
  1. 城市土地管理制度的国际比较与启示

    The International Comparison and its Revelation of Urban Land Management System

  2. 二是我国土地管理制度存在缺陷;

    Secondly , some defects exist in the land administration system ;

  3. 创新城郊县农村土地管理制度的思考&以长沙市望城县为例

    Reflection on Innovation of Land Management System in Rural of Suburb County

  4. 改革和完善土地管理制度。

    Reform and improve the land management system .

  5. 地籍管理制度是国家土地管理制度的重要组成部分。

    Cadastre administration is an essential constituent of land management system in our country .

  6. 城市经营理念下的开发区土地管理制度创新研究

    Study on the Innovation of the Developing Zone Land Management Under the Urban Management

  7. 俄罗斯联邦土地管理制度的特点

    Characteristic of the Russian Land Management System

  8. 基准地价评估是我国当前土地管理制度的重要组成部分。

    Standard land price assessment in China is an important part of land management system .

  9. 未来我国土地管理制度建设应更加注重经济激励机制的设计与应用。

    More attention should be put into the designing and application of economic mechanisms in land administration .

  10. 当前,我国土地管理制度并没有最大化发挥城市土地的资产的价值。

    Nowadays , the Chinese land management system is not able to maximize asset value of urban land .

  11. 坚决实行最严格的土地管理制度和保护森林资源的措施。

    We must put in practice a strict land management system and measures to protect forest and grasslands .

  12. 第四部分着重介绍国外土地管理制度的经验和对我国土地管理的启示。

    The fourth part of the system of Overseas Experience in land management and land management in China in China .

  13. 抓紧完善相关法律法规和配套政策,规范推进农村土地管理制度改革。

    Pay close attention to perfect the relevant laws , regulations , and supporting policies , norms promoting rural land management system reform .

  14. 我国政府也一直很关注农地非农化问题,并制定了世界上最严格的耕地保护和土地管理制度来控制农地非农化进程。

    Our government has also been concerning it and constituted the strictest system of cultivated land protection and land management to control it .

  15. 压力型体制下的财政体制和土地管理制度的变迁,宽松的信贷政策和住房制度改革等因素使土地财政得以形成和延续。

    The financial system , transition of the land administrative system and the loose credit policy have made the land finance take shape and continue .

  16. 里约+20会议使我们有机会展示许多已经存在或者正在制订的智能型有效土地管理制度和备选方案。

    Rio + 20 is our opportunity to showcase the many smart and effective land management systems and options that exist or are in the pipeline .

  17. 公报只是表示,要稳定和完善农村基本经营制度,健全“严格规范”的农村土地管理制度,同时维持目前的土地承包合同。

    The statement said only that the government will set up a " strict and normative " land management system in the countryside , while maintaining the current land contracts .

  18. 旧城逐步改建,近郊调整配套,远郊积极发展创新城郊县农村土地管理制度的思考&以长沙市望城县为例

    Reforming the old city step by step , adjusting and matching installations in the outskirts , and making active development in remote outskirts Reflection on Innovation of Land Management System in Rural of Suburb County

  19. 研究和完善宅基地使用权取得制度,不仅是一个重要的土地管理制度问题,同时也是一个重要的生态文明问题。

    The research and improving of the Acquisition system of land use right for rural homestead is not only an important issue of the Land management system , but also an important issue of the ecological civilization .

  20. 因此,要在规范的农村土地管理制度下,政府尽快出台相配套法律法规和政策,来稳定和完善农村基本经营制度。

    Therefore , in order to make rural land in the standardized management system , the Government as soon as possible to match the legal law and policy , to stabilize and improve the rural basic management systems .

  21. 深层原因是城乡二元体制,主要包括户籍管理制度、土地管理制度、行政管理制度、社会保障制度、公共投资体制和二元教育体系。

    The further one is the dual system between village and city which includes household registration system , land management system , system of administrative control , social security system , public investments system and dual education system .

  22. 同时进一步完善现行土地管理制度,建立土地所有权、管理权、使用权相分离的产权制度、理顺土地收益分配机制、完善土地参与宏观调控体系。

    And further improve the existing land administration system , establish land ownership , management rights , use rights separate from property rights system and rationalize the land income distribution mechanism , improve the land involved in macro-control system .

  23. 租界的土地管理制度促进了华界土地管理制度的变革。近代上海土地管理制度在变革、发展中体现出很深的西方土地管理思想的烙印。

    The land management system in the concession promoted the change of that in the Chinese part , and the economic thoughts were deeply affected by the western economic thoughts of land management in the process of change and development .

  24. 而目前在我国土地管理制度中,主要以土地征用、土地用途管制来管理农地非农化工作,但管理绩效不佳,导致我国农地非农化过程中一直存在一系列问题。

    However , in the current land management system , land expropriation system and land use control are mainly applied in non-agricultural administration , and because of the poor management results , a series of problems exist in the process of non-agriculture .

  25. 处于转轨时期的农村土地管理制度执行体制面临着各种困境,导致合理的制度得不到有效的实施,反而成了地方政府追求经济发展时的玩具皮球,被踢到了一边。

    Rural land management system is faced with different kinds of predicaments in the current transition period , resulting rational institution could not be carried out effectively . It is oppositely like a toy ball which is thrown away by local government who wants to develop economic .

  26. 国家政策上的倾向以及户籍管理、土地管理等制度的不完善;

    Policies factors , like household register system and land administrative system .

  27. 论我国土地利用管理制度要解决的主要问题

    The Main Problems to Be Solved in China ′ s Land Use Management System

  28. 韩国土地管理法律制度

    Land Administration Legal System in South Korea

  29. 研究结果:我国土地垂直管理制度改革分两步进行,是中央政府与地方政府经过利益博弈,相互妥协的结果。

    The results show that land vertical management system reform consists of two steps because the local and central government reach a compromise result from benefit game .

  30. 在目前的土地管理法律制度框架内,农民集体土地权利设定简单,与国有土地使用权体系相比处弱居变。

    Under the current frame of land management law and institution , it is simply set up for the property rights of collective land , which is weaker and more changeful than state-owned land .