
  1. 土地融资与财政和金融风险&来自东部一个发达地区的个案

    Financial Risks of Land Financing by Local Governments & Case Study of a Developed Area in East China

  2. 土地整理融资机制研究

    Study on Financing Mechanism of Land Consolidation

  3. 土地信托融资成本低,募集方式灵活,利率比较灵活,适合用于城市新区土地成片开发等大型项目。

    Land trust , as a low-cost and flexible interest rates way , is favorable for those projects of developing city subdivision .

  4. 研究目的:探讨土地抵押融资风险的识别标准、产生原因和防范措施。

    The purpose of the paper is to study the identification standard , causes and countermeasures of financial risks in land mortgage loans .

  5. 政府部门开始出台一系列的关于土地、融资等方面的宏观调控政策,但收效甚微。

    And the Government departments have begun to introduce a series of financing and other aspects of macro-control policy , but with little success .

  6. 在对地主港口土地租赁融资合约的租约形式及不同形式选择的影响因素分析基础上,将交易费用和风险因素引入港口融资的各种不同合约中,研究港口最优融资合约的选择条件。

    The optimal contract criteria is analysed based on forms of the landlord port lease financing contract and different influencial factors , especially transaction costs and risk factors .

  7. 其次,通过对国外土地抵押融资模式和方法的分析基础上,找出了一些我国可以学习和借鉴的先进经验。

    Second , through analysis based on models and methods of foreign land mortgage , to find out some of our country can learn from the advanced experience .

  8. 如何拓展融资渠道,建立多元的土地储备融资机制,降低融资成本和风险,是保证土地储备制度获得可持续发展必须思考的重要课题。

    Expansion of financing channels , establishment of the plurality of land reserve financing mechanism , reduction of financing cost and risk are important issues being concerned for sustainable development of land reserve system .

  9. 在这样的社会背景下,政府部门出台了一系列的关于土地、融资等方面的宏观调控政策,使得房地产企业在开发项目时融资的难度加大,成本上升。

    In such a social background , government departments issued a series of macro-control policies on land , financing , etc , which made the difficulties of enterprises in the real estate development projects of financing increasing and costs rising .

  10. 因此,在保障房建设起步阶段,面临着土地、融资、分配、监管等诸多待解的难题,而资金是保障房面临的第道难关。

    The initial stage of the protection of housing construction , but also facing the land , financing , distribution , regulatory , and many of the problems to be solved , while the funds are facing difficulties in the security room .

  11. 如何开展土地储备融资,分散土地储备融资的风险,已经成为目前比较热门的话题。

    As the Government has put in the registered capital is too small , land reserve funding agencies to rely largely on bank loans . How to carry out a land bank financing , decentralized land bank financing risks , has become a hot topic at present .

  12. 浅谈我国土地整理多元化融资

    A Discussion on Multiple Financing for Land Re-arrangement in China

  13. 论利用土地置换方式融资建设城市基础设施

    Talk on Building Urban Infrastructure by Capital from Mode of Land Replacement

  14. 地方政府也时常用土地来作为融资平台的担保。

    Land also is often used as collateral backing the loans to their financing vehicles .

  15. 可以说金融业就像一台蒸气机一样推动着土地开发和融资服务的进程。

    Even more , we can say that finance industry impels the real estate development and other financing service like a steam engine .

  16. 利用土地置换方式融资建设城市基础设施是与市场经济相适应的土地运作机制。

    To build urban infrastructure by capital from the mode of land replacement is a land operating mechanism to suit the market economy .

  17. 在探讨制度对市场结构的影响过程中,本文首先发现国家的相关土地政策、融资政策等制度安排对房地产市场影响很深,超过了其他因素的影响。

    To investigate the structure of the real estate , this paper finds that the relevant national land policy , financial policy , institutional arrangements impact on the real estate market , more than other factors .

  18. 本部分在战略转换框架下从战略规划、组织结构创新、人力资源战略、营销战略、土地储备和融资战略、开发和经营模式等方面提出了房地产开发企业应对新形势的主要对策与建议。

    Some main countermeasure and suggestion to deal with new situation are brought out under the frame of strategy change , since strategical plan , institutional framework innovates , human resources strategy , marketing strategy , land store and financing strategy , development and management mode , etc.

  19. 长江隧桥工程的土地储备与投融资相结合机制研究

    Empirical Research on Land Bank Mechanism in the Construction of Bridge and Tunnel Project of Yangzi River

  20. 以土地收入作为银行融资平台贷款的第二来源比例有明显的扩大趋势。

    Land revenue , as the second source of bank platform loans , expanse in the proportion significantly .

  21. 其次,论文对统一土地储备机构的融资方法和运行模式进行了系统研究。

    Secondly , the article systemic analysis the financing methods and running modes in the unified land reserve institution .

  22. 在供应方面主要存在土地供应不足、融资渠道狭窄和房源供应短缺等问题。

    In the terms of supplying , short supply of land , narrow financing channel and housing supply shortage are the main difficulties .

  23. 地方政府对土地转让收益及土地相关融资过度依赖;

    Local governments are too depended on the income of land transfer and the relative finance through land ;

  24. 很多地产开发商前往离岸市场筹集资金,是因为中国内地对于土地收购以及土地开发如何融资设有严格规定。

    Many property developers went offshore to raise money because of strict rules in China about how land acquisition and development can be financed .

  25. 多渠道筹集资金,探索土地储备债券等土地储备资金融资方式,分散土地储备资金财务风险。第三,建立土地储备成本的宗地核算制度,努力降低土地储备成本。

    Collect funds from various channels and explore the land reserve bonds and other financing modes to spread financial risks of land reserve funds . Third , build an accounting system of land reserve cost to try to reduce the land reserve cost .

  26. 研究结果:(1)微观层面上,银行对贷款抵押率的选择和对未来土地价格变化的预期决定土地抵押融资风险的大小;

    The results show that the selection of loan mortgage rate by the bank and its anticipation to future land price change determine the scale of financial risks from the perspective of micro aspect .

  27. 认为组建统一土地储备机构有利于解决土地储备中的融资问题,有利于提高土地储备效率。

    It thinks establish unified land reserve institution have benefit to solve the financing problems in land reserve and to improve the efficiency of land reserve .

  28. 土地储备需要巨额资金,目前天津市土地储备融资主要依靠土地抵押贷款的模式,介绍了该模式的特点、风险以及反映出的问题。

    Land reserving requires a large fortune , and the City mainly relies on mortgage loan for financing .

  29. 为了进一步完善土地储备制度,必须加快相关法律制度的建设,拓宽土地储备融资渠道。

    In order to make the land banking system more perfect further , related law system should be constructed faster and the land banking financing ways should be broaden .

  30. 土地财政是指地方财政依赖国有土地出让收入、土地相关税收收入和土地融资收入,三种收入成为地方财政收入重要组成部分的财政模式。

    " Land finance " refers to the financial model that local public finance depends on the revenues from state-owned land leasing , land-related tax collecting and land financing , and the three kinds of revenue becomes important parts of local public finance revenue .