
huā nóng
  • flower grower
花农 [huā nóng]
  • [flower grower] 种花的农民

花农[huā nóng]
  1. 但检查一旦开始,这个花农每天将必须支付100多欧元,请一名检查员来签发所谓的植物检疫证书,然后才能将花卉出口到英国。贾普·摩尔曼�

    But when they do kick in , this grower will have to pay more than a hundred euros every day for an inspector3 to come and issue a so-called phytosanitary certificate to allow him to export to the UK .

  2. 花卉种植大棚农药暴露对花农健康的影响

    The Effects of Pesticides Exposure on Farmers in Floriculture Greenhouse

  3. 花农使用的农药以低毒的生物源类、硫代氨基甲酸酯类等农药为主,但仍有78%的人承认正在使用高毒农药甲胺磷,每年平均使用42.3天。

    The low poison pesticides were popular , but 78 % farmers have been still using methamidophos with average 42.3 days per year .

  4. 最后引入声誉模型,讨论了利用隐性激励机制解决企业与花农之间道德风险的方法。

    Finally the introduction of reputation model , discussed the use of hidden incentive mechanisms to address moral hazard between enterprises and the flower means .

  5. 肯尼亚和以色列的花农不得不毁掉成吨的玫瑰和其它花卉,这些花卉都已凋谢,已经没有任何经济价值。

    Flower growers in Kenya and Israel have had to destroy tons of roses and other flowers that are too to have any economic value .

  6. 但花农和花商希望消费者们知道他们对情人节投入了多少爱心、付出了多少辛勤劳动。

    But the farmers and florists who market them hope that customers know just how much of their love and hard work goes into Valentine 's Day .

  7. 本文以已婚花农妇女为例,分别比较时间日志与两种直接询问法,在估计无酬劳力时间的差异。

    The author interviewed self-employed married women in the flower production industry to examine differences in estimates of unpaid labor time between time diaries and direct questions .

  8. 本文以代理-理论模型分析框架为基础,研究台资花卉企业与雇佣花农之间的风险分担和利益分成。

    In this paper , agent-based on the framework of theoretical model to study the Taiwan-funded enterprises and employment flower flower and benefits of risk-sharing between the divided .

  9. 利用拓展的模型证明了无法写入契约的代理人额外收入对雇佣花农和花卉企业各自收益的影响。

    Used to expand the model to prove the agent can not write the additional revenue on the contract of employment flower growers and flower business income of each .

  10. 通过比较信息对称与信息不对称情况下的最优契约,分析不同因素对花卉企业与雇佣花农以及代理成本的影响。

    By comparing the information symmetry and asymmetry of information under the optimal contract , analysis of different factors on flower and the flower business and employment agency cost .

  11. 方法:211名种植玫瑰的花农作为暴露组,46名不使用农药的当地居民作为对照组。

    Methods : 211 farms in floriculture exposed to pesticides and 46 locals not exposed pesticides for 5 years were included in the study as the exposure group and control group respectively .

  12. 因为全国大部分都被严寒控制,为了满足情人节的巨大需求,花商将目光放在国度南边的花农上。

    With much of the country gripped by the cold of winter , florists in the United States look to farmers south of the border to the meet intense demand ahead of the february14th holiday .

  13. 在对公司、合作社、花农三方进行博弈分析的基础上,从公司+合作社+花农模式的运作方式、发展潜力等方面进行可行性分析。

    In companies , cooperatives , flower , game analysis of the tripartite basis , from the " company + cooperative + flower " model works , development potential in areas such as feasibility analysis .

  14. 针对县郊花木产业经营模式的发展现状,提出了从政府、花农、花木专业合作社、花木公司等几方面推动花木产业进行模式优化的对策。

    Flowers and trees for the county in rural-based business model industry development status , made from the government , flower , flowers cooperatives , companies and other aspects flowers industries to promote the optimal response pattern .

  15. 据《电讯报》报道,直到受害者反应棺材短缺、花农表示鲜花售罄,这场雾霾造成的危害才昭然显现。接下来三个月,将近有13000人死于呼吸道并发症。

    According to the Telegraph , the devastation the smog wrought " only became apparent when undertakers reported that they were running out of coffins and florists had sold all their flowers . " In the following three months , an estimated 13000 people died of respiratory complications .

  16. 从而解决当前花卉栽培基质,尤其是有机栽培基质缺少的问题,满足花农生产花卉和居民养花的需要。

    As the result of it , the problem of the lack of the basic substance for the flower cultivation will be solved , especially the organic basic substance for the flower cultivation , and the need to the flower and the resident cultivating the flower will be meet .