
  1. 毕竟,没有土地出让收入,中国地方财政很可能崩溃,像成百上千个雷曼兄弟(LehmanBrothers)那样。

    After all , were it not for revenues from land sales , local government budgets across the country would likely collapse like hundreds of little Lehman Brothers .

  2. 并依据全国30个省、市、自治区1999-2007年的面板数据,构建模型并做出相关协整检验与Granger因果检验,对地方政府土地出让收入、财政支出与房地产价格的相关性展开研究。

    Based on the panel data of 30 provinces from 1999 to 2007 , I will build models and make the relevant cointegration test and do Granger causality test .

  3. 过去三年中该市的土地出让收入已减少约40%。

    Its land-sales revenue has fallen by about 40 % in the past three years .

  4. 土地出让收入占地方财政收入的比例越来越大,使地方政府对土地财政的依赖也越来越强。

    Land transfer income accounted for an increasing proportion of local revenue , causing a local government financial dependence on land growing .

  5. 对于如何进行回购风险控制,也通过简捷有效的方法选择了政府财政收入担保及土地出让收入担保两种担保方式。

    In order to control repurchase risk , a simple and effective way could be government revenue guarantee and land transfers guarantee .

  6. 不同省份间财政收入对土地出让收入的依赖存在明显的差异,有的省份的确存在明显的土地财政现象。

    Local fiscal income in different province relies on the land leasing incomes differently . In some province there is obvious land finance phenomenon .

  7. 基于分省数据研究发现,各省土地出让收入规模总体呈明显的上升趋势,且与地区的经济发展水平有较大联系。

    According to the province data researching , each province land leasing income scale totally presented obvious up-trend , and have relationship with the economic development level in the region .

  8. 建筑企业的亏损不断扩大,股票市场持续疲软,很多依赖土地出让收入的地方政府面临资金短缺问题。

    Construction companies have piled up losses , the stock market is swooning and many local governments , which rely on land sales for revenue , are running low on cash .

  9. 支出的比例占土地出让金收入的30%至45%。

    30-45 % of the land grant fee can be paid .

  10. 同时,土地出让的收入也随之大幅度增加。

    At the same time , the land transfer income also increased dramatically .

  11. 因此,保证充足的财源以应对城市发展建设、公共服务支出,消除对土地出让金收入的依赖,是我国当前亟待解决的问题。

    Therefore , to ensure adequate financial resources for urban development and construction , public services , eliminating dependence on land revenue , is the current problem to be solved in our country .

  12. 房地产市场降温使得地方官员失去了作为主要现金来源的土地出让金收入。今年以来的地方财政收入增速较去年下滑了近20个百分点。

    The cooling property market has deprived them of land sales , which is a main source of cash , and fiscal revenue growth is nearly 20 percentage points lower than last year .

  13. 近年来,我国房地产经济快速发展,土地出让金收入持续增长,所占财政收入比例逐年增加。

    In recent years , the real estate economy has a high-speed development in our country , land leasing revenue has keeping growth , the share of fiscal revenue ratio increased year by year .

  14. 债台高筑的地方政府本已严重依赖土地出让获得财政收入。

    Already indebted local governments rely heavily on land sales for revenue .

  15. 眼下在房地产市场下滑之际,广东省政府仍依靠土地出让获取财政收入,而且已对房地产进行了大量投资。

    The provincial government is still dependent on land sales for income and it has made heavy investments in property as the real-estate market is heading south .

  16. 对于财政紧张、以土地出让金为收入主要来源的地方政府,地价暴跌可能意味着一场灾难。

    For local governments with stretched finances that rely on land sales for the bulk of their revenues , the tumble in land prices could spell disaster .

  17. 本章还利用B市财政局提供的土地出让相关数据,检验了土地出让收入的影响因素。

    By the related land reserve data provided by the Municipal Bureau of Finance in city B , this chapter inspected the affecting factors of the land revenue .

  18. 土地财政是指地方财政依赖国有土地出让收入、土地相关税收收入和土地融资收入,三种收入成为地方财政收入重要组成部分的财政模式。

    " Land finance " refers to the financial model that local public finance depends on the revenues from state-owned land leasing , land-related tax collecting and land financing , and the three kinds of revenue becomes important parts of local public finance revenue .

  19. 随着农民土地权利的完善和加强,城市将失去土地出让收入。

    With better and stronger land rights for farmers , cities will lose revenues from land conversion .

  20. 自实行国有土地有偿出让制度后,地方政府的土地出让金收入迅速增长,占财政收入比重不断提升,土地财政俨然成了第二财政。

    Ever since the implementation of state-owned land compensated transfer system , the incomes of the land-transferring fees of the local government has increased rapidly , accounting for a larger portion of the fiscal revenue .

  21. 在土地收益分配制度缺陷导致土地违法方面,主要原因是土地出让收入在中央政府和地方政府间的分配、土地出让支出在地方政府和被征地农民之间分配比例特点所致。

    In land income distribution system and imperfection of illegal land , the main reason is the distribution of the land transfer income between the central government and local government , the distribution proportion characteristics of the land transfer spending between the local government and landless peasants .

  22. 针对土地财政问题,文章认为,开征房地产税可以有效解决以土地出让金为主要收入模式的土地财政的不可持续性问题。

    Financial problems for the land , the article , the introduction of real estate taxes can be an effective solution to land transfer of the land as the main revenue model is not fiscal sustainability .

  23. 土地储备资金的财务活动主要有土地储备资金的筹集、土地储备成本的管理、土地出让收入的分配。

    Financial activities of the land reserve funds included the raising of the land reserve funds , the management of the land reserve cost , and the distribution of the land revenue .

  24. 本文的政策建议:1.正确看待我国土地财政现象;2.通过制度完善制止地方政府贱卖土地;3.积极寻求其他可以替代土地财政的财力来源;4.规范土地出让收入的使用。

    A correct view of the phenomenon of land finance ; 2 . through the improvement of institution to stop local governments selling the land cheaply ; 3 . to actively seek for other alternative financial sources to replace land finance ; 4 . regulate the use of land revenue .

  25. 明晰土地储备成本控制的责任主体,对土地储备成本进行事前、事中、事后的全过程控制。第四,合理分配土地出让收入,化解土地储备资金财务风险。

    Make clear of main responsible subjects for land reserve cost control , and control the land reserve cost throughout the whole process . Fourth , allocate the land revenue reasonably to resolve the financial risks of land reserve funds .