
  • 网络soil landscape
  1. GIS支持下的黄土高原土壤景观生态信息系统研究

    Study on Establishing Soil Landscape Ecology Information System in Loess Plateau by GIS

  2. 利用GIS和RS技术,通过图形叠加、图形-影象叠加而生成的双因素、三因素叠加图,不但反映了土壤景观变化,而且量化了土壤景观因素之间的关系。

    It was found that overlayed maps of two factors or three factors from GIS map or RS images not only reflect the changing of soil landscape , but also can describe the soil landscape with quantified values .

  3. 因此,盐化草甸土壤景观斑块类型呈单一趋势,轻有机质土壤斑块逐渐增加,pH(7.6~8.0)土壤斑块逐渐占据主要位置。

    Therefore the landscape patch types of the meadow assumed a simple trend : the light organic matter patches generally increased , the soil with pH 7.6 ~ 8.0 turned into the main role .

  4. 为地理信息系统学科应用于土壤景观研究在方法上做出了有益的探索。

    The study was a beneficial research in soil landscape adopting geographic information science .

  5. 黄土高原土壤景观格局特征分析

    Landscape Pattern Analysis for Loess Plateau

  6. 江苏海涂土壤景观与土壤组合构型的研究

    Studies on the soil landscape and constitution of Soil Association of the beach flat of Jiangsu Province

  7. 结果表明,黄土高原地区土壤景观斑块数、面积和周长分布均极不均衡,土壤景观多样性指数较低,反映出黄土高原地区土壤景观破碎化程度较高。

    Result of the analysis indicates low diversity which implies highly fragmented situation of soil landscape pattern in Loess Plateau .

  8. 本文研究了江苏海岸带不同海岸动力作用下发育形成的四种海涂土壤景观类型。

    This paper studied four types of soil landscapes of beach flat in the coastland in Jiangsu Province , which generated under various conditions of sea tide waves .

  9. 在地理信息系统支持下,选择多种景观格局指数,从斑块面积、斑块数、斑块周长和多样性的角度对黄土高原地区土壤景观进行了格局特征分析。

    The GIS-aided landscape pattern analysis in this paper involves measuring patch area , perimeter , numbers of patches and landscape diversity by use of a number of landscape pattern indices .

  10. 本研究正是基于国家自然科学基金项目&中尺度土壤景观空间格局分析,研究中尺度土壤空间分布规律。

    In this paper , the middle scale-soil spatial distribution pattern was studied . This project was supported by the national natural science foundation program named as The Middle-scale Soil Landscape Spatial Pattern Analysis .

  11. 本研究就土壤景观的监测方法、制图技术进行探讨,提出了以景观生态学分析和地物隶属关系分析为主的东南山区土壤景观制图技术。

    Methods of surveying and technology of mapping soil landscape were discussed in the paper . A new mapping technology based on the landscape ecological analysis was put forward for sketching out the soil landscape of Southeast Mountains .

  12. 基于ALOS影像融合技术的黄土丘陵沟壑区土壤侵蚀景观格局研究

    Soil Erosion Landscape Pattern of Loess Hilly Region Based on Fusion Method of ALOS Image

  13. 湖北省土壤侵蚀景观信息定量研究

    Quantitative Study on Landscape Information of Soil Erosion in Hubei Province

  14. 湖北省丹江口市土壤侵蚀景观形成机理

    Mechanism of Forming Soil Erosion Landscape on Danjiangkou City of Hubei Province

  15. 地理环境的异质性决定了土壤侵蚀景观信息具有水平异质性和垂直异质性特点。

    The information of soil erosion landscape possess horizontal and vertical heterogeneity typicality .

  16. 湖北武当山区土壤侵蚀景观成因机理研究

    Study the Mechanism on Soil Erosion Landscape in Wudangshan District of Hubei Province

  17. 湖北省土壤侵蚀景观空间异质性及驱动因子分析

    Spatial heterogeneity of soil erosion landscape and its driving factors in Hubei Province

  18. 土壤&景观定量模型研究进展

    The Progress of Quantitative Soil-Landscape Modeling - A Review

  19. 在对元谋盆地区域土壤&景观分析基础上,研究了干润变性土中铁质结核的特征和形成。

    The features and formation of iron nodules were studied in Ustic Vertisols in Yuanmou Basin based on soil-landscape analysis .

  20. 北部土壤侵蚀景观多为定向排列的廊带状。

    The patch of landscape in the southern is scatter , the corridor of landscape in the northern is directional .

  21. 根据湖北省土壤侵蚀景观结构的具体特点,建立了土壤加速侵蚀的斑-廊-基模型、土壤背景侵蚀的环-斑模型和综合性垂直分异3类土壤侵蚀景观信息结构模型。

    The three kinds of model , patch-corridor-matrix model , ring-patch and vertical heterogeneity model are upbuilt based on landscape of soil erosion in Hubei province .

  22. 土壤&景观模型主要利用景观要素的类型、组成和分布规律,描述土壤类型及其空间分布或者土壤性质及其趋势。

    The soil-landscape model is one kind of prediction model , used to obtain the soil type and its spatial distribution or the soil nature and its tendency description from the landscape essential factor observed result .

  23. 我国现阶段已开展的土壤&景观模型研究,多以丘陵地区或山区为主要研究区域,地形因素往往作为首要的景观要素;而在平原耕作区开展的相关研究工作较少。

    The present stage has carried out the massive soil-landscape model study , take hilly area or mountainous area as main research region , the topographic factor often takes the most important landscape essential factor , but in the plain cultivation area the relevant research work are few .

  24. GIS支持下的土壤侵蚀强度景观空间结构研究

    Study on Spatial Structure of Landscape on Soil Erosion Intensity Based on GIS

  25. 在GIS支持下研究了宜昌地区土壤侵蚀强度景观的面积对比、多样性指数、优势度指数和多度等参数。

    The essential elements of the spatial structure of landscape are patch , corridor , matrix by GIS , we study on landscape of soil erosion about following parameter : ratio of area , diversity index , dominance index and multiplicity .

  26. 惠州市土壤重金属污染景观空间格局特征研究

    Landscape characteristics and spatial patterns of soil heavy metal contamination in Huizhou City

  27. 黄土高原土壤裸露与景观格局关系&以延安市宝塔区为例

    Relationship between soil bareness and landscape pattern in the Loess plateau : a case studies on the tower region of the Yan'an City

  28. 根植于中国文化土壤的中式景观与中国传统元素的文化内涵和现代表现形式密不可分,对中国传统文化元素的研究对于现代中式居住区景观设计有着重要的意义。

    Rooted in the soil of Chinese culture , the " Chinese " landscape are inseparable of the meaning and modern forms of the additional elements . The Research of traditional Chinese cultural elements has important significance of the modern Chinese landscape design .

  29. 根据土壤、地理景观和象片影象特征三者的相关性,可以从航片上判读土壤盐分含量范围,能较准确地勾绘出土种的边界,提高了土壤制图的速度和精度。

    On the basis of the correlation among the soils , geographical landscape and photographical characteristics , we can , from the aerial photograph , estimate the range of soil salinity , draw the boundary of soil species , and raises the efficency and accuracy of soil mapping .

  30. 根据Habit-Food-Resource范式,研究土壤养分流动与景观格局之间关系可为认识不同尺度上景观格局与生态过程的关系提供帮助。

    According to Habit-Food-Resource paradigm , soil nutrients flux passing through landscape is an important process influencing landscape patterns .