
  • 网络Land use control;Land use regulation
  1. 落实土地用途管制制度;

    Implement the land use regulation institution ;

  2. 土地用途管制制度研究

    On Land Use Regulation Institution

  3. 文章认为,为进一步巩固与完善土地用途管制制度、适应我国加入WTO后面临的新形势,新土地法个别条款需要修改。

    For Further Consolidating and Perfecting Land Use Constrain System , some articles in the law should be amended so as to keep abreast of WTO .

  4. 严格进行土地用途管制,以用途引导用地。

    When we utilize the land should obey using control .

  5. 提高城市规划水平,实行严格的土地用途管制;

    Enhancing land use control by improving planning formulation ;

  6. 区域土地用途管制的不同方式

    Comprehensive Analysis and Reform on Operational Ways of Land Use Control in China

  7. 土地用途管制与转用研究

    Researches on Land Utilization Control and Change

  8. 我国土地用途管制的必要性和当前主要任务及实施措施

    Necessity , the present main task and measurements to the regulation of land use in China

  9. 国外与我国台湾地区土地用途管制制度问题启示

    A Comparative Study of Control System of Land Use in Some Countries and Taiwan of China

  10. 第四条国家实行土地用途管制制度。

    Article 4 The State is to place a strict control on the usages of land .

  11. 土地用途管制与转用许可制度是加强土地管理的重大举措。

    The rules of Land utilization control and change are important measures for strengthening land management .

  12. 本文主要围绕土地用途管制制度下的耕地保护问题来展开研究。

    The study mainly focuses on the problems of the farmland protection under the land use regulation system .

  13. 严守耕地保护红线,严格土地用途管制。

    We should ensure that the red line for protecting farmland is not crossed and strictly control land uses .

  14. 对土地用途管制的范围和重点进行了研究,并提出了相应的实施措施。

    This paper researched the scopes and emphasis of land utilization control , and put forward some appropriate implementing measures .

  15. 论文第一部分内容为土地用途管制的理论研究,主要由第1章到第4章组成。

    The first part is the theoretic study of land use regulation . There are four chapters in this part .

  16. 进一步巩固与完善土地用途管制制度&徐州市新《土地管理法》实施情况调查分析

    Consolidation and Improvement of Land Use Control System : Investigation and Analysis of Implementation of New LAND ADMINISTRATION LAW in XuZhou City

  17. 政府应加强以土地用途管制为核心的耕地保护管理,完善基本农田保护制度,以保障全市经济、社会的持续快速健康发展。

    For feasibly effective protection of it , and guarantee the whole city economic and sustainable quickly healthy development of society provide scientific basis .

  18. 第二部分研究了我国土地用途管制制度的耕地保护绩效,是论文的核心内容。(1)从经济学的视角对土地用途管制的耕地保护绩效、机制、机理进行了系统的理性分析。

    Theoretical analysis of the cultivated land protection effect of the system of control over the purposes of use of land is conducted from the perspective of economics .

  19. 我国土地用途管制之耕地保护绩效的定量研究&以山东省为例

    Quantitative study on cultivated land protection 's effect of the system of control over the purposes of use of land in china ── a case of Shandong Province

  20. 土地用途管制的核心和重点内容是保护农地、限制农地非农化和保证农地农用。

    The core and focal points of land use regulation are protecting agricultural land , restricting cultivated land conversion , and insuring utilized agricultural land in agricultural way .

  21. 合理确定基本农田的保护比例,完善耕地占补平衡措施;二是严格土地用途管制制度。

    Reasonably determine the proportion of basic farmland protection and improve measures of the balance between the farmland occupancy and indemnity . Second , make strict land-use control institutions .

  22. 运用虚拟变量模型定量研究了土地用途管制制度的耕地保护绩效。

    It conducts a quantitative study of the cultivated land protection effect of the system of control over the purposes of use of land by using the Model of the Dummy Variable .

  23. 作为国家实行土地用途管制的基础,土地利用总体规划对土地的开发、利用、治理、保护都有重要的指导意义。

    As the foundation of the state practice the system of land use control , overall land use planning has important guiding significance to land development , use , management and protect .

  24. 然而,目前学界有关土地用途管制的研究多集中在框架建构以及各级规划的相互协调上面,而较少专门论述农用地用途管制所存在的问题及对策。

    However , scholars are more concentrated on the frame of land use regulations and very few people devoted to studying the problems and countermeasures in the regulation of farmland use change .

  25. 在实施土地用途管制制度的今天,产业发展规划与土地利用规划必须对接才能顺利实施,这就对土地利用提出了新的要求。

    In the implementation of the land use control system today , industry development planning and land use planning must be connected smoothly . Thus there are two new requirements for land use .

  26. 基本农田保护区比例过高,耕地占补平衡制度僵化;二是土地用途管制难以严格执行。

    Proportion of basic farmland protection areas is excessively high and the institutions of the balance between the farmland occupancy and indemnity are rigid . Second , land-use control institution is difficult to strictly be carried out .

  27. 理论界的主流意识肯定了土地用途管制在耕地保护中的积极作用,但有些人也提出了疑问。

    The positive effect of the system of control over the purposes of use of land in cultivated land protection has been acknowledged by the majority of theorists ; however , doubts are also raised in the meantime .

  28. 这主要是由于在政策的实施过程中,耕地总量动态平衡片面强调数量的平衡、土地用途管制制度不全面、权威性未充分体现、耕地保护动态监测不及时与执法监督工作不力。

    This mainly because the balance of quantity is always one-sided highlighted , land use control system is not comprehensive and its authority is not fully embodied , dynamic monitor to land protection is behind time , and oversight of law enforcement is not effective .

  29. 我国自二十世纪九十年代以来,实行了一系列严格的耕地保护政策,包括耕地总量动态平衡,耕地占补平衡和土地用途管制等一系列制度和措施。

    Since the nineties of the twentieth century , our country has implemented a series of stringent farmland protection policies which including " Dynamic Balance of Total Cultivated Land ", " Occupancy and Balance System of Cultivated Land " and " Land Use Control " .

  30. 土地用途分区管制在县级土地利用总体规划中的应用分析

    An analysis on the application of land use zoning regulation to general land use planning at country scale