
  • 网络soil acidification;acid soil
  1. 此外,土壤酸化与有效P之间的关系密切。

    And there was a close relation between soil acidification and soil available phosphorus ( AP ) content .

  2. 对大气干湿沉降和化肥的研究表明,土壤酸化速度明显,pH值年均降低0.02。

    The soil acidification is obviously rapid , with an annual decrease of 0.02 , due to both atmospheric deposition and fertilization .

  3. 不同pH降雨淋溶对原状水稻土土壤酸化的影响

    Effect of Leaching of Simulated Rain With Different pH Values on Soil Acidification of Original Paddy Soil Column

  4. 由于多年来N肥持续大量施用以及不合理的农业耕种、施肥制度和管理措施,导致我国北方土壤酸化日趋严重。

    Due to long-term excessive N fertilizer application , unreasonable farming system and management measures , the soil acidification in north China was getting more severely .

  5. 土壤酸化还将导致土壤中重金属元素(Fe、Mn、Cu、Zn、Pb和Al)的活化度增加,研究还表明。

    Soil acidification will cause increasing heavy metal ( Fe , Mn , Cu , Pb Zn , and Al ) mobility in soil as well .

  6. 沸石能减轻土壤酸化程度,提高土壤pH值,降低EXC-Mn。

    Zeolite could release soil acidity , increase soil pH and decrease exchangeable Mn .

  7. N、P、K肥三种肥料的均衡施用对土壤酸化的影响较小,施猪粪及秸杆还田也能对土壤酸化进行缓解。

    The balance utility of N , P , K fertilizer can cause little influence on soil acidification , and the use of manure and the returning of straw to field can relieve the soil acidification .

  8. 从生物地球化学循环的观点出发,研究了N循环的人为干扰与土壤酸化的关系,并探讨了N循环扰动下导致土壤酸化的机理。

    The relation between soil acidification and nitrogen cycle disturbed by man made factors was studied from the viewpoint of biogeochemical cycle , and the mechanism of soil acidification induced by disturbed nitrogen cycle was probed .

  9. 土壤酸化是土壤退化的一个重要方面。土壤酸化伴随着土壤pH下降、盐基和养分损失、铝和重金属活性提高,从而导致森林衰退和农作物减产。

    Soil acidification is one of the important process of soil degeneration , which lead to decrease of pH , lose of base and nutrient , enhancement of aluminum and heavy metals activation , consequently resulting of deforestations and desease of crops ' yield .

  10. 土壤酸化还造成K、Na、Ca、Mg等盐基离子大量淋失,有益元素有效态含量也急剧减少,土壤肥力下降,养分贫瘠,土壤质量下降。

    Moreover , soil acidification causes big losses of electropositive ions such as K , Na , Ca , Mg by eluviation , and rapidly decreases the available beneficial elements , therefore resulting in a reduction in soil fertility , nutrient and quality .

  11. 因此在Cd污染菜地中,应选用以DCP、TCP为主要成分的磷酸二钙和钙镁磷肥,或尽量控制施用可促进土壤酸化的磷肥用量,如磷酸一铵、磷酸二铵和过磷酸钙。

    Therefore in Cd contaminated vegetable field soils , dicalcium phosphate and calcium magnesium phosphate fertilizers mainly containing DCP or TCP should be preferably selected , while the overdose of DAP , MAP and SSP should be avoided .

  12. 酸性降水对土壤酸化及铝溶出的影响

    The effect of acid precipitation on soil acidification and aluminum leaching

  13. 酸沉降下加速土壤酸化的影响因素

    The factors of influence accelerating soil acidification under acidic deposition

  14. 土壤酸化可能是酸雨的结果。

    Soil acidification can be the result of acid rain .

  15. 江苏省典型茶园土壤酸化速率定位研究

    Localized Monitoring of Soil Acidification Rate of Tea Garden in Jiangsu Province

  16. 较高的酸雨频率加速了土壤酸化。

    The higher frequency of acid rain accelerated soil acidification .

  17. 果园土壤酸化及铝毒矫治的研究

    Acidification of orchard soil and remediation of soil aluminum toxicity

  18. 酸沉降影响下近20年来衡山土壤酸化研究

    Soil acidification caused by acid precipitation in Mt. Hengshan over last 20 years

  19. 氮沉降能引起土壤酸化,同时造成土壤盐基离子淋失。

    N deposition can acidify the soil and leaching the exchangeable base cations .

  20. 土壤酸化和酸性土壤改良研究

    Research on Soil Acidification and Acidic Soil 's Melioration

  21. 氮循环的人为干扰与土壤酸化

    Soil acidification and nitrogen cycle disturbed by man-made factors

  22. 近年来,土壤酸化问题得到前所未有的关注。

    The problems of soil acidification have got the unprecedented concern and attention .

  23. 大气氮沉降对森林土壤酸化的影响

    Effects of atmospheric nitrogen deposition on forest soil acidification

  24. 重庆茶园土壤酸化特征研究

    On acidification of tea garden soils in Chongqing

  25. 广西红壤果园土壤酸化与调控研究

    Studies on acidification and control of orchard soil in red earth region of Guangxi

  26. 土壤酸化对油松生长的影响

    Effect of soil acidification on Chinese Pine Growth

  27. 土壤酸化与土地资源可持续利用研究

    Soil Acidity and Sustainable Utilization of Land Resource

  28. 土壤酸化对温室气体排放影响的培育实验研究

    The incubation experiment studies on the influence of soil acidification on greenhouse gases emission

  29. 城市化状况中的能源结构对土壤酸化和土壤重金属污染都有很强的相关性。

    The energy structure is positively corrected to soil acidification and heavy metal pollution .

  30. 某些农业措施对土壤酸化的影响

    Soil Acidification as Influenced by some Agricultural Practices