
tǔ dì ɡōnɡ yǒu zhì
  • public ownership of land
  1. 第三部分:我国土地公有制对地役权制度的影响。

    The third part : The influence of public ownership of land to easement .

  2. 本文作者在肯定土地公有制的前提下,提出了土地租佃补偿制度,不失为一种解决农业问题的思路。

    The author of the article , on the presupposition of public ownership of land , has put forward a system of land tenancy with compensation , which may offer as an option for the solution of the agricultural question .

  3. 我国实行有别于西方国家的土地公有制,法律对于土地使用权的取得和转让做出了严格的限制。

    Public ownership of land distinguishes China from western countries .

  4. 在土地公有制下,竞价供应土地是一种最可行的办法,政府所要考虑的是如何将城市土地收益进行分配,从社会全面发展层次上进行财政转移。

    The government should consider how to distribute land proceeds rather , by transferring finance comprehensive .

  5. 跨越是指俄国在落后的农村公社土地公有制的基础上直接进入社会主义。

    Overpassing refers to that Russia could directly go into socialism on the base of the backward countryside commune .

  6. 在稳定农村土地公有制的基础上,我国成功建立了家庭联产承包责任制,曾极大地激发了农民农业生产的积极性。

    Our country has succeeded in setting up family-contract responsibility system on the basis of steady publicly-owned system of rural land .

  7. 社会主义土地公有制下地租范畴仍然客观存在,这是我国建立土地有偿使用制度的理论基础。

    Land category exists objectively under land socialism public ownership , which is the theoretic foundation to use land with a reward .

  8. 首先,表现在生产要素方面,如土地公有制、劳动力市场不正规、资本市场不发达、产业集中度低等。

    The first is manufacture factors , such as land public ownership , immature labour and capital market , low industry convergence degree .

  9. 在土地公有制基础之上建立土地市场法律制度,必然导致土地使用权与土地所有权的分离。

    While establishing the land market legal system based on public ownership , we are bound to separate land use with land ownership .

  10. 在完善思路上,文章提出应立足于土地公有制这一基本国情,并将其作为我国地役权制度立法完善的重要考量因素。

    Legislation improvement should base on public ownership of land as fundamental realities of our country , and take it as an important factor into considerations .

  11. 本论文通过对国内外地役权制度的比较,结合我国土地公有制的实际情况,对完善我国地役权制度提出了立法建议。

    In this graduation thesis , by comparing domestic easement with external easement and combining our country 's actual situation of state-ownership system of land , I provide legislative suggestions to improve our country 's easement .

  12. 在现有城市土地公有制和城市土地有期限利用制度不可更改的前提下,应该一改过去重视公有财产的立法态度,转而加大对私人物权的保护力度。

    Under the premise in existing the duration of urban land-use systems and the national ownership of urban land can not be changed , should change its emphasis on public property in past legislative attitude , turn to increase the protection of private property rights .

  13. 为实现共同富裕、防止两极分化,我国必须坚持土地的公有制,我国不能以土地的私有化来实现农业的规模经营。

    To implement the common wealth and prevent polarize , China should insist the public ownership of rural land , and the scale management of agriculture can not be implemented by the privately-ownership of rural land .

  14. 第二条中华人民共和国实行土地的社会主义公有制,即全民所有制和劳动群众集体所有制。

    Article 2 The People 's Republic of China resorts to a socialist public ownership i.e. an ownership by the whole people and ownerships by collectives , of land .

  15. 当前,我国实行土地的社会主义公有制,在实际操作中实质是由各级政府代表国家行使对土地的所有权,这决定了我国的城市土地利用在发展过程中政府行为具有很强大的作用力。

    At present , our country executes the socialist public ownership of land , in practice by the governments at various levels is on behalf of the country on the ownership of the land , which determines the government has very strong reaction in our urban land use development process .

  16. 分为五次连载,连载之一在介绍土地立法发展概况基础上,主要论述了土地公有制确立和发展时期的土地立法情况;

    It will be serialized in five times : ① general development of land legislation , mainly discuss the land legislation in the stage of erect and development of public ownership of land ;

  17. 土地国有、农民永久承包经营的土地制度在保留土地公有制的前提下,避免了集体化改造和私有化改造的各种弊端,是各种改革方案中的最佳选择。

    Compared with above mentioned , the land system that confirms state ownership while transfers the contract and management right to farmers permanently on the premise of maintaining the land public ownership , will avoid problems caused by collectivization or privatization , and thus presents as the best scheme .