
  • 网络Fragment Analysis
  1. 背景:由于测序和片段分析中的先进技术,DNA测序仪和分析仪在短时间内就产生了大量的数据。

    BACKGROUND : Due to the advanced techniques in sequencing and fragment analysis , DNA sequencers and analyzers produce vast amounts of data within short time .

  2. 基于毛细管电泳片段分析的MJD/SCA3基因诊断

    Gene diagnosis of MJD / SCA3 based on fragment analysis with capillary electrophoresis

  3. 山羊与岩羊间特异RAPD片段分析

    Analysis of specific RAPD fragments between goats and Pseudois nayaurs

  4. 中国栗属特有种保守RAPD片段分析

    Analysis on Conservative DNA Segment for Different Species of Castanea in China by RAPD Marker

  5. 白菜核雄性不育两用系花蕾的mRNA差别显示及其cDNA差异片段分析

    Differential display of flower bud mRNA of genic male sterility ( GMS ) AB line in Chinese cabbage-pak-choi and analysis of differential cDNA fragments

  6. 样品的PCR产物经直接测序及限制性酶切片段分析,以进一步鉴定扩增结果。

    The amplified specific sequence of the bovine mtDNA from meat and feed samples is demonstrated by both direct sequencing and restriction endonuclease digestion yield analysis .

  7. 卵母细胞介导的乙肝病毒基因在早期鼠胚中的复制与表达1例早期HIV感染者体内病毒准种的各基因片段分析

    Replication and Expression of Oocyte-Mediated HBV DNA in Early Mouse Embryo ; Analysis of HIV quasispecies according to different gene regions during primary HIV-1 infection

  8. 该方法用异硫氰酸胍提取进口饲料样品DNA,以牛特异性引物扩增模板DNA,扩增产物为271bp,PCR产物经限制性酶切片段分析,与预期设想一致;

    DNAs were isolated from import feedstuff samples by guanidine isothiocyanate method . Bovine specific primers were synthesized and applied in the amplification and the length of target product was 271 bp .

  9. 冷血和温血动物血吸虫28SRRNA基因的扩增和酶切片段分析

    The amplification and endonuclease analysis of 28s rRNA gene of blood flukes

  10. 对得到的该片段分析表明,它是一种脂肪转移蛋白(LTP)基因的部分序列。

    Sequence analyses revealed that it is a partial sequence of a lipid transfer protein gene .

  11. 方法:应用毛细管电泳片段分析(STR分析)对MJD/SCA3基因内CAG重复次数进行精确分析,并采用测序予以验证。

    Methods : Fragment analysis with capillary electrophoresis was applied to count the CAG repeat of MJD gene and was proved with sequencing .

  12. 尿白蛋白片段分析在糖尿病性肾病早期诊断中的意义

    The analysis of urinary albumin fragments and its diagnostic significance in early diabetic nephropathy

  13. 苹果砧木实生后代耐盐性鉴定的分子标记筛选及相关基因片段分析

    Screen of Molecular Markers of the Salt-tolerance and Analysis of Related Gene Fragments in Apple Rootstock Seedling Progenies

  14. 论非语言语境对翻译的影响&《红楼梦》译文片段分析

    Influence of Non-Linguistic Context on the Translation & Analysis of pieces of translation from A Dream of Red Mansions

  15. 经酶切和测序对插入片段进行分析、鉴定。经限制性内切酶和DNA测序分析两个基因是否已经正确连接到真核表达载体中。

    The sequence of fusion gene was examined by enzyme incision and DNA sequencing .

