
  • 网络soil science
  1. 德国土壤科学的研究进展

    Introduction to Some Aspects of the History of German Soil Science

  2. 西南地区农业可持续发展与土壤科学

    Development of sustainable agriculture and soil science in the southwest China

  3. 基于GIS的地统计学方法在土壤科学中的应用

    Utilization of Geo-statistic with GIS in Soil Sciences

  4. 区域是GIS空间分析的基本单元。它是环境科学、土壤科学等领域中广泛存在的一类地理实体。

    Region is one basic unit of spatial analysis in GIS applications , which is a kind of entity existing widely in many fields such as environment science , land information science and so on .

  5. 土壤科学与中国农业现代化建设

    The Soil Sciences and Agriculture Modernization Construction in China

  6. 耗散结构理论在土壤科学上应用途径的探索

    Approach to Application of Dissipative Structure to Soil Science

  7. 甘蔗土壤科学及甘蔗农业生态

    Soil Science and Agro - ecology of Sugarcane

  8. 21世纪土壤科学展望

    Prospects of Soil Science in the 21st century

  9. 21世纪土壤科学的主要任务及挑战

    Soil science major tasks and challenges for the 21 ~ ( st ) century

  10. 土壤科学与植物科学对土地管理与农作物生产的应用。

    The application of soil and plant sciences to land management and crop production .

  11. 发展与创新现代土壤科学

    Development and innovation of modern soil science

  12. 如何使用和共享现有的土壤科学数据一直是一个重要问题。

    It 's an important issue to use and share the information of soil sciences .

  13. 分形理论为林地土壤科学管理提供了理论依据。

    The fractal theory of soil will provide scientific basis for management of forest land soil .

  14. 中国土壤科学复兴之道&献给我国土壤地理工作者

    On the Renaissance Way of Soil Science in China ─ Present to Workers of Soil Geography

  15. 土壤科学与环境保护

    Soil science and environmental protection

  16. 地统计学在土壤科学中的应用及展望果尔在杉木圃地的药效试验

    Utilization and Perspective of Geostatistics in Soil Sciences Weeding Test Using Goal on Seedbed of Chinese Fir

  17. 21世纪中国土壤科学面临的挑战与任务

    Discussion on the Development of Soil Science in China : Challenges and Tasks in the 21st Century

  18. 其他课程包括历史建筑景观,植物和土壤科学,地质学,专业实践,和一般管理。

    Other courses include history of landscape architecture , plant and soil science , geology , professional practice , and general management .

  19. 21世纪中国土壤科学面临着食物安全、生态环境的挑战,面临着现代科学技术和土壤学自身发展的挑战,同时也面临着社会认同的挑战。

    Soil science in the 21st century is facing many challenges , including food safety , eco-environment , modern technology , and public identity .

  20. 连续区域是环境科学、土壤科学等领域中广泛存在的一类地理实体。

    Continuous region is a kind of most common entity in many fields such as environment science , land information science and so on .

  21. 21世纪中国的土壤科学应当加强土壤基础理论研究,提高研究水平,为世界土壤科学发展做出应有的贡献;

    We should make a great effort to research basic theory of soil science and make a contribution to soil science in the world in the 21st century .

  22. 在对地统计学的理论进行简要阐述的基础上,介绍了其近几年的发展,回顾了它在土壤科学研究中取得的一些成果,并就地统计学在土壤科学中的应用前景作了展望。

    In this paper , the basic theories and recent developing tendency of geostatistics was introduced , finally the perspective of geostatistics in soil science was also discussed .

  23. 土壤科学应立足于为三农服务,强调土壤保护,为农业结构调整和构建土壤安全体系服务,确保农业现代化的实现。

    It should protect soil and ensure the agriculture modernization construction . It should also give service to the adjusting of agriculture structure and the establishing of the soil safeguard system .

  24. 另一个集合了地质科学和土壤科学领域的研究项目是岩石、土壤和葡萄之间的关系,以及这些因素对葡萄酒的影响,这是一个充满了各种声音的研究领域,答案悬而未决。

    Another area for research by a combination of geologists and soil scientists is the much-discussed but undetermined relationship between rocks , soils and the grapes and then wines that result from them .

  25. 近60年我国土壤侵蚀科学研究进展

    Advances of soil erosion research during the past 60 years in China

  26. 大气散落核素复合示踪在土壤侵蚀科学中的应用

    Compound Application of Fallout Radionuclides on Studies of Soil Erosion

  27. 河北省土壤环境科学研究现状及发展方向

    Present Situation and Development Direction of Soil and Environment Science of Hebei Province

  28. 河北省土壤肥料科学回顾与展望

    The Retrospect and the Prospect of Soil and Fertilizer Science in Hebei Province

  29. 同位素示踪技术在作物营养生理和土壤肥料科学研究中的应用概况

    The application of isotopic TRACER-TECHNIQUE in plant nutrition , soil science and Agricultural Chemistry

  30. 旨在为草地土壤肥力科学评价提供微生物方面的科学依据。

    Its aim is to provide the scientific basis in microorganism respect for the grassland soil fertility scientific assessment . 1 .