
  1. 对引进CYM系列竹香芯加工设备进行改进设计,研制了FLZ系列片竹丝材加工设备,其主要技术经济指标已经达到或超过参照设备水平。

    Based on the improvement of the introduced CYM bamboo processing equipment , a series of FLZ bamboo processing equipment was developed , whose main technical indexes reach or go beyond that of CYM one .

  2. 总结了用竹片胶合竹集成方材刨切微薄竹常见的三种工艺。

    Three types of technology of producing bamboo laminated block were analyzed .

  3. 在造型设计上,提出了竹片在竹集成材家具造型上具有的最基本的构成要素:点和线。

    As the most basic forming elements , dot and line are also considered in forming design of bamboo piece .

  4. 随着高度的增加,各密度组成分量均提高,最小密度提高幅度比最大密度提高幅度略大,由于竹片的竹壁厚度减小使得竹片的密度梯度(密度差/距离)绝对增大。

    With the height of culms increasing the density components and density grades ( density gap / distance ) in the radial direction also increase . The bamboo density grades have good correlation with its maximum density .

  5. 该文通过竹片的炭化及染液着色处理,探讨了炭化处理竹片和染液着色竹片的表面性状。

    The paper discussed the surface character of pigmentation bamboo strips by carbonizing and dyeing treatment .