad you 're able to be here tonight , Percy .

  4. 在放送了几天片花后,《正义联盟》的首支官方预告片终于推出。《正义联盟》是DC扩展宇宙对漫威《复仇者联盟》的回应。

    After a few days of teasers , here at last is the first official trailer for ' Justice League , ' the DC Extended Universe 's answer to ' The Avengers . '

  5. 影视片花台词欣赏Nikita是我们新的头号目标。

    Nikita is our new priority target .

  6. 影视片花中英对白看来您是不接受我的辞职了

    I. . take it my resignation has not been accepted .

  7. 影视片花台词欣赏你想听听别的点子倒也可以

    You want to hear another idea , which is okay ,

  8. 影视片花台词欣赏我发誓我没有要求特殊待遇

    I swear , I did not ask for special treatment .

  9. 影视片花台词欣赏我是马特·哈特利执行主编

    Matt : I 'm Matt Hartley , your new managing editor .

  10. 影视片花中英对白爸爸,你遇到麻烦。

    Nate : Dad , you have a problem .

  11. 基于片花定位播放点的视频点播系统

    VOD System with Trailer - Based Positioning Play Point

  12. 90年代的流行复苏了。影视片花:剧说天下:

    The ' 90s are having a come back .

  13. 影视片花台词欣赏第一次见你的时候我没觉得我会喜欢�

    When you first showed up , I didn 't think I would like you .

  14. 不会让一片花叶无端地。

    No reason to make a mosaic .

  15. 铜电解中钛种板槽产生始极片花板现象的探讨

    Titanium Mother Board in Copper Electrolysis

  16. 刚刚看了《集结号》的片花,由衷的佩服战争年代的士兵!

    Just read the " assembly " of the trailers , sincerely admire the soldiers during the war years !

  17. 电影公司为一部大片制作三部预告片,以及在网上投放多部片花也不是什么新鲜事。

    It is not unusual for a studio to release three trailers for a big movie and multiple online featurettes .

  18. 从《冰雪奇缘2》的预告片和片花可以看出,艾莎和安娜除了穿长裙以外,还身穿紧身裤,让观众耳目一新。

    Frozen 2 trailers and teasers show Elsa and Anna breaking down barriers by wearing leggings , not just gowns .

  19. 从片花看,李云祥有点像蝙蝠侠,在一个秩序混沌的城市里,以一己之力守护一方安宁。

    A bit like Batman , Li faces off against evil forces alone to guard the order and peace of the city .

  20. 电影公司为一部大片制作三部预告片,以及在网上投放多部“片花”也不是什么新鲜事。

    It is not unusual for a studio to release three trailers for a big movie and multiple online " featurettes . "

  21. 我希望她和这段片花中的某些感觉和创意,能在以后发扬光大。

    I wish that she , and some of the feeling and wit of the short film , had been in the long one .

  22. 在一片花田中有座空中花城,游客可在此休息、住宿,享受五星级服务。

    Spend Tienchung to have the air the flower city in the one , visitor can at this rest , accommodation , enjoy a five-star service .

  23. 《华尔街日报》:我不由得猜想他在这里有着一个更加邪恶的企图,这在第二季片花里面已经有暗示。

    WSJ : I can 't help but suspect that he has a more sinister agenda here , which was hinted at in the Season 2 trailer .

  24. 预计于今年7月28日在中国各大影院上映的该电影,其宣传方于最近公布了一段预览片花以及影片中的战斗场面。

    The film 's promoters released a preview clip of the shooting and some battle scenes from the movie , which will open across China on July 28 .

  25. 蓝光对拟南芥叶片花色素苷积累的诱导是高辐照反应。利用光强分布转换器件实现低能耗光学超分辨

    Our results supplied another evidence that blue-light-induced anthocyanin accumulation was a high irradiance response ( HIR ) in plant photomorphogenesis . Superresolution with High Throughput via Irradiance Redistribution Element

  26. 在业界专家和媒体齐聚的电影放映业展会上,杰克逊曝光了《霍比特人:意外旅程》的十分钟试映片花。会后,某电影网站称高帧率什么的最讨厌了。

    One film website said everyone hated it after Jackson previewed 10 minutes of his first Hobbit film , An Unexpected Journey , to industry experts and media in the US .

  27. 如果图中的珠片花样式不符合顾客的要求,本商行将会提供来样订做的服务,欢迎网上或者来电咨询。

    If the plans in the flower-style films do not meet the requirements of customers , the firm will be provided to build the kind services , please call or online advice .

  28. 此前,导演派蒂珍金斯晒出了一段片花,一时激起千层浪,片中克里斯·派恩饰演的史蒂夫·特雷弗仍活在20世纪80年代。

    Director Patty Jenkins previously dropped a bombshell about the DC sequel , by posting a first look at the film that included Chris Pine 's Steve Trevor seemingly alive and well in the 1980s .

  29. 从片花中可以看到,新的《飞天小女警》将由主角四人共同努力,将汤斯维尔市从“前所未有的邪恶势力”中解救出来。

    According to its synopsis , The Powerpuff Girls : Power of Four will bring all four Powerpuff Girls together to save the city of Townsville from " forces of evil that are bigger than ever . "

  30. 不过,既然没有什么别的可看,我也就决定抱着姑且看之的态度去了影院,谁知道呢,有的时候,虽然片花的效果很一般,但正片却也可能非常不错的。

    However , with not much else to see , I decided to take that lacklustre attitude along and see it anyway and , you never know , an average trailer can sometimes be hiding a great film .