
  • 网络Place Names;common names and terms
  1. 这些民族在形成过程中又经历了各自的发展。地名通名又呈现出一定的差异。

    On the other hand , because of the different development process of the formation of these nationalities , difference is showed in their geographical names .

  2. 接着详细描写了曲靖地名的词汇特点,并运用语言统计分析方法、百分比统计法和比较法对曲靖地名的通名和专名进行分析。

    In the mainframe of the dissertation , the lexical features of Qujing place names are delineated in detail . Some research methods , such as language statistics and analysis , percentage statistics and comparison , are applied to analyse the general names and special names of Qujing place names .