
huā zhuān
  • ornamental slab for paving the floor
花砖 [huā zhuān]
  • [encaustic tile] 有彩色花纹的釉面砖,主要用来墁地

  1. 制作厨房和浴室用的手工绘制花砖是朱莉·尤里克的专长。

    Handpainted tiled murals for kitchens and bathrooms are Julie Eurich 's speciality .

  2. 在1月的一个周六晚上,我下楼想看看他们喧闹的酒吧和那间名为Margaux的餐厅里有些什么。这家98座的咖啡厅里有一扇壮观的天窗,还铺着麦克福尔森从阿根廷亲手挑选来的花砖。

    On a Saturday evening in January , I ventured downstairs to explore the buzzy bar and restaurant Margaux , a 98-seat cafe with a spectacular skylight and floral tiles Mr. MacPherson hand-selected in Argentina .

  3. 实验活动:继续加工花砖和支撑结构。

    Laboratory activity : Continue to manufacture tiles and support structure .

  4. 布置作业:花砖设计的概念生成。

    Homework to start : Create concepts for tile designs .

  5. 阅读准备去花砖店的相关资料。

    Readings on Materials in preparation for the trip to the tile shop .

  6. 实验活动:继续加工花砖,并开始加工支撑结构。

    Laboratory activity : Continue to manufacture tiles , and begin support structure .

  7. 建筑物的正面用黑白花砖砌成棋盘格图样。

    The facade of the building was checkerboarded with black and white tiles .

  8. 他听到花砖地板上有脚步声。

    He heard footsteps on the tiled floor .

  9. 实验活动:加工花砖最难的部分(最重要的模组)。

    Laboratory activity : Manufacture tiles for most difficult section ( Most Critical Module ) .

  10. 研究花砖设计主题的策略-主题,形式,内容-利用图书馆,互联网,博物馆,脑力激荡,等等。

    Research strategies for tile designs-subject , form , content-using library , internet , museums , brainstorming techniques , etc.

  11. 加入花砖给你的车是完美的方式做出了戏剧性的声明,而你驾车。

    Adding a grille to your car is the perfect way to make a dramatic statement while you drive .

  12. 作业报告:各小组展示制作的花砖零件,以及进展情况。

    Homework to present : Teams show tile parts they have created , and how well they are on schedule .

  13. 阐述了大规格渗花砖的研制过程及其工艺控制技术关键。

    This paper detailed the developing process about large-sized polished tiles of bleed pattern and the key of technique in technology controlled .

  14. 本课程讲授根据科学方法进行创新设计,在对复杂的镶饰花砖的设计,工程分析和制造的过程中进行。

    Teaches creative design based on the scientific method through the design , engineering , and manufacture of a detailed inlaid tile .

  15. 移动手形光标花砖和使用?5?按钮,你可以翻开花砖地看到它的形象。

    Mobile hand-shaped cursor and use the tiles ? 5 ? Button , you can turn over tiles to see its image .

  16. 我把墙上的花砖砌歪了,因此我决定拆掉重砌。

    The tile I put on my wall are all crooked so I 've decided to take them down and start from scratch .

  17. 机制花砖(通过用作地面装饰材料)和陶瓦砖,采用天然黏土制成,耐力较小并有空隙,但因其经济实惠且造型美观而广为使用。

    Quarry tiles ( used for flooring ) and terra-cotta , made of natural clays , are less hard and more porous But very popular for economic and aesthetic reasons .

  18. 该课程的重点是通过创作设计镶饰花砖学习互相评比的评估程序,这对参与设计的小组成员有著极为重要的作用。

    The focus of this course is to learn the Peer Review Evaluation Process by creating inlaid tiles that are of deep significant meaning to the team members that create them .

  19. 从屋檐滴到花砖上的,有如古筝的音,点点滴滴,回音空澈,像是打在心上,总惊起一个颤音。

    Dripping from the roof tiles on , like a zither sound , bit by bit , echo empty Che , like playing in mind , the total really does make a vibrato .

  20. 作业报告:每人有两分钟的时间介绍(即兴表达,无约束力)自己初步想要在花砖上表达什么自己感兴趣的信息。

    Homework to present : Each person has2 minutes to initially describe ( non-binding spur of the moment thoughts ) what message they would like to convey in a tile that is personally of interest to them .

  21. 详细论证了泾川花砖的特色、装饰效果和施工制作方法,从而强调发掘地方传统建筑材料,在创造浓郁的地方特色和传统文化气息方面所起的独特作用。

    The article comments the veined bricks ' feature , decorated effect and the ways of manufacture , It emphasizes the unique role of exploring the traditional building materials on creating the strong local characteristic and traditional culture .

  22. 莫高窟区域内,还有唐、宋时期的木结构建筑5座,莲花柱石和铺地花砖数千块。与观音座莲科同延的低等蕨类植物。

    There are also five surviving timber structures whose history goes back to Tang and Song and a large number of stone columns with carved designs of lotus flowers and coloured paving tiles . lower ferns coextensive with the family Marattiaceae .