
  • 网络peduncle
  1. 本种在茎的分枝,叶形,叶缘,和花序梗长度方面显示了巨大变化性。

    This species shows great variability in stem branching , leaf shape , leaf margin , and peduncle length .

  2. 在有花序梗头状形成的簇生或里的雄花。

    Male flowers in clusters or forming pedunculate capitula .

  3. 12.果期的花序梗、果梗、小果梗、花托;

    Little Moons 12 . Size of peduncles and pedicels in fruiting , the size of fruitlet stalks and torus ;

  4. 病株花柄和幼嫩果柄的超薄切片中也观察到这种细菌。7.花序梗、花梗的长、直径、毛被、具苞片和小苞片的情况;

    They were also observed in thin sections of pedicels and tender fruit stalks of diseased apples . 7 . Peduncles , pedicels and bracts ;

  5. 复伞房花序,花序梗、花柄都有长柔毛;

    After an umbrella room , stems , flower inflorescence inflorescence handle all have pilose ;