
  • 网络soil compaction
  1. 过量施用化肥会使耕地质量逐步下降,土壤板结,作物产量降低,并造成非常严重的环境污染。

    Excessive application of chemical fertilizers will gradually decrease the quality of cultivated land , soil compaction , crop yield reduction and cause very serious environmental pollution .

  2. 况且长期大量施用化肥,造成土壤板结、土壤中微生物区系发生长期不利变化、农作物品质下降、环境污染等不良后果。

    The long-term use of chemical fertilizers will lead to some adverse consequences such as soil compaction , the decline of crop quality , environmental contamination and the irreversible changes of soil microbial flora .

  3. 高热少雨使土壤板结。

    Heat and lack of rain have compacted the soil .

  4. 最终造成土壤板结.肥力下降。

    Finally , it would cause soil hardening and decline of soil fertility .

  5. 粘土能使土壤板结。

    Clay gives the soil body .

  6. 长期采用农灌法处理甘蔗废醪液易使土壤板结;

    Long-term agricultural irrigation treatment of waste mash from sugarcane would easily result in soil hardening .

  7. 同时由于化肥的大量使用,近年来土地有机质含量逐年降低,土壤板结。

    At the same time as large-scale use of chemical fertilizers , organic matter content gradually decreased in recent years and soil became hardened and impervious .

  8. 过量施用则会后者会造成作物贪青晚熟、资源浪费和农田环境污染(土壤板结、水体富营养化等)。

    The excessive application will lead to crops ' later maturation and waste of resources and pollution in fields such as soil hardening , water excessive nourishment .

  9. 土地整理造成的生态环境破坏,诸如土壤板结,水体污染以及生物物种减少等一系列问题。

    Land consolidation has bring about the damage of ecological environmental . Such as , soil harden , water pollution and biological species decline , and other problems .

  10. 其一方面具有增温保湿作用,另一方面避免了雨水对地表直接冲击,造成土壤板结,降低肥料流失。

    On the other hand , it can avoid the direct impaction of the rains to the ground which could harden the soil and the fertilizers loss in the soil .

  11. 过去的研究主要是针对土壤板结或缺水,以后应加强针对土壤生物退化方面的改良研究和控制各种改良剂负面影响的研究。

    In the future , researches of soil amendments on soil biological degradation should be enhanced , meanwhile , how to control shortage of different soil amendments should be further studied .

  12. 大豆是主要经济作物和重要的油料作物,农民由于过分追求大豆的经济效益而长期连作,导致病虫害发生频繁,生长不良,产量降低,同时土壤板结酸化现象严重。

    Soybean is a main economic and oil crop . However , soybean disease is popular because of long time continuous cropping , resulting in bad growth , low yield and soil acidification .

  13. 通过分析得出,施行保护性耕作后不会引起土壤板结等问题,而且能够不同程度的降低土壤容重,改善土壤的结构特性。

    Through analyzing , conservation tillage did not cause the soil to harden etc , and can reduce the soil bulk density in various degree , improved the structure characteristic of the soil .

  14. 由于金属冶炼生产导致冶炼厂下风向形成了大面积的工业裸地,其特点是土壤板结、重金属含量高、极度酸化与贫瘠。

    A large industry bare area is formed in the downwind of smelter caused by metal smelting production , with feature of soil sealing , high content of heavy metal , utmost acidification and barren .

  15. 包括文件前期描述、查苗补苗、破除土壤板结、适时冬灌、及时防治苗期病虫害和因苗管理(旺、弱、壮)。

    Including prophase description , investigation and remedy seedling , timely irrigation in winter , prevention and cure seedling period diseases and insects timely and management seedling with condition ( exuberant , week , strong seedling ) .

  16. 一旦城镇周边区域环境遭到破坏,水土流失、土壤板结,水源枯竭,则给城镇提供的食物、水源、原材料等就会减少,从而限制城镇化。

    Once the environment of towns and its surrounding was destructed , soil erosion , soil hardens , water depletion would be appear , which can cause provision of food , water , raw materials for towns to be reduced , and limit the urbanization .

  17. 对黄帝陵所在桥山上的古柏树林衰退的原因进行了分析,认为土壤被践踏板结,地表裸露,林地环境恶化,全区林木组成单一以及虫害严重等是造成古柏林衰退的主要原因。

    By analysing the declension cause of old-age cypress in Huang-Di Mausoleum , we thought that the trampled and hardened soil , the bare surface , the deteriorate environment of woodland , the single compose of forest and the serious insect pest were the main reasons .

  18. 固沙林深层土壤(200~300mm)板结严重,土壤水分状况较差,干化现象突出。

    Deep soil of the sand-fixation forest ( 200 ~ 300 mm ) hardened badly , soil moisture status was worse and soil desiccated obviously .

  19. 免深耕土壤调理剂,打破板结,疏松土壤,加深耕层,抗旱耐涝,清洁土壤。

    Increases Argri-SC to exempt the deep plowing soil amendment , breaks hardens , the free soil , the deepening topsoil , drought resisting bears the waterlogging , clean soil .

  20. 3提高土壤肥力和防止土壤板结的施肥方法;

    The fertilizing method to improve soil fertility and prevent soil compaction .

  21. 由于土壤盐分和可溶性Na+含量高,造成了土壤板结、紧实,使土壤生态环境退化和恶化。

    The high contents of total salt . Na + and Cl - caused compaction of the soil association with degradation and deterioration of soil ecological environment .

  22. 上海市的设施土壤,由于受到栽培、灌溉、施肥等人为条件和地下水位高、濒临东海等环境条件的影响,次生盐渍化程度明显,土壤板结现象严重,灌溉水不易下渗。

    There were very serious problems with secondary salinization of soils in the watermelon greenhouse . Due to man-made cultivation , irrigation , fertilization and special environment condition such as high underground water level and bordering the China East Sea .