  16. 3种白鲑线粒体细胞色素b和16SRRNA基因片段序列分析

    Sequence analysis of partial cytochrome b and 16S rRNA genes of three Coregonus species

  17. SARS冠状病毒基因片段变异分析

    Analysis of Variations in Gene Fragments of SARS-CoV

  18. 家蚕、野桑蚕线粒体cytb基因片段序列分析及分子进化研究

    Analysis of Segment Sequences and Molecular Evolution Between Bombyx mori and Bombyx mandarina Using Mitochondrial Cyt b Gene

  19. 方法以健康足月新生儿(30例)为对照组,采用凋亡细胞计数和片段DNA分析技术观察早产儿(19例)T淋巴细胞凋亡特性;

    Methods The susceptibility to apoptosis of T lymphocytes were determined in 30 full-term neonates and 19 preterm neonates by percentage calculation of apoptosis cell and DNA fragmentation analysis .

  20. T5代水稻变异株系的AFLP分析和特异片段序列分析

    AFLP and Specific Fragment Sequence Analysis of T5 Generation Rice Variants

  21. 甘蓝型油菜(Brassicanapus)BAN基因同源片段克隆分析及油菜花序浸泡法转基因研究

    Cloning and Analysis of the BAN-Homologous DNA Fragment and the Primary Study of Floral-Dip Method in Oilseed Rape Brassica napus

  22. 目的建立检测普马拉病毒的RT-PCR方法,确认吉林省存在普马拉病毒,并对病毒的基因片段进行分析。

    Objective To establish RT-PCR method for Puumala virus ( PUUV ) detection in order to confirm existence of Puumala virus in Jilin province and analyze gene sequence of Puumala virus .

  23. 从AOA皮肤cDNA中随机选择14个片段测序分析:得到一个基因片段,与青鳃鱼和河豚的酪氨酸酶基因对比同源性只有25%和26.5%。

    Selecting 16 cDNA clone fragments from cDNA in AOA skin , one clone shares 25 % and 26.5 % identities with the tyrosinase gene of Medaka fish and Fugu fish ;

  24. 取1ugRNh逆转录为cDNA,荧光定量PCR共扩增hUAT和内参照GAPDH目的片段,分析计算hUATmRNA相对表达量。

    Ug mRNA was reverse transcripted to cDNA and hUAT and GAPDH were amplified by real-time fluorescent quantitative PCR . Then relative expression quantity of hUAT mRNA was analyzed .

  25. 近年来,一些不依赖于转录因子活性的新型双杂交系统相继建立,如分离的泛素系统、蛋白质片段互补分析、阻遏物重构分析和SOS恢复系统等。

    Some new type of two-hybrid systems , such as split-ubiquitin system , protein-fragment complementation assay , repressor reconstitution assay and SOS recruitment system , have been developed recently .

  26. 用常规法抽提外周血白细胞DNA,用聚合酶链反应反向点杂交法(PCRRDB)扩增目的基因片段和分析其基因类型。

    DNA was extracted from peripheral white blood cell with standard method ( phenol chloroform extract ) . Polymerase chain reaction reverse dot blot ( PCR RDB ) was used for targeted DNA amplification and gene mutation analysis .

  27. 目的克隆日本血吸虫磷酸甘油酸激酶(SjPGK)编码基因片段,分析其核苷酸序列。

    Objective To clone and sequence the partial gene of Schistosoma japonicum phosphoglycerate kinase ( SjPGK ) .

  28. 水稻红莲型细胞质雄性不育系与保持系mtRNA差异显示和差别片段的分析

    Differential Display of Rice mtRNA in HL Type Cytoplasm Male Sterility ( CMS ) Line and Maintainer Line and Analysis of Differential Fragments

  29. 云南兰坪地区带绦虫mtCOXⅠ片段测定分析任何单位或者个人未经许可,不得私自携带枪支入境、境。

    Determination of mtCOX ⅰ fragments from tapeworms in Lanping County , Yunnan Province Without permission , no unit or individual shall enter or leave the country with guns .

  30. 最后,本文对低氧短程硝化系统中的氨氧化细菌的amoA基因片段进行分析。

    Therefore , it was presumed that the process of low DO was more suitable to the anaerobic oxidation of ammonia and to perform partial nitrification . Finally , this paper analyes Low DO Partial Nitrification system of ammonium oxidation amoA gene segments of the bacteria .